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'use strict';

var glob        = require('glob');
var logger      = require('yocto-logger');
var _           = require('lodash');
var Schema      = require('mongoose').Schema;
var joi         = require('joi');
var utils       = require('yocto-utils');
var stackTrace  = require('stack-trace');

 * Manage all Method action from a valid given schema
 * @date : 25/09/2015
 * @author : Mathieu ROBERT <mathieu@yocto.re>
 * @copyright : Yocto SAS, All right reserved
 * @class Method
function Method (logger) {
   * Logger instance
   * @property logger
  this.logger     = logger;

 * Add a method on given schema
 * @param {Object} schema schema to use for method adding
 * @param {String} path path to use for validator loading
 * @param {String} items item list to use for matching
 * @param {String} modelName model name for file matching
 * @param {Object} redis current redis instance to use on define method
 * @return {Boolean|Object} new schema if all is ok false othewise
Method.prototype.add = function (schema, path, items, modelName, redis) {
  // valid params first
  if (_.isString(path) && _.isArray(items) && !_.isEmpty(path) && !_.isEmpty(items) &&
     _.isObject(schema) && (schema instanceof Schema) &&
     _.isString(modelName) && !_.isEmpty(modelName)) {
    // retrieving files
    var files = glob.sync([ '**/', modelName, '.js'].join(''), {
      cwd       : path,
      realpath  : true,
      nocase    : true

    // so isEmpty ?
    if (files.length > 0) {
      // parse all files
      _.each(files, function (f) {
        // evaluate file
        var fo = require(f);

        // parse each item
        _.each(items, function (item) {

          // define schema
          var vschema = joi.object().keys({
            type  : joi.string().required().empty().valid([ 'static', 'method', 'post', 'pre' ]),
            name  : joi.string().required().empty(),
            event : joi.optional().when('type', {
              is        : 'post',
              then      : joi.string().required().empty().valid([
            redis : joi.object().optional().keys({
              enable : joi.boolean().required().default(false),
              expire : joi.number().optional().min(0).default(0)

          // validate schema
          var validate = joi.validate(item, vschema);

          // has error ?
          if (_.isNull(validate.error)) {
            // has wanted validator ?
            if (_.has(fo, item.name) && _.isFunction(fo[item.name])) {
              // debug message
              this.logger.debug([ '[ Method.add ] - Method [', item.name,
                                 '] founded adding new',
                                 (item.type === 'method' ? 'instance' :
                                  item.type), 'method for given schema' ].join(' '));

              // is post item
              if ((item.type === 'post' || item.type === 'pre') &&
                _.isString(item.event) && !_.isEmpty(item.event)) {
                // debug message
                this.logger.debug([ '[ Method.add ] - Adding [', item.type,
                  ' ] hook on current schema for event [', item.event, ']' ].join(' '));
                // save logger to send to external method
                var logger = this.logger;
                // build post process with needed event
                if (item.type === 'post') {
                  // build post process
                  schema.post(item.event, function () {
                    // default statement process function with given arguments in current context
                    return fo[item.name].apply(this, _.flatten([ arguments, logger ]));
                } else {
                  // build pre process
                  schema.pre(item.event, function (next) {
                    // default call process function with given arguments in current context
                    fo[item.name].apply(this, _.flatten([ arguments, logger ]));
                    // default statement
                    return next();
              } else {
                // define method
                schema[item.type](item.name, function () {
                  // default statement process function with given arguments in current context
                  return fo[item.name].apply(this, arguments);

              // has redis ?
              if (item.redis) {
                // has custom redis expire time define on schema for specific key/method ?
                if (!_.isArray(schema.redisExpireTimeByKey)) {
                  // create default item
                  schema.redisExpireTimeByKey = [];
                // is enable ?
                if (_.has(item.redis, 'enable') && item.redis.enable) {
                  // push item on schema mapping for specific expire time
                  schema.redisExpireTimeByKey.push(_.set({}, item.name, item.redis.expire));
                  // define static
                  schema.static('redis', function () {
                    // current stack trace to find correct key for redi
                    var stack   = stackTrace.get();
                    // get caller properly
                    var caller  = stack[1];
                    // if correct object
                    if (_.isObject(caller)) {
                      // set caller
                      caller = caller.getFunctionName();
                      // replace exports call
                      caller = caller.replace('exports.', '');
                    // get expire
                    var expire = _.result(_.find(this.schema.redisExpireTimeByKey, caller),
                    // here default statement. we return current instance of redis and
                    // default expire time to use custom redis usage
                    return {
                      instance : redis,
                      expire   : expire || 0
            } else {
              // warning message
              this.logger.warning([ '[ Method.add ] - Cannot found method [',
                item.name, '] for current model'
              ].join(' '));
          } else {
            // error schema is invalid
            this.logger.error([ '[ Method.add ] - Cannot add method for item',
                                utils.obj.inspect(item), validate.error ].join(' '));

      // valid statement
      return schema;

    // empty files so message
    this.logger.warning([ '[ Method.add ] - Given directory path for',
                          'Methods seems to be empty.',
                          'Cannot add method on schema.' ].join(' '));
  } else {
    // cannot process
    this.logger.error('[ Method.add ] - cannot process invalid path / name or schema given.');

  // invalid statement
  return false;

// Default export
module.exports = function (l) {
  // is a valid logger ?
  if (_.isUndefined(l) || _.isNull(l)) {
    logger.warning('[ Method.constructor ] - Invalid logger given. Use internal logger');
    // assign
    l = logger;
  // default statement
  return new (Method)(l);