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Test Coverage
# Contributing

If you're going to report an issue or submit a pull request, please follow these guidelines.

## Reporting an Issue

* Provide the following information:
    * The problematic code or the project's URL
    * Transpec version (`transpec --version`)
    * RSpec version (`bundle exec rspec --version`)
    * Ruby version (`ruby --version`)
    * The complete command-line options you passed to `transpec`

## Pull Requests

* Add tests for your change unless it's a refactoring.
* Run `bundle exec rake`. If any failing test or code style issue is reported, fix it.
* If you're going to modify the content of `README.md`:
    * Edit `README.md.erb` instead.
    * Run `bundle exec rake readme`. This will generate `README.md` from `README.md.erb`.
    * Commit both files.