<!-- Generated by documentation.js. Update this documentation by updating the source code. -->
### Table of Contents
- [Completer](#completer)
- [destroy](#destroy)
- [registerStrategy](#registerstrategy)
- [run](#run)
- [DropdownItemOptions](#dropdownitemoptions)
- [DropdownItem](#dropdownitem)
- [destroy](#destroy-1)
- [appended](#appended)
- [activate](#activate)
- [next](#next)
- [prev](#prev)
- [DropdownOptions](#dropdownoptions)
- [Dropdown](#dropdown)
- [destroy](#destroy-2)
- [render](#render)
- [deactivate](#deactivate)
- [select](#select)
- [up](#up)
- [down](#down)
- [getActiveItem](#getactiveitem)
- [CursorOffset](#cursoroffset)
- [Editor](#editor)
- [destroy](#destroy-3)
- [applySearchResult](#applysearchresult)
- [getCursorOffset](#getcursoroffset)
- [getBeforeCursor](#getbeforecursor)
- [emitMoveEvent](#emitmoveevent)
- [emitEnterEvent](#emitenterevent)
- [emitChangeEvent](#emitchangeevent)
- [emitEscEvent](#emitescevent)
- [getCode](#getcode)
- [Query](#query)
- [execute](#execute)
- [build](#build)
- [SearchResult](#searchresult)
- [StrategyProperties](#strategyproperties)
- [Strategy](#strategy)
- [destroy](#destroy-4)
- [replace](#replace)
- [Textarea](#textarea)
- [destroy](#destroy-5)
- [applySearchResult](#applysearchresult-1)
- [getCursorOffset](#getcursoroffset-1)
- [getBeforeCursor](#getbeforecursor-1)
- [TextcompleteOptions](#textcompleteoptions)
- [Textcomplete](#textcomplete)
- [destroy](#destroy-6)
- [hide](#hide)
- [register](#register)
- [trigger](#trigger)
## Completer
**Extends EventEmitter**
Complete engine.
### destroy
Returns **this**
### registerStrategy
Register a strategy to the completer.
- `strategy` **[Strategy](#strategy)**
Returns **this**
### run
- `text` **[string](** Head to input cursor.
Returns **void**
## DropdownItemOptions
Type: {className: [string](}
- `className` **[string](**
## DropdownItem
Encapsulate an item of dropdown.
- `searchResult` **[SearchResult](#searchresult)**
- `options` **[DropdownItemOptions](#dropdownitemoptions)**
### destroy
Try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations.
### appended
- **See: Dropdown#append**
Callbacked when it is appended to a dropdown.
- `dropdown` **[Dropdown](#dropdown)**
### activate
Deactivate active item then activate itself.
Returns **this**
### next
Get the next sibling.
Returns **[DropdownItem](#dropdownitem)?**
### prev
Get the previous sibling.
Returns **[DropdownItem](#dropdownitem)?**
## DropdownOptions
Type: {className: [string](, footer: function (any): ([string]( \| [string](, header: function (any): ([string]( \| [string](, maxCount: [number](, placement: [string](, rotate: [boolean](, style: {}?, item: [DropdownItemOptions](#dropdownitemoptions)?, parent: [HTMLElement](}
- `className` **[string](**
- `footer` **function (any): ([string]( \| [string](**
- `header` **function (any): ([string]( \| [string](**
- `maxCount` **[number](**
- `placement` **[string](**
- `rotate` **[boolean](**
- `style` **{}?**
- `item` **[DropdownItemOptions](#dropdownitemoptions)?**
- `parent` **[HTMLElement](**
## Dropdown
**Extends EventEmitter**
Encapsulate a dropdown view.
- `options` **[DropdownOptions](#dropdownoptions)**
- `shown` **[boolean](** Whether the #el is shown or not.
- `items` **[Array](<[DropdownItem](#dropdownitem)>** The array of rendered dropdown items.
### destroy
Returns **this**
### render
Render the given data as dropdown items.
- `searchResults` **[Array](<[SearchResult](#searchresult)>**
- `cursorOffset` **[CursorOffset](#cursoroffset)**
Returns **this**
### deactivate
Hide the dropdown then sweep out items.
Returns **this**
### select
- `dropdownItem` **[DropdownItem](#dropdownitem)**
Returns **this**
### up
- `e` **[CustomEvent](**
Returns **this**
### down
- `e` **[CustomEvent](**
Returns **this**
### getActiveItem
Retrieve the active item.
Returns **([DropdownItem](#dropdownitem) | null)**
## CursorOffset
Type: {lineHeight: [number](, top: [number](, left: [number](, right: [number](, clientTop: [number](}
- `lineHeight` **[number](**
- `top` **[number](**
- `left` **[number](**
- `right` **[number](**
- `clientTop` **[number](**
## Editor
**Extends EventEmitter**
Abstract class representing a editor target.
Editor classes must implement `#applySearchResult`, `#getCursorOffset` and
`#getBeforeCursor` methods.
Editor classes must invoke `#emitMoveEvent`, `#emitEnterEvent`,
`#emitChangeEvent` and `#emitEscEvent` at proper timing.
### destroy
It is called when associated textcomplete object is destroyed.
Returns **this**
### applySearchResult
It is called when a search result is selected by a user.
- `_` **[SearchResult](#searchresult)**
Returns **void**
### getCursorOffset
The input cursor's absolute coordinates from the window's left
top corner.
Returns **[CursorOffset](#cursoroffset)**
### getBeforeCursor
Editor string value from head to cursor.
Returns null if selection type is range not cursor.
Returns **[string](**
### emitMoveEvent
- **See: [Textarea](#textarea) for live example.**
Emit a move event, which moves active dropdown element.
Child class must call this method at proper timing with proper parameter.
- `code` **(`"UP"` \| `"DOWN"`)**
Returns **[CustomEvent](**
### emitEnterEvent
- **See: [Textarea](#textarea) for live example.**
Emit a enter event, which selects current search result.
Child class must call this method at proper timing.
Returns **[CustomEvent](**
### emitChangeEvent
- **See: [Textarea](#textarea) for live example.**
Emit a change event, which triggers auto completion.
Child class must call this method at proper timing.
Returns **[CustomEvent](**
### emitEscEvent
- **See: [Textarea](#textarea) for live example.**
Emit a esc event, which hides dropdown element.
Child class must call this method at proper timing.
Returns **[CustomEvent](**
### getCode
- **See: [Textarea](#textarea) for live example.**
Helper method for parsing KeyboardEvent.
- `e` **[KeyboardEvent](**
Returns **KeyCode**
## Query
Encapsulate matching condition between a Strategy and current editor's value.
- `strategy` **[Strategy](#strategy)**
- `term` **[string](**
- `match` **MatchData**
### execute
Invoke search strategy and callback the given function.
- `callback` **function ([Array](<[SearchResult](#searchresult)>): void**
### build
Build a Query object by the given string if this matches to the string.
- `strategy` **[Strategy](#strategy)**
- `text` **[string](** Head to input cursor.
Returns **[Query](#query)?**
## SearchResult
Encapsulate an result of each search results.
- `data` **[Object](**
- `term` **[string](**
- `strategy` **[Strategy](#strategy)**
## StrategyProperties
Properties for a strategy.
Type: {match: ([RegExp]( | function ([string]( (MatchData | null)), search: [Function](, replace: function (any): ([Array](<[string](> | [string]( | null), cache: [boolean](, context: [Function](, template: function (any): [string](, index: [number](, id: [string](}
- `match` **([RegExp]( | function ([string]( (MatchData | null))**
- `search` **[Function](**
- `replace` **function (any): ([Array](<[string](> | [string]( | null)**
- `cache` **[boolean](**
- `context` **[Function](**
- `template` **function (any): [string](**
- `index` **[number](**
- `id` **[string](**
## Strategy
Encapsulate a single strategy.
- `props` **[StrategyProperties](#strategyproperties)**
### destroy
Returns **this**
### replace
- `data` **[object](** An element of array callbacked by search function.
## Textarea
**Extends Editor**
Encapsulate the target textarea element.
- `el` **[HTMLTextAreaElement](**
### destroy
Returns **this**
### applySearchResult
Implementation for [Editor#applySearchResult](#editorapplysearchresult)
- `searchResult` **[SearchResult](#searchresult)**
### getCursorOffset
Implementation for [Editor#getCursorOffset](#editorgetcursoroffset)
### getBeforeCursor
Implementation for [Editor#getBeforeCursor](#editorgetbeforecursor)
## TextcompleteOptions
Type: {dropdown: [DropdownOptions](#dropdownoptions)?}
- `dropdown` **[DropdownOptions](#dropdownoptions)?**
## Textcomplete
**Extends EventEmitter**
The core of textcomplete. It acts as a mediator.
- `editor` **[Editor](#editor)**
- `options` **[TextcompleteOptions](#textcompleteoptions)** (optional, default `{}`)
### destroy
- `destroyEditor` **[boolean](** (optional, default `true`)
Returns **this**
### hide
Returns **this**
### register
- `strategyPropsArray` **[Array](<[StrategyProperties](#strategyproperties)>**
match: /(^|\s)(\w+)$/,
search: function (term, callback) {
$.ajax({ ... })
replace: function (value) {
return '$1' + value + ' ';
Returns **this**
### trigger
Start autocompleting.
- `text` **[string](** Head to input cursor.
Returns **this**