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Test Coverage
#All line which start with '#' is a comment

@api {<%= type %>} <%= path %> <%= title %>
@apiGroup <%= model.name %>
@apiVersion <%= apiVersion %>
@apiPermission <%= apiPermission %>
@apiDescription <%= methodDescription %>

#Add all params that is in specificParam
<% if (typeof specificParam !== 'undefined') { %>
<% if (specificParam.length > 0) { %>
  <% specificParam.forEach(function(param) { %>
    <% if (typeof param.required !== 'undefined') { %>
      <% if ( param.required === true || param.required === 'true') { %>
        <% if (Object.prototype.toString.call(param.type) == '[object Array]') { %>
          @apiParam {[<%-param.type%>]} <%- param.name %>  <%- param.name %>(s) of the <%= model.name %>
        <% } else { %>
          @apiParam {<%-param.type%>} <%- param.name %>  <%- param.name %>(s) of the <%= model.name %>
        <% } %>
      <% } else { %>
        <% if (Object.prototype.toString.call(param.type) == '[object Array]') { %>
          @apiParam {[<%-param.type%>]} [<%- param.name %>]  <%- param.name %>(s) of the <%= model.name %>
        <% } else { %>
          @apiParam {<%-param.type%>} [<%- param.name %>]  <%- param.name %>(s) of the <%= model.name %>
        <% } %>
      <% } %>
    <% } else { %>
      @apiParam {<%-param.type%>} [<%- param.name %>]  <%- param.name %>(s) of the <%= model.name %>
    <% } %>
  <% }); %>
<% } %>
<% } %>

<% if (typeof addDefaultParamFromModel !== 'undefined') { %>
<% if ( addDefaultParamFromModel === true || addDefaultParamFromModel === 'true') { %>
  <% for(var key in model.properties) { %>
    <% if (Object.prototype.toString.call(model.properties[key]) == '[object Array]') { %>
      <% if (Object.prototype.toString.call(model.properties[key][0]) == '[object Object]') { %>
        @apiParam {[<%-model.properties[key][0].type%>]} <%- key %>  <%- key %>(s) of the <%= model.name %>
      <% } else { %>
        @apiParam {[<%-model.properties[key]%>]} [<%- key %>]  <%- key %>(s) of the <%= model.name %>
      <% } %>
    <% } else if (Object.prototype.toString.call(model.properties[key]) == '[object Object]' ) { %>
      <% if ((model.properties[key].required === true || model.properties[key].required === 'true') && type !== 'patch') { %>
          # Required parameter

          <% if (model.properties[key].type == '[object Object]') {%>
            @apiParam {[Object]} [<%- key %>] <%- key %> of the  <%= model.name %>
          <%  } else {%>
            @apiParam {<%-model.properties[key].type%>} <%- key %> <%- key %> of the <%= model.name %>
          <%  } %>

        <% } else { %>
          # Optional parameter

          <% if (model.properties[key].type == '[object Object]') {%>
            @apiParam {[Object]} [<%- key %>] [<%- key %>] of the  <%= model.name %>
          <%  } else {%>
            @apiParam {<%-model.properties[key].type%>} [<%- key %>] <%- key %> of the <%= model.name %>
          <%  } %>

        <%  } %>
    <% } else { %>
      @apiParam {<%-model.properties[key]%>} [<%- key %>] <%- key %> of the <%= model.name %> cccccc
    <% } %>
  <% } %>
<% } %>

<% } else { %>
<% for(var key in model.properties) { %>
  <% if (Object.prototype.toString.call(model.properties[key]) == '[object Array]') { %>
    <% if (Object.prototype.toString.call(model.properties[key][0]) == '[object Object]') { %>
      @apiParam {[<%-model.properties[key][0].type%>]} <%- key %>  <%- key %>(s) of the <%= model.name %>
    <% } else { %>
      @apiParam {[<%-model.properties[key]%>]} [<%- key %>]  <%- key %>(s) of the <%= model.name %>
    <% } %>
  <% } else if (Object.prototype.toString.call(model.properties[key]) == '[object Object]') { %>
    <% if ((model.properties[key].required === true || model.properties[key].required === 'true' ) && type !== 'patch') { %>

        <% if (model.properties[key].type == '[object Object]') {%>
          @apiParam {[Object]} <%- key %> <%- key %> of the <%= model.name %>
        <%  } else {%>
          @apiParam {<%-model.properties[key].type%>} <%- key %> <%- key %> of the <%= model.name %>
        <%  } %>
    <% } else { %>

      <% if (model.properties[key].type == '[object Object]') {%>
        @apiParam {[Object]} [<%- key %>] <%- key %> of the  <%= model.name %>
      <%  } else {%>
        @apiParam {<%-model.properties[key].type%>} [<%- key %>] <%- key %> of the <%= model.name %>
      <%  } %>

    <%  } %>
  <% } else { %>
    @apiParam {<%-model.properties[key]%>} [<%- key %>] <%- key %> of the <%= model.name %>
  <% } %>
<% } %>
<% } %>

#<% apiSuccess.forEach(function(success) { %>
#@apiSuccess {<%= success.type %>} <%= success.name %> <%= success.description %>
#<% }); %>

#@apiSuccessExample <%= apiSuccessExample.name %>:
#<%= apiSuccessExample.example.header %>
#<%- JSON.stringify(apiSuccessExample.example.content, null, "*   ") %>

<% if (typeof apiSuccessExample !== 'undefined') { %>

#//Case or apiSuccessExample is an object
<% if (Object.prototype.toString.call(apiSuccessExample) == '[object Object]') { %>

  #test if we add default succes param based on model
  <% if (typeof apiSuccessExample.addDefaultParamFromModel !== 'undefined') { %>
    <% if ( apiSuccessExample.addDefaultParamFromModel === true || apiSuccessExample.addDefaultParamFromModel === 'true') { %>
      <% for(var key in model.properties) { %>

        <% if (Object.prototype.toString.call(model.properties[key]) == '[object Array]') { %>

          <% if (Object.prototype.toString.call(model.properties[key][0]) == '[object Object]') { %>
            @apiSuccess {[<%-model.properties[key][0].type%>]} <%- key %>  <%- key %>(s) of <%= model.name %>
          <% } else { %>
            <% if (model.properties[key].type == '[object Object]') {%>
              @apiSuccess {[Object]} <%- key %> <%- key %> of the <%= model.name %>
            <%  } else {%>
              @apiSuccess {<%-model.properties[key].type%>} <%- key %> <%- key %> of the <%= model.name %>
            <%  } %>
          <% } %>

          <% } else if (Object.prototype.toString.call(model.properties[key]) == '[object Object]') { %>
            <% if (model.properties[key].required === true || model.properties[key].required === 'true') { %>
                <% if (model.properties[key].type == '[object Object]') {%>
                  @apiSuccess {[Object]} <%- key %> <%- key %> of the <%= model.name %>
                <%  } else {%>
                  @apiSuccess {<%-model.properties[key].type%>} <%- key %> <%- key %> of the <%= model.name %>
                <%  } %>
            <%  } %>

        <% } else { %>
          @apiSuccess {<%-model.properties[key]%>} <%- key %> <%- key %> of the din <%= model.name %>
        <% } %>
      <% } %>
  <% } %>
  @apiSuccessExample {json}<%= apiSuccessExample.name %>
  <%= apiSuccessExample.example.header %>:
  <%- contentSuccessString %>
<% } %>

#Case is a normal success
<% } else if (apiSuccessExample === 'success') { %>

  @apiSuccessExample <%= model.name %>Success-Response:
  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "message" : "request success"

  @apiSuccess {String} message request success

<% } %>
<% } %>

<% if (typeof apiErrorExample !== 'undefined') { %>
<% if (apiErrorExample === 'notFound') { %>

  @apiErrorExample <%= model.name %>NotFound:
  HTTP/1.1 400
    "error" : " Failed <%= type %> a <%= model.name %>"

  @apiError {String} error Failed <%= type %> a <%= model.name %>

<% } else if (typeof apiErrorExample === 'object') { %>

@apiErrorExample Error <%= model.name %> : <%= apiErrorExample.name%>:
<%= apiErrorExample.example.header%>

<% } %>
<% } %>