

2 days
Test Coverage
 * Message translations.
 * This file is automatically generated by 'yiic message' command.
 * It contains the localizable messages extracted from source code.
 * You may modify this file by translating the extracted messages.
 * Each array element represents the translation (value) of a message (key).
 * If the value is empty, the message is considered as not translated.
 * Messages that no longer need translation will have their translations
 * enclosed between a pair of '@@' marks.
 * Message string can be used with plural forms format. Check i18n section
 * of the guide for details.
 * NOTE, this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
return [
    '*unknown*'                                                        => '',
    '- no matter -'                                                    => '',
    '-no matter-'                                                      => '',
    '--choose--'                                                       => '',
    '0.4'                                                              => '',
    'Id'                                                               => '',
    ''                                                   => '',
    ''                                                     => '',
    'yupe team'                                                        => '',
    'Author'                                                           => '',
    'Alias'                                                            => '',
    'This section describes News Management'                           => '',
    'Visual Editor'                                                    => '',
    'You inserting translation for {lang} language'                    => '',
    'Do you really want to remove the article?'                        => '',
    'Main news category'                                               => '',
    'Data for SEO'                                                     => '',
    'Date'                                                             => '',
    'Updated at'                                                       => '',
    'Created at'                                                       => '',
    'Directory "{dir}" is not accessible for write! {link}'            => '',
    'You must be an authorized user for view this page!'               => '',
    'Create article'                                                   => '',
    'Create article and close'                                         => '',
    'Create article and continue'                                      => '',
    'Add translation for {lang} language'                              => '',
    'Create'                                                           => '',
    'Access: * Only for authorized users'                              => '',
    'Title'                                                            => '',
    'Bad characters in {attribute} field'                              => '',
    'Requested page was not found!'                                    => '',
    'Change settings'                                                  => '',
    'Image'                                                            => '',
    'Find article'                                                     => '',
    'Uploading files catalog (relatively {path})'                      => '',
    'Category'                                                         => '',
    'Keywords (SEO)'                                                   => '',
    'RSS records'                                                      => '',
    'Content'                                                          => '',
    'Short text'                                                       => '',
    'Maximum size (in bytes)'                                          => '',
    'Minimum size (in bytes)'                                          => '',
    'Module for creating and management news'                          => '',
    'On moderation'                                                    => '',
    'Bad raquest. Please don\'t use similar requests anymore!'         => '',
    'News'                                                             => '',
    'News - create'                                                    => '',
    'News - show'                                                      => '',
    'News - edit'                                                      => '',
    'News - management'                                                => '',
    'News Article'                                                     => '',
    'News article was created!'                                        => '',
    'News article was not found!'                                      => '',
    'News article was updated!'                                        => '',
    'Description (SEO)'                                                => '',
    'News anounce text. Usually this is the main idea of the article.' => '',
    'Published'                                                        => '',
    'Find news'                                                        => '',
    'Full text'                                                        => '',
    'Full text news which will be shown on news article page'          => '',
    'Fields with'                                                      => '',
    'Menu items order'                                                 => '',
    'Short news article example'                                       => '',
    'Full news article example'                                        => '',
    'Show news article'                                                => '',
    'View news article'                                                => '',
    'Public URL'                                                       => '',
    'Accepted extensions (separated by comma)'                         => '',
    'Edit'                                                             => '',
    'Edit news article'                                                => '',
    'Edit translation in to {lang} language'                           => '',
    'Save news article and close'                                      => '',
    'Save news article and continue'                                   => '',
    'News list'                                                        => '',
    'Link'                                                             => '',
    'Status'                                                           => '',
    'Remove news'                                                      => '',
    'Management'                                                       => '',
    'News management'                                                  => '',
    'Targeting news was not found!'                                    => '',
    'Draft'                                                            => '',
    'Language'                                                         => '',
    'Language was not found!'                                          => '',
    'yes'                                                              => '',
    'create'                                                           => '',
    'no'                                                               => '',
    'are required'                                                     => '',
    'management'                                                       => '',
    'read...'                                                          => '',
    'Select {field}'                                                   => '',
    'General'                                                          => '',
    'SEO'                                                              => '',
    'Page title (SEO)'                                                 => '',
    'Title tag for the news section'                                   => '',
    'Description for the news section'                                 => '',
    'KeyWords for the news section'                                    => '',