

3 days
Test Coverage
 * Message translations.
 * This file is automatically generated by 'yiic message' command.
 * It contains the localizable messages extracted from source code.
 * You may modify this file by translating the extracted messages.
 * Each array element represents the translation (value) of a message (key).
 * If the value is empty, the message is considered as not translated.
 * Messages that no longer need translation will have their translations
 * enclosed between a pair of '@@' marks.
 * Message string can be used with plural forms format. Check i18n section
 * of the guide for details.
 * NOTE, this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
return [
    'continue'                                                                                                     => '继续',
    '*unknown*'                                                                                                    => '*未知*',
    '--choose--'                                                                                                   => '--选择--',
    '0.5.1'                                                                                                        => '',
    'Email'                                                                                                        => '电子邮件',
    'Email message will be send from'                                                                              => '电子邮件将来自',
    'Ip-address'                                                                                                   => 'IP地址',
    ''                                                                                               => '',
    ''                                                                                                 => '',
    'yupe team'                                                                                                    => '木星团队',
    'This section represent feedback management'                                                                   => '此版块提供反馈管理功能',
    'In FAQ'                                                                                                       => '显示在FAQ',
    'Your name'                                                                                                    => '你的姓名',
    'Your proposition on site "{site}" was received'                                                               => '',
    'Your message sent! Thanks!'                                                                                   => '你的消息已发送!谢谢!',
    'Attention! Reply for this message already sent!'                                                              => '请注意!此消息的回复已经发送!',
    'Counter caching time (seconds)'                                                                               => '统计缓存时间(秒)',
    'Reply time'                                                                                                   => '回复时间',
    'You wrote'                                                                                                    => '你写的内容',
    'Do you really want to remove message?'                                                                        => '你确定要删除此消息么?',
    'Main messages category'                                                                                       => '主消息分类',
    'Yes'                                                                                                          => '是',
    'Create message'                                                                                               => '创建消息',
    'Create message '                                                                                              => '创建消息 ',
    'Create message and close'                                                                                     => '创建消息并关闭',
    'Create message and continue'                                                                                  => '创建消息并继续',
    'Creating'                                                                                                     => '创建',
    'Created'                                                                                                      => '已创建',
    'Requested page was not found!'                                                                                => '请求的页面未找到!',
    'Reference value'                                                                                              => '参考值',
    'Identifier'                                                                                                   => '标识',
    'Updated'                                                                                                      => '已更新',
    'Change module settings'                                                                                       => '更改模块设置',
    'Name'                                                                                                         => '名称',
    'Find messages '                                                                                               => '查找消息',
    'Category'                                                                                                     => '分类',
    'Check code'                                                                                                   => '验证码',
    'Maximum captcha length'                                                                                       => '验证码最大长度',
    'Minimum captcha length'                                                                                       => '验证码最小长度',
    'Module for feedback management'                                                                               => '反馈管理模块',
    'Captcha settings'                                                                                             => '验证码设置',
    'Our Reply'                                                                                                    => '我们的回复',
    'Bad request. Please don\'t repeate similar requests anymore'                                                  => '',
    'Unknown message type'                                                                                         => '未知的消息类型',
    'No'                                                                                                           => '否',
    'New message'                                                                                                  => '新消息',
    'Feedback was inserted in DB'                                                                                  => '反馈内容已更新到数据库',
    'Feedback was send on e-mail'                                                                                  => '反馈已经通过电子邮件发送',
    'Feedback: can\'t send message'                                                                                => '反馈:不能发送消息',
    'Feedback: Notification for user was sent to email successfully'                                               => '反馈:用户通知的电子邮件已经成功发送',
    'General module settings'                                                                                      => '通用模块设置',
    'Reply'                                                                                                        => '回复',
    'Reply will be send on '                                                                                       => '回复将发送给',
    'Reply on message {site}'                                                                                      => '回复消息 {site}',
    'Reply on message'                                                                                             => '回复消息',
    'Reply on message was sent!'                                                                                   => '回复消息已经发送!',
    'Reply was received'                                                                                           => '回复已经收到',
    'Replied'                                                                                                      => '已回复',
    'Reply for message'                                                                                            => '回复消息',
    'Send reply for message'                                                                                       => '发送消息回复',
    'Send notification'                                                                                            => '发送提醒',
    'Error on site'                                                                                                => '站点错误',
    'Error when trying to record feedback in DB'                                                                   => '',
    'Default'                                                                                                      => '缺省',
    'Please check e-mail and fill the form correct.'                                                               => '',
    'Find messages'                                                                                                => '查找消息',
    'Show captcha'                                                                                                 => '显示验证码',
    'Message receivers (email, separated by comma)'                                                                => '消息接收人 (电子邮件,用逗号分隔)',
    'Fields with'                                                                                                  => '字段带有',
    'Menu item order'                                                                                              => '菜单项排序',
    'Show and reply?'                                                                                              => '查看并回复?',
    'Collaboration Suggest'                                                                                        => '合作建议',
    'There is an error when trying to send message! Please try later!'                                             => '',
    'Show message'                                                                                                 => '查看消息',
    'View message'                                                                                                 => '查看消息',
    'Other...'                                                                                                     => '其他...',
    'Edit'                                                                                                         => '编辑',
    'Edit message '                                                                                                => '编辑消息',
    'Change message '                                                                                              => '修改消息',
    'Truly yours {site} administration!'                                                                           => '',
    'Services'                                                                                                     => '服务',
    'Message in handle'                                                                                            => '消息处理中',
    'Message was updated'                                                                                          => '消息已更新',
    'Message was handled'                                                                                          => '消息已处理',
    'It is not possible to send message!'                                                                          => '无法发送消息!',
    'Message saved!'                                                                                               => '消息已保存!',
    'Messages '                                                                                                    => '消息',
    'Messages - add'                                                                                               => '消息 - 添加',
    'Messages - answer'                                                                                            => '消息 - 回复',
    'Messages - view'                                                                                              => '消息 - 查看',
    'Messages - edit'                                                                                              => '消息 - 编辑',
    'Messages - manage'                                                                                            => '消息 - 管理',
    'Feedback'                                                                                                     => '反馈',
    'Save message and close'                                                                                       => '保存消息并关闭',
    'Save message and continue'                                                                                    => '保存消息并继续',
    'Messages list'                                                                                                => '消息列表',
    'Status'                                                                                                       => '状态',
    'Unknown status message'                                                                                       => '未知的消息状态',
    'Page was not found!'                                                                                          => '页面未找到!',
    'Page after form was sent'                                                                                     => '',
    'Text'                                                                                                         => '文本内容',
    'Phone'                                                                                                        => '电话',
    'Topic'                                                                                                        => '主题',
    'Type'                                                                                                         => '类型',
    'You have {{count}} '                                                                                          => '你有 {{count}}',
    'Remove message '                                                                                              => '删除消息',
    'Select email which messages was sent or select DB for saving messages (Parameter backEnd in config/main.php)' => '',
    'Select feedback message email receivers (emails) {link}'                                                      => '',
    'Select email which will be display in "From" field {link}'                                                    => '',
    'Management'                                                                                                   => '管理',
    'Messages management'                                                                                          => '消息管理',
    'adding'                                                                                                       => '添加',
    'new message |new messages |new messages '                                                                     => '新消息|新消息|新消息',
    'are required.'                                                                                                => '是必填项。',
    'management'                                                                                                   => '管理',
    '-'                                                                                                            => '',
    'More...'                                                                                                      => '更多...',
    'FAQ'                                                                                                          => '常见问题',
    'Contacts'                                                                                                     => '联系',
    'Add question ?'                                                                                               => '添加问题?',
    'Opinions'                                                                                                     => '建议',
    'Do you have your own opinions for this question?'                                                             => '',
    'Feedback on {site} !'                                                                                         => '',
    '{name}, Your message was created, number of message is {id}, thanks!'                                         => '',
    'We answer to you soon. Thanks.'                                                                               => '我们将尽快回复你,谢谢!',
    'Best regards, administration of "{site}"!'                                                                    => '',
    'Our answer'                                                                                                   => '我们的回复',
    'You wrote'                                                                                                    => '你写的内容',
    'Answer for your message from {site}'                                                                          => '',
    'New message from site'                                                                                        => '',
    'New message from site was received'                                                                           => '',
    'Author:'                                                                                                      => '作者:',
    'Topic:'                                                                                                       => '主题:',
    'Type:'                                                                                                        => '类型:',
    'Text:'                                                                                                        => '文本内容:',
    'You can reply to this message from administration control panel, or you can answer for this message'          => '',
    'Best regards, administration'                                                                                 => '',
    'Send message'                                                                                                 => '发送消息',
    'Insert symbols you see on image'                                                                              => '',
    'If you have any questions, proposals or want to report an error'                                              => '',
    'If you interesting with quality project which simple in support'                                              => '',
    'Immediately <a href="" target="_blank">write to us</a> about it!'         => '',
    'We try to answer as fast as we can!'                                                                          => '',
    'Thanks for attention!'                                                                                        => '谢谢关注!',