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# Contributing

- Read [development guide](https://github.com/yuku-t/textcomplete/blob/master/doc/development.md) to setup development environment to your local machine.
- Commit your code on a separate branch with appropreate name.
- Write change log to [CHANGELOG.md](https://github.com/yuku-t/textcomplete/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md).
- Don't change "version" of [package.json](https://github.com/yuku-t/textcomplete/blob/master/package.json).
- Be sure to have tests and use the same coding style as the rest of the codebase.
- Before sending pull request for a feature or bug fix, run the linter and test code.

    npm test # run linter and all tests

- All pull requests should be made to the `master` branch.