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# How to release a new version of Oxidized?
This document is targeted at oxidized maintainers. It describes the release process.

## Review changes
Run `git diff 0.30.0..master` (where `0.30.0` is to be changed to the last release) and review
all the changes that have been done. Have a specific look at changes you don't understand.

## Test, test test!
Test the git code and the container against as much device types an environments as you can.

Do not integrate late PRs into master if they do not fix issues for the release. The must wait for the next release.

## Version numbering
Oxidized versions are nummered like 0.major.minor
- major is incremented when releasing new features. minor is then set to 0
- minor is incremented when releasing fixes only, just after a major version.

## Release
1. Checkout the master branch of oxidized. Make sure you are up to date with origin.
2. Change the version in lib/oxidized/version.rb
3. Change to replace [Unreleased] with [0.xx.yy – 202Y-MM-DD]
4. Run `git diff` to check your changes
5. Commit the changes to the local git repository with a commit message “chore(release): release version 0.xx.yy”
6. Tag the commit with `git tag -a 0.xx.yy -m "Release 0.xx.yy"`
7. Push the change and the tag to github:
git push
git push origin 0.xx.yy

## Release in github
Make a release from the tag in github
- Thank the contributors
- Only describe major changes, and refer to
- List new contributors (generated automatically)

## Release in rubygems
1. Build the gem with ‘rake build’
2. Install an test the gem locally
gem install --user-install pkg/oxidized-0.30.0.gem
3. Push the gem with ‘rake push’

You need an account at rubygems which is allowed to push oxidized

## Release in
The OCI-Containter is automatically build and pushed to by github

## Update for next release
## [Unreleased]

### Added

### Changed

### Fixed
