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Test Coverage
# pytest-resource-path

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Provides path for uniform access to test resources in isolated directory

## Features

### Let's isolate test resources from test code

The test which use test resource is not so many.
If we place test resource with test code, these resources will fill the display area of explorer. Wouldn't it be more productive if the files or directories which is not related with almost tests wasn't usually displayed?

**pytest-resource-path** provides path for uniform access to test resources in isolated directory.

This pytest plugin assumes that test resource is placed under `testresources` directory directly under `tests`. (Don't worry, you can customize these directory names by `pytest.ini`)

+-- some_test_package/
|   +-- some_test_module.py
+-- testresources/
    +-- some_test_package/
        +-- some_test_module/

## Installation

You can install "pytest-resource-path" via [pip] from [PyPI]:

pip install pytest-resource-path

## Usage

### Basic

You can use fixture `resource_path` which is pathlib.Path instance (**absolte path**).

def test_method(resource_path):
    text_test_resource = (resource_path / 'test_resource.txt').read_text()

When assume that above `test_method` is in `tests/some_tests_package_some_test_module.py`, you have to place `test_resource.txt` following directory:

+-- some_test_package/
|   +-- some_test_module.py
+-- testresources/
    +-- some_test_package/
        +-- some_test_module/
            +-- test_method/
                +-- test_resource.txt

If you want to omit directory per method, you can do:

def test_method(resource_path):
    text_test_resource = Path(f'{resource_path}.txt').read_text()

Note that the class name is not used in the path since It felt redundant in design.

### Get path to test resources root directory

You can use fixture `resource_path_root` which is pathlib.Path instance (**absolte path**) pointing to `testresources`.

def test_method(resource_path_root):
    text_test_resource = (resource_path_root / 'test_resource.txt').read_text()

+-- some_test_package/
|   +-- some_test_module.py
+-- testresources/
    +-- test_resource.txt

This fixture may be your help duaring migration period of directory structure.
Or, may be usiful to preapare common directory with some of tests.

def test_method(resource_path_root):
    text_test_resource = (resource_path_root / 'common/test_resource.txt').read_text()

+-- some_test_package/
|   +-- some_test_module.py
+-- testresources/
    +-- common/
        +-- test_resource.txt

### How to customize directory names

To traverse directory structure, this plugin requires to fix directory names.

By default:

directory|requires to be named
Root directory of tests|`tests`
Root directory of test resources|`testresources`

You can customize these required names by `pytest.ini`


resource-path.directory-name-tests = integrationtests
resource-path.directory-name-test-resources = data

Above customize fits following directory strucure:

+-- some_test_package/
|   +-- some_test_module.py
+-- data/
    +-- some_test_package/
        +-- some_test_module/

## License

Distributed under the terms of the [MIT] license, "pytest-resource-path" is free and open source software

## Issues

If you encounter any problems, please [file an issue] along with a detailed description.

## Contributing

Contributions are very welcome.
Please ensure the coverage at least stays the same before you submit a pull request.

## Credits

This [pytest] plugin was generated with [Cookiecutter] along with [@hackebrot]'s [cookiecutter-pytest-plugin] template.

[Cookiecutter]: https://github.com/audreyr/cookiecutter
[@hackebrot]: https://github.com/hackebrot
[MIT]: http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
[cookiecutter-pytest-plugin]: https://github.com/pytest-dev/cookiecutter-pytest-plugin
[file an issue]: https://github.com/yukihiko-shinoda/pytest-resource-path/issues
[pytest]: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest
[pip]: https://pypi.org/project/pip/
[PyPI]: https://pypi.org/project