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package datatype

import (


// Datatype is used to encode information about types for use in repository or validation
// The least-significant 8 bits are reserved for general metadata
// The next 16 bits are not currently used. They were historically reserved for DBMS support in the early concept stage.
// The next 8 bits are reserved for unique type identification
// The last 32 bits are not currently used
type Datatype uint64

// These are the actual Datatype constants with all the metadata and unique identifiers encoded into them
const (
    Integer    = idInteger | metaNumeric | metaInteger | metaSignable | metaHasGoUnisgned
    TinyInt    = idTinyInt | metaNumeric | metaInteger | metaSignable | metaHasGoUnisgned
    SmallInt   = idSmallInt | metaNumeric | metaInteger | metaSignable | metaHasGoUnisgned
    MediumInt  = idMediumInt | metaNumeric | metaInteger | metaSignable | metaHasGoUnisgned
    BigInt     = idBigInt | metaNumeric | metaInteger | metaSignable | metaHasGoUnisgned
    Decimal    = idDecimal | metaNumeric | metaSignable
    Numeric    = idNumeric | metaNumeric | metaSignable
    Real       = idReal | metaNumeric | metaSignable
    Float      = idFloat | metaNumeric | metaSignable
    Double     = idDouble | metaNumeric | metaSignable
    Varchar    = idVarchar | metaString
    Text       = idText | metaString
    TinyText   = idTinyText | metaString
    MediumText = idMediumText | metaString
    LongText   = idLongText | metaString
    Char       = idChar | metaString
    Binary     = idBinary | metaBinary
    Blob       = idBlob | metaBinary
    Enum       = idEnum | metaString | metaRequiresParams
    Boolean    = idBoolean
    Date       = idDate | metaTime
    DateTime   = idDateTime | metaTime
    Time       = idTime | metaTime
    Timestamp  = idTimestamp | metaTime
    Year       = idYear | metaTime

// These are the string representations of datatypes
const (
    integer    = "INTEGER" // yoyo considers "INTEGER" to be the canonical string, however
    sint       = "INT"     // it still accepts "INT" as an alias and canonicalizes it to "INTEGER"
    tinyint    = "TINYINT"
    smallint   = "SMALLINT"
    mediumint  = "MEDIUMINT"
    bigint     = "BIGINT"
    decimal    = "DECIMAL"
    dec        = "DEC"
    numeric    = "NUMERIC"
    sreal      = "REAL"
    float      = "FLOAT"
    double     = "DOUBLE"
    doubleP    = "DOUBLE PRECISION"
    varchar    = "VARCHAR"
    text       = "TEXT"
    tinytext   = "TINYTEXT"
    mediumtext = "MEDIUMTEXT"
    longtext   = "LONGTEXT"
    char       = "CHAR"
    blob       = "BLOB"
    binary     = "BINARY"
    enum       = "ENUM"
    boolean    = "BOOLEAN" // yoyo considers "BOOLEAN" to be the canonical string, however
    sbool      = "BOOL"    // it still accepts "BOOL" as an alias and canonicalizes it to "BOOLEAN"
    date       = "DATE"
    time       = "TIME"
    datetime   = "DATETIME"
    timestamp  = "TIMESTAMP"
    year       = "YEAR"

    goInt64   = "int64"
    goInt32   = "int32"
    goInt16   = "int16"
    goInt8    = "int8"
    goFloat64 = "float64"
    goString  = "string"
    goByte    = "byte"
    goBool    = "bool"
    goBlob    = "[]byte"
    goTime    = "time.Time"

    goNullableInt64   = "nullable.Int64"
    goNullableInt32   = "nullable.Int32"
    goNullableInt16   = "nullable.Int16"
    goNullableTime    = "nullable.Time"
    goNullableBool    = "nullable.Bool"
    goNullableByte    = "nullable.Byte"
    goNullableFloat64 = "nullable.Float64"
    goNullableString  = "nullable.String"

// UnmarshalYAML provides an implementation for yaml/v2.Unmarshaler to parse the yaml config
func (dt *Datatype) UnmarshalYAML(value *yaml.Node) (err error) {
    *dt, err = FromString(value.Value)
    return err

// MarshalYAML provides an implementation for yaml/v2.Marshaler, returns a string representation of the Datatype
func (dt Datatype) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error) {
    return strings.ToLower(dt.String()), nil

func (dt Datatype) String() (s string) {
    switch dt {
    case Integer:
        s = integer
    case TinyInt:
        s = tinyint
    case SmallInt:
        s = smallint
    case MediumInt:
        s = mediumint
    case BigInt:
        s = bigint
    case Decimal:
        s = decimal
    case Numeric:
        s = numeric
    case Real:
        s = sreal
    case Float:
        s = float
    case Double:
        s = double
    case Varchar:
        s = varchar
    case Text:
        s = text
    case TinyText:
        s = tinytext
    case MediumText:
        s = mediumtext
    case LongText:
        s = longtext
    case Char:
        s = char
    case Blob:
        s = blob
    case Binary:
        s = binary
    case Enum:
        s = enum
    case Boolean:
        s = boolean
    case Date:
        s = date
    case Time:
        s = time
    case DateTime:
        s = datetime
    case Year:
        s = year
    case Timestamp:
        s = timestamp
        s = "NONE"
    return s

func (dt Datatype) GoNullableTypeString() (s string) {
    switch dt {
    case Integer, MediumInt:
        s = goNullableInt32
    case TinyInt, SmallInt, Year:
        s = goNullableInt16
    case BigInt:
        s = goNullableInt64
    case Decimal, Numeric, Real, Float, Double:
        s = goNullableFloat64
    case Varchar, Text, TinyText, MediumText, LongText, Enum:
        s = goNullableString
    case Char:
        s = goNullableByte
    case Blob, Binary:
        s = goBlob
    case Boolean:
        s = goNullableBool
    case DateTime, Timestamp, Date:
        s = goNullableTime
        s = "NONE"
    return s

func (dt Datatype) GoTypeString() (s string) {
    switch dt {
    case Integer, MediumInt:
        s = goInt32
    case TinyInt:
        s = goInt8
    case SmallInt, Year:
        s = goInt16
    case BigInt:
        s = goInt64
    case Decimal, Numeric, Real, Float, Double:
        s = goFloat64
    case Varchar, Text, TinyText, MediumText, LongText, Enum:
        s = goString
    case Char:
        s = goByte
    case Blob, Binary:
        s = goBlob
    case Boolean:
        s = goBool
    case DateTime, Timestamp, Date:
        s = goTime
        s = "NONE"
    return s

// IsInt returns true if the Datatype is an integer type
func (dt Datatype) IsInt() bool {
    return dt&metaInteger > 0

// IsNumeric returns true if the Datatype is a numeric type.
func (dt Datatype) IsNumeric() bool {
    return dt&metaNumeric > 0

// IsBinary returns true if the Datatype is a blob/binary type.
func (dt Datatype) IsBinary() bool {
    return dt&metaBinary > 0

// RequiresParams returns true if the Datatype requires parameters in SQL syntax.
// The `(8, 5)` in SQL's `DECIMAL(8, 5)` for example
func (dt Datatype) RequiresParams() bool {
    return dt&metaRequiresParams > 0

// IsString returns true if the Datatype is a string type
func (dt Datatype) IsString() bool {
    return dt&metaString > 0

// IsSignable returns true if the Datatype can be stored as either a signed or unsigned value
func (dt Datatype) IsSignable() bool {
    return dt&metaSignable > 0

// HasGoUnsigned returns true if the Datatype has an unsigned variant Go type like int and uint
func (dt Datatype) HasGoUnsigned() bool {
    return dt&metaHasGoUnisgned > 0

// IsTime returns true if the Datatype is a time type
func (dt Datatype) IsTime() bool {
    return dt&metaTime > 0

// FromString returns the decoded Datatype, and an error if the in string is invalid or unknown
func FromString(in string) (dt Datatype, err error) {
    switch strings.ToUpper(strings.Split(in, "(")[0]) {
    case integer, sint:
        dt = Integer
    case bigint:
        dt = BigInt
    case mediumint:
        dt = MediumInt
    case smallint:
        dt = SmallInt
    case tinyint:
        dt = TinyInt
    case decimal, dec:
        dt = Decimal
    case numeric:
        dt = Numeric
    case sreal:
        dt = Real
    case float:
        dt = Float
    case double, doubleP:
        dt = Double
    case varchar:
        dt = Varchar
    case text:
        dt = Text
    case tinytext:
        dt = TinyText
    case mediumtext:
        dt = MediumText
    case longtext:
        dt = LongText
    case char:
        dt = Char
    case blob:
        dt = Blob
    case enum:
        dt = Enum
    case boolean, sbool:
        dt = Boolean
    case date:
        dt = Date
    case time:
        dt = Time
    case datetime:
        dt = DateTime
    case timestamp:
        dt = Timestamp
    case year:
        dt = Year
    case binary:
        dt = Binary
        err = ErrUnknownDatatype

    return dt, err

// These metadata are general metadata to describe the data type
// 8 bits are reserved for this
const (
    metaNumeric Datatype = 1 << iota
    metaSignable      // TODO: Remove because it is synonymous with metaNumeric?
    metaHasGoUnisgned // TODO: Remove because it is synonymous with metaInteger?

// These are the unique type identifiers
// Unlike the others, these are not single-bit flags
// 8 bits are reserved for this
const (
    idInteger Datatype = (iota + 1) << 24