

2 days
Test Coverage

 * Blog
 * Модель для работы с блогами
 * @author yupe team <>
 * @link
 * @copyright 2009-2013 amyLabs && Yupe! team
 * @package
 * @since 0.1
use yupe\widgets\YPurifier;

 * This is the model class for table "blog".
 * The followings are the available columns in table 'blog':
 * @property string $id
 * @property string $name
 * @property string $description
 * @property string $icon
 * @property string $slug
 * @property integer $type
 * @property integer $status
 * @property string  $create_user_id
 * @property string  $update_user_id
 * @property integer $create_time
 * @property integer $update_time
 * @property integer $category_id
 * @property string  $lang
 * @property integer $member_status
 * @property integer $post_status
 * The followings are the available model relations:
 * @property User $createUser
 * @property User $updateUser
 * @property Post[] $posts
class Blog extends yupe\models\YModel
    const STATUS_BLOCKED = 0;
    const STATUS_ACTIVE = 1;
    const STATUS_DELETED = 2;

    const TYPE_PUBLIC = 1;
    const TYPE_PRIVATE = 2;

     * Returns the static model of the specified AR class.
     * @param  string $className
     * @return Blog   the static model class
    public static function model($className = __CLASS__)
        return parent::model($className);

     * @return string the associated database table name
    public function tableName()
        return '{{blog_blog}}';

     * @return array validation rules for model attributes.
    public function rules()
        return [
            ['name, description, slug', 'required'],
                'type, status, create_user_id, update_user_id, create_time, update_time, category_id, member_status, post_status',
                'integerOnly' => true
            ['name, icon', 'length', 'max' => 250],
            ['slug', 'length', 'max' => 150],
            ['lang', 'length', 'max' => 2],
            ['create_user_id, update_user_id, create_time, update_time, status', 'length', 'max' => 11],
                'message' => Yii::t('', 'Illegal characters in {attribute}')
            ['type', 'in', 'range' => array_keys($this->getTypeList())],
            ['status', 'in', 'range' => array_keys($this->getStatusList())],
            ['member_status', 'in', 'range' => array_keys($this->getMemberStatusList())],
            ['post_status', 'in', 'range' => array_keys($this->getPostStatusList())],
            ['name, slug, description', 'filter', 'filter' => [new YPurifier(), 'purify']],
            ['slug', 'unique'],
                'id, name, description, slug, type, status, create_user_id, update_user_id, create_time, update_time, lang, category_id',
                'on' => 'search'

     * @return array
    public function getPostStatusList()
        return Post::model()->getStatusList();

     * @return array
    public function getMemberStatusList()
        return UserToBlog::model()->getStatusList();

     * @return array relational rules.
    public function relations()
        return [
            'createUser'   => [self::BELONGS_TO, 'User', 'create_user_id'],
            'updateUser'   => [self::BELONGS_TO, 'User', 'update_user_id'],
            'posts'        => [
                'condition' => 't.status = :status',
                'params'    => [':status' => Post::STATUS_PUBLISHED]
            'userToBlog'   => [
                'joinType'  => 'left join',
                'condition' => 'userToBlog.status = :status',
                'params'    => [':status' => UserToBlog::STATUS_ACTIVE]
            'members'      => [self::HAS_MANY, 'User', ['user_id' => 'id'], 'through' => 'userToBlog'],
            'postsCount'   => [
                'condition' => 't.status = :status',
                'params'    => [':status' => Post::STATUS_PUBLISHED]
            'membersCount' => [
                'condition' => 'status = :status',
                'params'    => [':status' => UserToBlog::STATUS_ACTIVE]
            'category'     => [self::BELONGS_TO, 'Category', 'category_id']

     * @return array
    public function scopes()
        return [
            'published' => [
                'condition' => 't.status = :status',
                'params'    => [':status' => self::STATUS_ACTIVE],
            'public'    => [
                'condition' => 'type = :type',
                'params'    => [':type' => self::TYPE_PUBLIC],

     * Условие для получения блога по url
     * @param string $url - url данного блога
     * @return self
    public function getByUrl($url = null)
                'condition' => $this->getTableAlias() . '.slug = :slug',
                'params'    => [
                    ':slug' => $url,

        return $this;

     * @return array customized attribute labels (name=>label)
    public function attributeLabels()
        return [
            'id'             => Yii::t('', 'id'),
            'name'           => Yii::t('', 'Title'),
            'description'    => Yii::t('', 'Description'),
            'icon'           => Yii::t('', 'Icon'),
            'slug'           => Yii::t('', 'URL'),
            'type'           => Yii::t('', 'Type'),
            'status'         => Yii::t('', 'Status'),
            'create_user_id' => Yii::t('', 'Created'),
            'update_user_id' => Yii::t('', 'Updated'),
            'create_time'    => Yii::t('', 'Created at'),
            'update_time'    => Yii::t('', 'Updated at'),
            'category_id'    => Yii::t('', 'Category'),
            'member_status'  => Yii::t('', 'User status'),
            'post_status'    => Yii::t('', 'Post status'),

     * @return array customized attribute descriptions (name=>description)
    public function attributeDescriptions()
        return [
            'id'          => Yii::t('', 'Post id.'),
            'name'        => Yii::t(
                'Please enter a title of the blog. For example: <span class="label label-default">My travel notes</span>.'
            'description' => Yii::t(
                'Please enter a short description of the blog. For example:<br /><br /> <pre>Notes on my travel there and back again. Illustrated.</pre>'
            'icon'        => Yii::t('', 'Please choose an icon for the blog.'),
            'slug'        => Yii::t(
                'Please enter an URL-friendly name for the blog.<br /><br /> For example: <pre><span class="label label-default">travel-notes</span>/</pre> If you don\'t know how to fill this field you can leave it empty.'
            'type'        => Yii::t(
                'Please choose a type of the blog:<br /><br /><span class="label label-success">public</span> &ndash; anyone can create posts<br /><br /><span class="label label-info">private</span> &ndash; only you can create posts'
            'status'      => Yii::t(
                'Please choose a status of the blog:<br /><br /><span class="label label-success">active</span> &ndash; The blog will be visible and it will be possible to create new records<br /><br /><span class="label label-warning">blocked</span> &ndash; The blog will be visible but it would not be possible to create new records<br /><br /><span class="label label-danger">removed</span> &ndash; The blog will be invisible'

     * @return CActiveDataProvider
    public function search()
        $criteria = new CDbCriteria();

        $criteria->compare('', $this->id);
        $criteria->compare('', $this->name, true);
        $criteria->compare('t.description', $this->description, true);
        $criteria->compare('t.slug', $this->slug, true);
        $criteria->compare('t.type', $this->type);
        $criteria->compare('t.status', $this->status);
        $criteria->compare('t.create_user_id', $this->create_user_id);
        $criteria->compare('t.update_user_id', $this->update_user_id);
        $criteria->compare('t.category_id', $this->category_id);
        $criteria->compare('t.create_time', $this->create_time);
        $criteria->compare('t.update_time', $this->update_time);

        return new CActiveDataProvider(get_class($this), [
            'criteria'   => $criteria,

     * @return array
    public function behaviors()
        $module = Yii::app()->getModule('blog');

        return [
            'imageUpload'        => [
                'class'         => 'yupe\components\behaviors\ImageUploadBehavior',
                'attributeName' => 'icon',
                'minSize'       => $module->minSize,
                'maxSize'       => $module->maxSize,
                'types'         => $module->allowedExtensions,
                'uploadPath'    => $module->uploadPath,
                'defaultImage'  => Yii::app()->getTheme()->getAssetsUrl() . '/images/blog-default.jpg',
            'CTimestampBehavior' => [
                'class'             => 'zii.behaviors.CTimestampBehavior',
                'setUpdateOnCreate' => true,

     * @return bool
    public function beforeSave()
        $this->update_user_id = Yii::app()->getUser()->getId();

        if ($this->isNewRecord) {
            $this->create_user_id = $this->update_user_id;

        return parent::beforeSave();

     * @return bool
    public function beforeValidate()
        if (!$this->slug) {
            $this->slug = yupe\helpers\YText::translit($this->name);

        return parent::beforeValidate();

    public function afterDelete()
            'model = :model AND model_id = :model_id',
                ':model'    => 'Blog',
                ':model_id' => $this->id

        return parent::afterDelete();

     * @return array
    public function getStatusList()
        return [
            self::STATUS_BLOCKED => Yii::t('', 'Blocked'),
            self::STATUS_ACTIVE  => Yii::t('', 'Active'),
            self::STATUS_DELETED => Yii::t('', 'Removed'),

     * @return string
    public function getStatus()
        $data = $this->getStatusList();

        return isset($data[$this->status]) ? $data[$this->status] : Yii::t('', '*unknown*');

     * @return array
    public function getTypeList()
        return [
            self::TYPE_PUBLIC  => Yii::t('', 'Public'),
            self::TYPE_PRIVATE => Yii::t('', 'Private'),

     * @return string
    public function getType()
        $data = $this->getTypeList();

        return isset($data[$this->type]) ? $data[$this->type] : Yii::t('', '*unknown*');

     * @param $userId
     * @param int $status
     * @return bool|int
    public function userIn($userId, $status = UserToBlog::STATUS_ACTIVE)
        $blogs = Yii::app()->getCache()->get("Blog::Blog::members::{$userId}");

        if (false === $blogs) {

            $result = Yii::app()->getDb()->createCommand(
                'SELECT blog_id, status FROM {{blog_user_to_blog}} WHERE user_id = :userId'
            )->bindValue(':userId', (int)$userId)

            $blogs = [];

            foreach ($result as $data) {
                $blogs[$data['blog_id']] = $data['status'];

            Yii::app()->getCache()->set("Blog::Blog::members::{$userId}", $blogs);

        if (false !== $status) {
            if (isset($blogs[$this->id]) && (int)$blogs[$this->id] === (int)$status) {
                return true;

            return false;

        return isset($blogs[$this->id]) ? (int)$blogs[$this->id] : false;

     * @param $userId
     * @return CActiveRecord
    public function getUserMembership($userId)
        return UserToBlog::model()->find(
            'user_id = :userId AND blog_id = :blogId',
                ':userId' => (int)$userId,
                ':blogId' => $this->id

     * @param $userId
     * @param $status
     * @return mixed
    public function hasUserInStatus($userId, $status)
        return Yii::app()->getDb()->createCommand(
            'SELECT count(id)
                FROM {{blog_user_to_blog}}
                 WHERE user_id = :userId AND blog_id = :blogId AND status = :status'
            ->bindValue(':userId', (int)$userId)
            ->bindValue(':status', (int)$status)
            ->bindValue(':blogId', $this->id)

     * @param $userId
     * @return bool
    public function join($userId)
        if ($this->isPrivate()) {
            return false;

        if ($this->userIn((int)$userId)) {
            return true;

        //check user status in blog
        $member = $this->getUserMembership($userId);

        if (null === $member) {

            $member = new UserToBlog();
            $member->blog_id = $this->id;
            $member->user_id = (int)$userId;
            $member->status = (int)$this->member_status;

        } else {

            if ($member->isDeleted()) {
            } else {
                return false;

        if ($member->save()) {

            Yii::app()->eventManager->fire(BlogEvents::BLOG_JOIN, new BlogJoinLeaveEvent($this, $userId));


            return true;

        return false;

     * @param $userId
     * @return bool|int
    public function leave($userId)
        if ($this->isPrivate()) {
            return false;


        Yii::app()->eventManager->fire(BlogEvents::BLOG_LEAVE, new BlogJoinLeaveEvent($this, $userId));

        return UserToBlog::model()->updateAll(
                'status'      => UserToBlog::STATUS_DELETED,
                'update_time' => new CDbExpression('NOW()')
            'user_id = :userId AND blog_id = :blogId',
                ':userId' => (int)$userId,
                ':blogId' => $this->id

     * @return UserToBlog
    public function getMembersList()
        $members = new UserToBlog('search');
        $members->blog_id = $this->id;
        $members->status = UserToBlog::STATUS_ACTIVE;

        return $members;

     * @return Post
    public function getPosts()
        $posts = new Post('search');
        $posts->blog_id = $this->id;
        $posts->status = Post::STATUS_PUBLISHED;
        $posts->access_type = Post::ACCESS_PUBLIC;

        return $posts;

     * @return mixed
    public function getList()
        return $this->published()->findAll(['order' => 'name ASC']);

     * @param $user
     * @return mixed
    public function getMembershipListForUser($user)
        return $this->with('userToBlog')->published()->findAll(
                'condition' => '(userToBlog.user_id = :userId AND userToBlog.status = :status)',
                'params'    => [
                    ':status' => UserToBlog::STATUS_ACTIVE,
                    ':userId' => (int)$user
                'order'     => 'name ASC'

     * @param $id
     * @param array $with
     * @return mixed
    public function get($id, array $with = ['posts', 'membersCount', 'createUser'])
        return $this->with($with)->published()->findByPk((int)$id);

     * @param $id
     * @param array $with
     * @return mixed
    public function getBySlug($id, array $with = ['posts', 'membersCount', 'createUser'])
        return $this->with($with)->getByUrl($id)->published()->find();

     * @return bool
    public function isPrivate()
        return $this->type == self::TYPE_PRIVATE;

     * @param $userId
     * @return bool
    public function isOwner($userId)
        return $this->create_user_id == $userId;

     * @param $userId
     * @return mixed
    public function getPrivateBlogsForUser($userId)
        return $this->published()->findAll('create_user_id = :id AND type = :type', [
            ':id'   => (int)$userId,
            ':type' => self::TYPE_PRIVATE

     * @param $userId
     * @return array|mixed
    public function getListForUser($userId)
        return CMap::mergeArray($this->getMembershipListForUser($userId), $this->getPrivateBlogsForUser($userId));