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'use strict';

// tricks for hinter
var jsbeautyKey     = 'js_beautify';
// dependencies
var generators      = require('yeoman-generator');
var _               = require('lodash');
var n               = require('n-api');
var request         = require('request');
var chalk           = require('chalk');
var logger          = require('yocto-logger');
var spdx            = require('spdx');
var isEmail         = require('isemail');
var isUrl           = require('is-url');
var path            = require('path');
var uuid            = require('uuid');
var async           = require('async');
var fs              = require('fs-extra');
var Spinner         = require('cli-spinner').Spinner;
var time            = require('time');
var GruntfileEditor = require('gruntfile-editor');
var jsbeauty        = require('js-beautify')[jsbeautyKey];
var yosay           = require('yosay');

 * Default export
module.exports = generators.Base.extend({
   * Default constructor
  constructor   :  function () {
    // Calling the super constructor is important so our generator is correctly set up
    generators.Base.apply(this, arguments);
     * Current grunt file editor. we dont use yeaoman generator beacuse
     * we can't remove autoloading of Gruntfile.js
    this.gruntEditor  = new GruntfileEditor();

     * Default spinner instance
    this.spinner      = new Spinner('%s');
     * Default internal config
     * @property {Object}
    this.cfg = {
      angular     : {
        url         : 'https://code.angularjs.org/',
        resolution  : 'latest',
        versions    : [ 'latest' ]
      delay       : 2000,
      name        : 'YoctopusJs',
      nVersions   : n.ls(),
      debug       : true,
      paths       : {
        dependencies  : [ this.sourceRoot(), 'config/dependencies.json' ].join('/'),
        folders       : [ this.sourceRoot(), 'config/folders.json' ].join('/'),
        grunt         : [ this.sourceRoot(), 'config/gruntfile.json' ].join('/')
      generate    : {
        node            : false,
        angular         : false,
        api             : false,
        module          : false
      generateConfig : {
        node    : {
          templates  : [ {
            source      : '_package.json',
            destination : 'package.json'
          } ],
          name      : 'NodeJs'
        angular : {
          templates  : [ {
            source      : '_bower.json',
            destination : 'bower.json'
          }, {
            source      : '_package.json',
            destination : 'package.json'
          } ],
          name      : 'AngularJs'
      codes       : {
        eManual   : 500,
        dFailed   : 501,
        fFailed   : 502,
        gFailed   : 503
      ascii       : {
        coffee    : 'coffee',
        debug     : 'debug-mode',
        bye       : 'goodbye',
        welcome   : 'welcome',
        error     : 'octopus-error',
        file      : 'remove-file-required'

     * Default ascii method to display content to ascii
     * @param {String} name ascii name to get
     * @param {Boolean} exit if true en current program
    this.asciiMessage = function (name, exit) {
      // normalize exit process
      exit = _.isBoolean(exit) ? exit : false;

      // normalize path
      var p = this.normalizePath([ [ this.sourceRoot() , 'ascii', name ].join('/'),
                                   'txt' ].join('.'));

      // file exists
      if (this.fs.exists(p)) {
        // save current content
        var content = this.fs.read(p);

        // is debug ?
        if (name === this.cfg.ascii.debug) {
          content = chalk.blue(content);

        // is coffee ?
        if (name === this.cfg.ascii.coffee) {
          content = chalk.green(content);

        // is welcome or bye ?
        if (name === this.cfg.ascii.welcome || name === this.cfg.ascii.bye) {
          content = chalk.cyan(content).replace('%s', this.getElapsedTime());

        // is error ?
        if (name === this.cfg.ascii.error) {
          content = chalk.req(content);

        // is file ?
        if (name === this.cfg.ascii.file) {
          content = chalk.yellow(content);

        // log message
      // exit ?
      if (exit) {
     * Utility method to normalize given
     * @param {String} p current path to use
     * @return {String} generated path
    this.normalizePath = function (p) {
      // default statement
      return path.normalize(p);
     * Utility method to prefix path for debug mode
     * @param {String} path current path to use
     * @return {String} generated path
    this.prefixPath = function (path) {
      // is debug ?
      if (this.cfg.debug) {
        // normalize process
        return this.normalizePath([ this.destinationRoot(), '/debug', path ].join('/'));

      // default statement
      return this.normalizePath([ this.destinationRoot(), path ].join('/'));
     * Return elasped time label
     * @return {String} elapsed time
    this.getElapsedTime = function () {
      // process diff
      var diff = time.time() - this.time;
      // t to process
      var t    = time.localtime(diff);
      // build time
      t        = _.compact(
                   [ (t.minutes > 0 ? [ t.minutes, 'minutes' ].join(' ') : '') ],
                   [ (t.seconds > 0 ? [ t.seconds, 'seconds' ].join(' ') : '') ]
      // build items
      return !_.isEmpty(t) ? _.compact([ '(Time elapsed : ', [ t ].join(''), ')' ]).join('') : '';
     * Default utility method to display a banner message
     * @param {String} message message to display
    this.banner = function (message) {
      // process banner
      logger.banner([ '[', this.cfg.name, '] -', message].join(' '));
     * Default utility method to log message on generator
     * @param {String} color default color to use for logging
     * @param {String} message message to display
    this.logger =  function (color, message) {
      // normalize color
      color = _.isString(color) && !_.isEmpty(color) ? color : 'green';
      // default process
      this.log([ chalk[color]('>>'), message ].join(' '));
     * Default utility method for error message
     * @param {String} message message to display
    this.error  = function (message) {
      // default proess
      this.logger('red', message);
     * Default utility method for warning message
     * @param {String} message message to display
    this.warning  = function (message) {
      // default proess
      this.logger('yellow', message);
     * Default utility method for warning message
     * @param {String} message message to display
    this.info  = function (message) {
      // default proess
      this.logger('green', message);
   * Initializing part
  initializing  : {
     * Catch exit method
    catchExit     : function () {
      // We need to catch exit error
      process.on('exit', function (code) {
        // error code ?
        if (code >= this.cfg.codes.dFailed && code <= code >= this.cfg.codes.gFailed) {
          // ascii message
        } else {
          // ascii Message
     * Default banner
    welcome       : function () {
      // process welcome message
      this.log(yosay('Hello, and welcome to YoctopusJs generator.'));
     * Default debug choices
    debugMode     : function () {
      // create an async process
      var done = this.async();

      // prompt message
      this.prompt([ {
        name    : 'debug',
        type    : 'confirm',
        message : [ 'Do you want run this process in debug mode ?',
                   '(we will create and use debug directory for',
                    'data generation process)' ].join(' '),
        default : false
      }], function (props) {
        // enable debug mode
        this.cfg.debug = props.debug;
        // is debug ?
        if (this.cfg.debug) {
          // log ascii debug
        // end process

     * Default Ready function
    ready         : function () {
      // create an async process
      var done = this.async();

      // prompt message
      this.prompt([ {
        name    : 'ready',
        message : 'This process will take ~5 <-> 10 minutes. Are your ready ?',
        type    : 'confirm'
      }], function (props) {
        // ready ?
        if (props.ready) {
          // set start time
          this.time = time.time();
          // ascii message
          // next process
        } else {
          // exit with correct code


     * Retreive here dependencies / folders and angular versions
    init          : function () {
      // default banner
      this.banner('We are initializing some data. Take a cofee and wait a few moment.');
      // create async process
      var done    = this.async();

      // require dependencies
      this.dependencies = require(this.cfg.paths.dependencies);
      // message
      this.info('Retreive dependencies config succeed.');
      // require folders
      this.folders      = require(this.cfg.paths.folders);
      // message
      this.info('Retreive folders structures succeed.');
      // require grunt config
      this.gruntConfig  = require(this.cfg.paths.grunt);
      // message
      this.info('Retreive grunt config succeed.');
      // message
      this.warning([ 'Try to connect on', this.cfg.angular.url,
                     'to retreive available angular versions' ].join(' '));
      // start spinner
      // process request
      request(this.cfg.angular.url, function (error, response, body) {
        // has error
        if (!error && response.statusCode === 200) {
          // default resolution
          var m;
          // default rules
          var re = /href="([0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9])\/\"/gm;

          // parse all
          while ((m = re.exec(body)) !== null) {
            // add version to list
          // reverse array
          this.cfg.angular.versions      = _(this.cfg.angular.versions).reverse().value();
          // and set default resolution
          this.cfg.angular.resolution    = _.first(this.cfg.angular.versions);
          // stop spinner
          // message
          this.info('Retreive angular version succeed.');
          // end process
        } else {
          // stop spinner
          // error message
          this.error([ 'Cannot retreive angular version :', error].join(' '));
          // done
     * Choose which type of app we need
    chooseAppType : function () {
      // default banner
      this.banner('Now it\'s time to tell us which type of application you want');
      // create an async process
      var done = this.async();

      // define app choises
      var appChoices = [
        { name : 'A new web application based on NodeJs', value : 'node' },
        { name : 'A new web application based on AngularJs', value : 'angular' },
        { name : 'A new web application based on NodeJs & AngularJs', value : 'nodeangular' },
        { name : 'A new API application', value : 'api' },
        { name : 'A new open source module', value : 'module' }
      // prompt message
      this.prompt([ {
        name    : 'typeApp',
        message : 'What type of application you want to generate ?',
        type    : 'list',
        choices : appChoices
      }], function (props) {
        // set correct state before generate app
        this.cfg.generate.node        = props.typeApp === 'node' ||
                                        props.typeApp === 'nodeangular';
        this.cfg.generate.angular     = props.typeApp === 'angular' ||
                                        props.typeApp === 'nodeangular';
        this.cfg.generate.api         = props.typeApp === 'api';
        this.cfg.generate.module      = props.typeApp === 'module';
        // end process
   * Do more complex user interact
  prompting     : {
     * Open source process ?
    openSourceProject                 : function () {
      // create an async process
      var done = this.async();
      // banner process
      this.banner('Now tell us if this project will be open source in the future');

      // process prompting
      this.prompt([ {
        name        : 'opensource',
        type        : 'confirm',
        message     : 'Your project will be open source ?',
        default     : true
      } ], function (props) {
        // add answer
        _.extend(this.cfg, props);
        // end process

     * Process node package configuration choices
    nodeBasePackage                   : function () {
      // process node package ?
      if (this.cfg.generate.node) {
        // banner message
        this.banner('Now tell us some informations about your NodeJs configuration.');
        // create an async process
        var done = this.async();

         * Default base object to prefill if we are in debug mode
        var baseObj = [ {
          name        : 'name',
          message     : 'What is your application name ?',
          validate    : function (input) {
            // default statement
            return !_.isEmpty(input) ? true : 'Please enter a valid application name.';
          name        : 'description',
          message     : 'What is your application description ?',
          validate    : function (input) {
            // default statement
            return !_.isEmpty(input) && input.length > 10 ? true :
                   'Please enter a valid description with at least 10 chars';
        } ];

        // is debug ?
        if (this.cfg.debug) {
          _.each(baseObj, function (value) {
            // add a random value for debug mode
            _.extend(value, { default : uuid.v4() });
          }, this);

        // define prompts here
        var prompts = _.flatten([ baseObj,
          name        : 'version',
          message     : 'What is your application version (x.x.x) ?',
          default     : '0.1.0',
          validate    : function (input) {
            // default rules
            var reg = /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/;
            // default statement
            return !_.isNull(reg.exec(input));
          name        : 'private',
          type        : 'confirm',
          default     : this.cfg.opensource === false,
          message     : 'Your application is private ?',
          name        : 'license',
          type        : 'list',
          default     : (this.cfg.opensource ? 'Apache-2.0' : 'Unlicense'),
          message     : 'Which licence for your application ?',
          choices     : spdx.licenses
          name        : 'authorName',
          message     : 'What is the author for this app ?',
          default     : this.user.git.name()
          name        : 'authorEmail',
          message     : 'What is the author email for this app ?',
          default     : this.user.git.email(),
          validate    : function (input) {
            // default statement
            return isEmail.validate(input) ? true : 'Please enter a valid email';
          name        : 'authorUrl',
          message     : 'What is the author url for this app ? (Optional)',
          validate    : function (input) {
            // default statement
            return _.isEmpty(input) ? true : (isUrl(input) ? true : 'Please enter a valid url');
          name        : 'engines',
          type        : 'list',
          message     : 'Which version of node your application must depend ?',
          choices     : _(this.cfg.nVersions).reverse().value(),
          default     : n.current()
        } ]);

        // process prompting
        this.prompt(prompts, function (props) {
          // format engines process
          props.engines = { node : [ '>=', props.engines ].join('') };
          // process name
          props.name = _.deburr(_.snakeCase(props.name)).replace('_', '-');

          // normalize author
          _.extend(props, {
            author : {
              name  : props.authorName,
              email : props.authorEmail,
              url   : props.authorUrl

          // delete non needed data
          delete props.authorName;
          delete props.authorEmail;
          delete props.authorUrl;

          // extend object
          this.node = _.extend({}, props);

          // end process
     * Process bower package configuration choices
    bowerBasePackage                  : function () {
      // process node package ?
      if (this.cfg.generate.angular) {
        // banner message
        this.banner('Now tell us some informations about your AngularJS configuration.');
        // create an async process
        var done    = this.async();
        // define prompts here
        var prompts = [];

         * Default base object to prefill if we are in debug mode
        var baseObj = [ {
          name        : 'name',
          message     : 'What is your application name ?',
          validate    : function (input) {
            // default statement
            return !_.isEmpty(input) ? true : 'Please enter a valid application name.';
          name        : 'description',
          message     : 'What is your application description ?',
          validate    : function (input) {
            // default statement
            return !_.isEmpty(input) && input.length > 10 ? true :
                   'Please enter a valid description with at least 10 chars';
        } ];

        // is debug ?
        if (this.cfg.debug) {
          _.each(baseObj, function (value) {
            // add a random value for debug mode
            _.extend(value, { default : uuid.v4() });
          }, this);

        // default obj to use if nodeja app is not defined
        var defaultObj = _.flatten([ baseObj,
          name        : 'version',
          message     : 'What is your application version (x.x.x) ?',
          default     : '0.1.0',
          validate    : function (input) {
            // default rules
            var reg = /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/;
            // default statement
            return !_.isNull(reg.exec(input));
          name        : 'private',
          type        : 'confirm',
          default     : this.cfg.opensource === false,
          message     : 'Your application is private ?'
          name        : 'license',
          type        : 'list',
          default     : 'Apache-2.0',
          message     : 'Which licence for your application ?',
          choices     : spdx.licenses
          name        : 'authorName',
          message     : 'What is the author for this app ?',
          default     : this.user.git.name()
          name        : 'authorEmail',
          message     : 'What is the author email for this app ?',
          default     : this.user.git.email(),
          validate    : function (input) {
            // default statement
            return isEmail.validate(input) ? true : 'Please enter a valid email';
          name        : 'authorUrl',
          message     : 'What is the author url for this app (Optional) ?',
          validate    : function (input) {
            // default statement
            return _.isEmpty(input) ? true : (isUrl(input) ? true : 'Please enter a valid url');
        } ]);

        // if node app is not defined add default prompt data
        if (!this.cfg.generate.node) {
          // parse all item
          _.each(defaultObj, function (obj) {
            // add item

        // add default choices of angular app
          name    : 'angularVersions',
          type    : 'list',
          message : 'Which version of angular your app must depend ?',
          choices : this.cfg.angular.versions,
          default : this.cfg.angular.resolution

        // process prompting
        this.prompt(prompts, function (props) {

          // process name
          props.name = _.deburr(_.snakeCase(props.name)).replace('_', '-');

          // normalize author
          _.extend(props, {
            author      : {
              name  : props.authorName,
              email : props.authorEmail,
              url   : props.authorUrl
            resolutions : {
              angular : props.angularVersions

          // delete non needed data
          delete props.authorName;
          delete props.authorEmail;
          delete props.authorUrl;
          delete props.angularVersions;

          // extend object
          this.angular = _.extend({}, props);
          // node exits ?
          if (this.node) {
            var n = _.clone(this.node);
            // remove non needed data
            delete n.engines;
            // merge data
            this.angular = _.merge(this.angular, n);
          // end process
     * Process choice for structure generation
    generateFolders                   : function () {
      // create async process
      var done    = this.async();
      // banner message
      this.banner('So maybe you want to generate a file structure for your app');

      // prompt process
      this.prompt([ {
        name    : 'structure',
        type    : 'confirm',
        default : true,
        message : [ 'Do confirm that you want generate',
                    'project structure based on your app type choice ?' ].join(' ')
      }], function (props) {
        // extend config
        _.extend(this.cfg, {
          structure : {
            enable : props.structure
        // end process
     * A message to inform next process
    infoRemoveFolder                  : function () {
      // ascii message
     * Process choice for structure generation
    forceRemoveExistingFolders        : function () {
      // create async process
      var done    = this.async();
      // banner message
      this.banner([ 'We need to know if you allow us',
                    'to remove existing project stucture is exists' ].join(' '));

      // list of prompts
      this.prompt([ {
        name    : 'erase',
        type    : 'confirm',
        default : true,
        message : [ 'Do confirm that you allow us to remove existing',
                    'directory structure if exists ?',
                    chalk.red('(Yes to continue)') ].join(' '),
      } ], function (props) {
        // is ok
        if (props.erase) {
          // extend config with confirm ?
          _.extend(this.cfg, { erase : props.erase });
          // end process
        } else {
          // exit
     * Confirm erase existing folders ?
    confirmForceRemoveExistingFolders : function () {
      // create async process
      var done    = this.async();

      // erase ?
      if (this.cfg.erase) {
        // list of prompts
        this.prompt([ {
          name    : 'eraseConfirm',
          type    : 'confirm',
          default : false,
          message : [ chalk.yellow('Do you confirm your previous action ?'),
                      chalk.red('(Yes to continue)') ].join(' ')
        }], function (props) {
          // erase ?
          if (props.eraseConfirm) {
            // extend config with confirm ?
            this.cfg.erase = props.eraseConfirm;
            // end process
          } else {
            // exit
      } else {
        // end process
   * configuring process
  configuring   : {
     * Generate folders if is set to true
    generateFolders             : function () {
      // default file struture
      var structure = [];
      // build structure ?
      if (this.cfg.structure.enable) {
        // is node ?
        if (this.cfg.generate.node) {
        // angular structure ?
        if (this.cfg.generate.angular) {
        // extra structure ??
        // fatten data to have one level depth of data
        structure = _.flatten(structure);
        // map each structure
        structure = _.map(structure, function (s) {
          // default statement
          return this.prefixPath(s);
        }, this);

        // extend structure
        _.extend(this.cfg.structure, { directory : structure });
     * Generate config for you app
    generateExtraDependencies   : function () {
      // create async process
      var done = this.async();

      // to execute
      async.eachSeries([ 'dependencies', 'devDependencies' ], function (type, next) {
        // prompt list
        var prompt = [];

        // generate extra node dep ?
        if (this.cfg.generate.node && !_.isEmpty(this.dependencies.extra.node[type])) {
          // add in prompt dependencies
            name    : 'nDependencies',
            type    : 'checkbox',
            message : [ 'Choosed extra', type,
                        'for your NodeJs application (Optional) :' ].join(' '),
            choices : this.dependencies.extra.node[type]
        // generate extra angular dep ?
        if (this.cfg.generate.angular && !_.isEmpty(this.dependencies.extra.angular[type])) {
          // add in prompt dependencies
            name    : 'aDependencies',
            type    : 'checkbox',
            message : [ 'Choosed extra', type,
                        'for your AngularJs application (Optional) :' ].join(' '),
            choices : this.dependencies.extra.angular[type]
        // Is empty ?
        if (!_.isEmpty(prompt)) {
          // banner message
          this.banner([ 'Maybe you want install extra', type ].join(' '));
          // prompt elements
          this.prompt(prompt, function (props) {
            // node ?
            if (this.cfg.generate.node) {
              // change dependencies for ndoe
              this.dependencies.node[type] = _.compact(
                                                _.flatten([ this.dependencies.node[type],
                                                            props.nDependencies ]));

            // angular ?
            if (this.cfg.generate.angular) {
              // change dependencies for angular
              this.dependencies.angular[type] = _.compact(
                                                  _.flatten([ this.dependencies.angular[type],
                                                              props.aDependencies ]));
            // next process
        } else {
          // next process
      }.bind(this), function () {
        // end process
   * Writing process
  writing       : {
     * Default coffee message
    coffeeMsg           : function () {
      // create async process
      var done = this.async();
      // process welcome message
      // start spinner
      // start a timeout here
      var timeout = setTimeout(function () {
        // clear timeout
        // stop spinner
        // next process
      }.bind(this), this.cfg.delay);
     * Deleting existing file
    deleteExistingFile  : function () {
      // create async process
      var done = this.async();
      // erase mode
      if (this.cfg.erase) {
        // banner message
        this.banner('We will check and erase your existing project structure');
        // get dirname dirname
        var dirname = this.prefixPath('/');
        // start spinner
        // directory is empty ?
        fs.emptyDir(dirname, function (err) {
          // has error ?
          if (!err) {
            // start a timeout here
            var timeout = setTimeout(function () {
              // stop spinner
              // clear timeout
              // info message
              this.info('Your project directory was cleaned. Processing next step.');
              // end async
            }.bind(this), this.cfg.delay);
          } else {
            // message
            this.error([ 'Cannot clean your directory :', err ].join(' '));
            // stop we cannot continue
      } else {
        // end async
     * Build template files for you app
    generateTemplates   : function () {
      // create async process
      var done = this.async();

      // par sella available modules
      async.eachSeries(_.keys(this.cfg.generate), function (type, next) {
        // find type
        var current = this.cfg.generateConfig[type];

        // is undefined ?
        if (!_.isUndefined(current)) {
          // generate node ?
          if (this.cfg.generate[type]) {
            // parse all template to build
            async.eachSeries(current.templates, function (template, tnext) {
              // banner message
              this.banner([ 'We will build your', template.destination,
                            'for your', current.name, 'configuration' ].join(' '));

              // start spinner
              // file exists ?
              fs.stat(this.prefixPath(template.destination), function (err) {
                if (err) {
                  // write file
                  fs.writeJson(this.prefixPath(template.destination), this[type],
                  function (err) {
                    // has no error ?
                    if (!err) {
                      // start a timeout here
                      var timeout = setTimeout(function () {
                        // stop spinner
                        // clear timeout
                        // success message
                        this.info([ 'File', template.destination,
                                    'was correctly created & builded.' ].join(' '));
                        // next process
                      }.bind(this), this.cfg.delay);
                    } else {
                      // success message
                      this.error([ 'Cannot create', template.destination,
                                  'file :', err ].join(' '));
                      // exit cannot continue
                } else {
                  // start a timeout here
                  var timeout = setTimeout(function () {
                    // stop spinner
                    // clear timeout
                    // has node activated ?
                    if (this.cfg.generate.node && this.cfg.generate.angular) {
                      // warning message
                      this.warning([ [ 'Cannot create & build file',
                                     template.destination ].join(' '),
                                     '. This file was previously builded. Skip it.'
                    } else {
                      // error message
                      this.error([ [ 'Cannot create & build file',
                                     template.destination ].join(' '),
                                     '. this file must be remove first'
                    // next process
                  }.bind(this), this.cfg.delay);
            }.bind(this), function () {
          } else {
            // next process
        } else {
          // set error
          this.error([ 'Cannot find config for', type ].join(' '));
      }.bind(this), function () {
        // end process
     * Build directory files for you app
    generateDirectory   : function () {
      // create async process
      var done = this.async();

      // to execute
      async.eachSeries(_.keys(this.cfg.generate), function (type, next) {
        // find type
        var current = this.cfg.generateConfig[type];

        // is undefined ?
        if (!_.isUndefined(current)) {
          // generate with tyoe ?
          if (this.cfg.generate[type]) {
            // banner message
            this.banner([ 'We will build your folders',
                          'for your', current.name, 'configuration' ].join(' '));

            // empty dir ?
            if (!_.isEmpty(this.folders[type])) {
              // start spinner
              // parse all folders
              async.eachSeries(this.folders[type], function (folder, nextFolder) {
                // create item
                fs.mkdirs(this.prefixPath(folder), function (err) {
                  // has error ?
                  if (!err) {
                    // check if is last item
                    if (_.last(this.folders[type]) === folder) {
                      // start a timeout here
                      var timeout = setTimeout(function () {
                        // stop spinner
                        // clear timeout
                        // info
                        this.info([ 'Folders for your', current.name,
                                    'configuration was created.' ].join(' '));
                        // next process
                      }.bind(this), this.cfg.delay);
                    } else {
                      // process next folder
                  } else {
                    // stop spinner
                    // error message
                    this.error([ 'An error occured when we try to create the folder [', folder,
                                 '] :', err ].join(' '));
                    // next process
          } else {
            // next process
        } else {
          // set error
          this.error([ 'Cannot find config for', type ].join(' '));
          // next process
      }.bind(this), function () {
        // end process
     * Generate Gruntfile
    generateGruntFile   : function () {
      // create async process
      var done = this.async();
      // default config array
      var list = {};
      // default list
      var registerList = {};

      // banner message
      this.banner('We will generate your Gruntfile.js configuration');

      // start spinner
      // reach each config
      async.eachSeries([ 'default', 'node', 'angular' ], function (type, next) {

        if (this.cfg.generate[type] || type === 'default') {
          // default
          var tconfig = this.gruntConfig.config[type];
          // async each config
          async.eachSeries(tconfig, function (config, tnext) {
            // parse each item
            async.eachSeries(config.value, function (c, cnext) {
              // is empty ?
              if (!_.isEmpty(c)) {
                // temp key
                var k = [ config.name, '_key' ].join('');
                // add config
                if (_.isUndefined(list[k])) {
                  _.set(list, k, []);

                // default push
            }.bind(this), function () {
              // next
          }.bind(this), function () {
            // is empty ?
            if (!_.isEmpty(this.gruntConfig.load[type])) {
              // reach load

            // each register
            async.eachSeries(this.gruntConfig.register[type], function (register, rnext) {
              // register task
              if (_.isUndefined(registerList[register.name])) {
                // default list
                registerList[register.name] = {
                  name        : [],
                  description : [],
                  value       : []
              // list register
              // next item
            }.bind(this) , function () {
              // next process
        } else {
      }.bind(this), function () {

        // build each register
        _.each(registerList, function (list) {
          // sort value
          var value = _.sortBy(_.flatten(_.uniq(list.value)), function (i) {
            // default statement
            return [ i !== 'buildjs', i !== 'build', i ].join('|');

          // register task
          this.gruntEditor.registerTask(_.uniq(list.name).join(' - '),
                                        _.uniq(list.description).join(' - '), value);
        }, this);

        // parse list
        _.each(list, function (item, key) {
          // noramlizekey
          var pkey = key.replace('_key', '');
          // default item
          item = item.join(', ');
          // pkg property ?
          if (pkey !== 'pkg') {
            // process
            item = [ '{', item , '}' ].join(' ');

          // add config
          this.gruntEditor.insertConfig(pkey, item);
        }, this);
        // beautidy content
        var content = jsbeauty(this.gruntEditor.toString(), { 'indent_size' : 2 });
        // replace some brakets and ":"
        content = content.replace(/\[/g, '[ ').replace(/\]/g, ' ]');

        // load npm Task regex to replace after
        var lnpmTasksRegex  = /(grunt\.loadNpmTasks.*)/gm;
        // reg founded item for replacement after
        var regFounded      = [];

        // temp loop item
        var m;

        // get all item
        while ((m = lnpmTasksRegex.exec(content)) !== null) {
          // is last item ?
          if (m.index === lnpmTasksRegex.lastIndex) {
            // go to the next item
          // add item to temp storage
        // push replace item
        // replace registerTask by new content new content
        content = content.replace(/(grunt\.loadNpmTasks.*)/gm, '');
        content = content.replace(/(grunt.registerTask)/, regFounded.join('\n  '));

        // write file
        fs.writeFile(this.prefixPath('Gruntfile.js'), content, function (err) {
          // start a timeout here
          var timeout = setTimeout(function () {
            // clear timeout
            // stop spinner
            // err ?
            if (!err) {
              // message
              this.info('Your Gruntfile.js was correctly created.');
              // end
            } else {
              // error message
              this.error([ 'Cannnot generate Gruntfile.js :', err ].join(' '));
              // exit cannot continue
          }.bind(this), this.cfg.delay);
     * Generate files
    generateFiles       : function () {
      // create async process
      var done = this.async();

      // types list
      var types = [ 'node', 'angular', 'default' ];

      if (this.cfg.opensource) {
        // push open source dans la queue

      // start an async process
      async.eachSeries(types, function (type, next) {
        // generate this app ?
        if (this.cfg.generate[type] || type === 'default' || type === 'open-source') {
          // banner message
          this.banner([ 'We will generate base files for your', type, 'configuration' ].join(' '));
          // start spinner
          // current path
          var p = this.normalizePath([ this.sourceRoot(), 'applications', type ].join('/'));

          // walk on directory
          fs.walk(p).on('data', function (item) {
            // is file ????
            if (item.stats.isFile()) {
              // remove path on file to process next normalize action
              var nFile = item.path.replace(p, '');

              // parse file
              var parse = path.parse(item.path);

              // is a valid ext ?
              if (!_.isEmpty(path.extname(nFile)) || (type === 'default' &&
                (parse.base === '_.gitignore' || parse.base === '_.gitattributes'))) {

                // process file normalization
                nFile = this.prefixPath([
                  (type === 'angular' ? 'public/assets/js/src' : ''),

                // replace _ before name file
                nFile = nFile.replace(/\/_/, '/');

                // map name
                var content = fs.readFileSync(item.path).toString();

                // has name ? if true replace
                if (_.has(this[type], 'name')) {
                  content = content.replace(/<%= name %>/g, this[type].name);

                // is travis file ?
                if (_.includes(nFile, '.travis.yml')) {
                  // replace node version
                  content = content.replace(/<%= NODE_VERSION %>/g,
                    this.node.engines.node.replace('>=', ''));

                // write file
                fs.outputFile(nFile, content);
          .on('end', function () {
            // start a timeout here
            var timeout = setTimeout(function () {
              // clear timeout
              // stop spinner
              // message
              this.info([ 'Files was properly generated for your', type,
                          'application.' ].join(' '));
              // next process
            }.bind(this), this.cfg.delay);
        } else {
          // next process
      }.bind(this), function () {
   * Install process
  install       : {
     * Install node dependencies
    packages : function () {
      // banner message
      this.banner('We will install needed packages');
      // process install for each type
      _.each([ 'node', 'angular'], function (type) {
        // node ?
        if (this.cfg.generate[type]) {
          // no dev
          var nDev    = this.dependencies[type].dependencies;
          // dev
          var dev     = this.dependencies[type].devDependencies;

          // defined method
          var method  = type === 'node' ? 'npmInstall' : 'bowerInstall';

          // normal item ?
          if (!_.isEmpty(nDev)) {
            // install
            this[method](nDev, { save : true }, function () {
              this.info([ 'Install', type, 'dependencies succeed.' ].join(' '));

          // have save dev ?
          if (!_.isEmpty(dev)) {
            // install
            this[method](dev, { saveDev : true }, function () {
              this.info([ 'Install', type, 'dev dependencies succeed.' ].join(' '));

          // has extra dev dep ?
          if (_.has(this.dependencies[type], 'node')) {
            // is empty ?
            if (!_.isEmpty(this.dependencies[type].node.devDependencies)) {
              // install node dev for angular app
                              { saveDev : true }, function () {
                this.info([ 'Install', type, 'extra node dev dependencies succeed.' ].join(' '));
            // is empty ?
            if (!_.isEmpty(this.dependencies[type].node.dependencies)) {
              // install node dev for angular app
                              { save : true }, function () {
                this.info([ 'Install', type, 'extra node dependencies succeed.' ].join(' '));
   * End process
  end           : {
     * Process grunt generation rules for project init
    processGrunt : function () {
      // banner message
      this.banner('We will process grunt task before ending.');