

3 days
Test Coverage

use yupe\components\WebModule;

 * Class StoreModule
class StoreModule extends WebModule
    const VERSION = '1.4';

     * @var
    public $zipcode;

     * @var
    public $city;

     * @var
    public $title;

     * @var
    public $address;

     * @var
    public $phone;

     * @var
    public $email;

     * @var string
    public $currency = 'RUB';

     * @var string
    public $uploadPath = 'store';
     * @var string
    public $allowedExtensions = 'jpg,jpeg,png,gif';
     * @var int
    public $minSize = 0;
     * @var
    public $maxSize;
     * @var int
    public $maxFiles = 1;
     * @var string
    public $assetsPath = '';
     * @var string
    public $defaultImage = '/images/nophoto.jpg';
     * @var int
    public $itemsPerPage = 20;
     * @var string
    public $defaultSort = 'position';
     * @var string
    public $defaultSortDirection = 'ASC';
     * @var
    public $metaTitle;
     * @var
    public $metaDescription;
     * @var
    public $metaKeyWords;
     * @var bool
    public $controlStockBalances = false;

     * @return array
    public function getDependencies()
        return [

     * @return string
    public function getUploadPath()
        return Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot').'/'.Yii::app()->getModule(

     * @return array|bool
    public function checkSelf()
        $messages = [];

        return isset($messages[WebModule::CHECK_ERROR]) ? $messages : true;

     * @return bool
    public function getInstall()
        if (parent::getInstall()) {
            @mkdir($this->getUploadPath(), 0755);

        return true;

     * @return array
    public function getCurrencyList()
        return [
            'USD' => 'USD',
            'RUB' => 'RUB',
            'EUR' => 'EUR',
            'KZT' => 'KZT',
            'BYN' => 'BYN',
            'UAH' => 'UAH',

     * @return array
    public function getSortList()
        return [
            'position' => Yii::t('', 'Position'),
            'sku' => Yii::t('', 'SKU'),
            'name' => Yii::t('', 'Name'),
            'price' => Yii::t('', 'Price'),
            'create_time' => Yii::t('', 'Create time'),
            'update_time' => Yii::t('', 'Update time'),

    public function getSortDirectionList()
        return [
            'ASC' => Yii::t('', 'ASC'),
            'DESC' => Yii::t('', 'DESC'),

     * @return array
    public function getEditableParams()
        return [
            'editor' => Yii::app()->getModule('yupe')->editors,
            'currency' => $this->getCurrencyList(),
            'defaultSort' => $this->getSortList(),
            'defaultSortDirection' => $this->getSortDirectionList(),
            'controlStockBalances' => $this->getChoice(),

     * @return array
    public function getParamsLabels()
        return [
            'uploadPath' => Yii::t(
                'File uploads directory (relative to "{path}")',
                ['{path}' => Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot').'/'.Yii::app()->getModule("yupe")->uploadPath]
            'editor' => Yii::t('', 'Visual editor'),
            'defaultImage' => Yii::t('', 'Default image'),
            'itemsPerPage' => Yii::t('', 'Items per page'),
            'phone' => Yii::t('', 'Phone'),
            'email' => Yii::t('', 'Email'),
            'currency' => Yii::t('', 'Currency'),
            'address' => Yii::t('', 'Address'),
            'title' => Yii::t('', 'Name'),
            'city' => Yii::t('', 'City'),
            'zipcode' => Yii::t('', 'Zip code'),
            'defaultSort' => Yii::t('', 'Default sort'),
            'defaultSortDirection' => Yii::t('', 'Default sort direction'),
            'metaTitle' => Yii::t('', 'Title tag for the store section'),
            'metaDescription' => Yii::t('', 'Description for the store section'),
            'metaKeyWords' => Yii::t('', 'KeyWords for the store section'),
            'controlStockBalances' => Yii::t('', 'Control stock balances'),

     * @return array
    public function getEditableParamsGroups()
        return [
            '' => [
                'label' => Yii::t('', 'Store'),
                'items' => [
            '1.catalog' => [
                'label' => Yii::t('', 'Catalog'),
                'items' => [
            '2.main' => [
                'label' => Yii::t('', 'Images'),
                'items' => [
            '3.seo' => [
                'label' => Yii::t('', 'SEO setting'),
                'items' => [
            '4.editors' => [
                'label' => Yii::t('', 'Visual editor settings'),
                'items' => [

     * @return array
    public function getNavigation()
        return [
                'icon' => 'fa fa-fw fa-reorder',
                'label' => Yii::t('', 'Products'),
                'url' => ['/store/productBackend/index'],
                'items' => [
                        'icon' => 'fa fa-fw fa-list-alt',
                        'label' => Yii::t('', 'Product list'),
                        'url' => ['/store/productBackend/index'],
                        'icon' => 'fa fa-fw fa-plus-square',
                        'label' => Yii::t('', 'Create product'),
                        'url' => ['/store/productBackend/create'],
                        'icon' => 'fa fa-fw fa-link',
                        'label' => Yii::t('', 'Link types'),
                        'url' => ['/store/linkBackend/typeIndex'],
                'icon' => 'fa fa-fw fa-folder-open',
                'label' => Yii::t('', 'Categories'),
                'url' => ['/store/categoryBackend/index'],
                'items' => [
                        'icon' => 'fa fa-fw fa-list-alt',
                        'label' => Yii::t('', 'Categories list'),
                        'url' => ['/store/categoryBackend/index'],
                        'icon' => 'fa fa-fw fa-plus-square',
                        'label' => Yii::t('', 'Create category'),
                        'url' => ['/store/categoryBackend/create'],
                'icon' => 'fa fa-fw fa-plane',
                'label' => Yii::t('', 'Producers'),
                'url' => ['/store/producerBackend/index'],
                'items' => [
                        'icon' => 'fa fa-fw fa-list-alt',
                        'label' => Yii::t('', 'Producers list'),
                        'url' => ['/store/producerBackend/index'],
                        'icon' => 'fa fa-fw fa-plus-square',
                        'label' => Yii::t('', 'Create producer'),
                        'url' => ['/store/producerBackend/create'],
                'icon' => 'fa fa-fw fa-pencil-square-o',
                'label' => Yii::t('', 'Attributes'),
                'url' => ['/store/attributeBackend/index'],
                'items' => [
                        'icon' => 'fa fa-fw fa-list-alt',
                        'label' => Yii::t('', 'Attributes list'),
                        'url' => ['/store/attributeBackend/index'],
                        'icon' => 'fa fa-fw fa-plus-square',
                        'label' => Yii::t('', 'Create attribute'),
                        'url' => ['/store/attributeBackend/create'],
                'icon' => 'fa fa-fw fa-list-alt',
                'label' => Yii::t('', 'Types'),
                'url' => ['/store/typeBackend/index'],
                'items' => [
                        'icon' => 'fa fa-fw fa-list-alt',
                        'label' => Yii::t('', 'Types list'),
                        'url' => ['/store/typeBackend/index'],
                        'icon' => 'fa fa-fw fa-plus-square',
                        'label' => Yii::t('', 'Create type'),
                        'url' => ['/store/typeBackend/create'],

     * @return bool
    public function getIsShowInAdminMenu()
        return true;

     * @return string
    public function getAdminPageLink()
        return '/store/productBackend/index';

     * @return string
    public function getVersion()
        return self::VERSION;

     * @return string
    public function getCategory()
        return Yii::t('', 'Catalog');

     * @return string
    public function getName()
        return Yii::t('', 'Store');

     * @return string
    public function getDescription()
        return Yii::t('', 'Store');

     * @return string
    public function getAuthor()
        return Yii::t('', 'amylabs team');

     * @return string
    public function getAuthorEmail()
        return Yii::t('', '');

     * @return string
    public function getUrl()
        return '';

     * @return string
    public function getIcon()
        return 'fa fa-fw fa-shopping-cart';

    public function init()


     * @return array
    public function getAuthItems()
        return [
                'type' => AuthItem::TYPE_ROLE,
                'name' => 'Store.Manager',
                'description' => Yii::t('', 'Catalog manager'),
                'items' => [
                        'type' => AuthItem::TYPE_TASK,
                        'name' => 'Store.AttributeBackend.Management',
                        'description' => Yii::t('', 'Manage product attributes'),
                        'items' => [
                                'type' => AuthItem::TYPE_OPERATION,
                                'name' => 'Store.AttributeBackend.Index',
                                'description' => Yii::t('', 'View attribute list'),
                                'type' => AuthItem::TYPE_OPERATION,
                                'name' => 'Store.AttributeBackend.Create',
                                'description' => Yii::t('', 'Create attribute'),
                                'type' => AuthItem::TYPE_OPERATION,
                                'name' => 'Store.AttributeBackend.Update',
                                'description' => Yii::t('', 'Update attribute'),
                                'type' => AuthItem::TYPE_OPERATION,
                                'name' => 'Store.AttributeBackend.View',
                                'description' => Yii::t('', 'View attribute'),
                                'type' => AuthItem::TYPE_OPERATION,
                                'name' => 'Store.AttributeBackend.Delete',
                                'description' => Yii::t('', 'Delete attribute'),
                        'type' => AuthItem::TYPE_TASK,
                        'name' => 'Store.CategoryBackend.Management',
                        'description' => Yii::t('', 'Manage product categories'),
                        'items' => [
                                'type' => AuthItem::TYPE_OPERATION,
                                'name' => 'Store.CategoryBackend.Index',
                                'description' => Yii::t('', 'List of categories'),
                                'type' => AuthItem::TYPE_OPERATION,
                                'name' => 'Store.CategoryBackend.Create',
                                'description' => Yii::t('', 'Create category'),
                                'type' => AuthItem::TYPE_OPERATION,
                                'name' => 'Store.CategoryBackend.Update',
                                'description' => Yii::t('', 'Update category'),
                                'type' => AuthItem::TYPE_OPERATION,
                                'name' => 'Store.CategoryBackend.View',
                                'description' => Yii::t('', 'View category'),
                                'type' => AuthItem::TYPE_OPERATION,
                                'name' => 'Store.CategoryBackend.Delete',
                                'description' => Yii::t('', 'Delete category'),
                        'type' => AuthItem::TYPE_TASK,
                        'name' => 'Store.ProducerBackend.Management',
                        'description' => Yii::t('', 'Manage producers'),
                        'items' => [
                                'type' => AuthItem::TYPE_OPERATION,
                                'name' => 'Store.ProducerBackend.Index',
                                'description' => Yii::t('', 'View producer list'),
                                'type' => AuthItem::TYPE_OPERATION,
                                'name' => 'Store.ProducerBackend.Create',
                                'description' => Yii::t('', 'Create producer'),
                                'type' => AuthItem::TYPE_OPERATION,
                                'name' => 'Store.ProducerBackend.Update',
                                'description' => Yii::t('', 'Update producer'),
                                'type' => AuthItem::TYPE_OPERATION,
                                'name' => 'Store.ProducerBackend.View',
                                'description' => Yii::t('', 'View producer'),
                                'type' => AuthItem::TYPE_OPERATION,
                                'name' => 'Store.ProducerBackend.Delete',
                                'description' => Yii::t('', 'Delete producer'),
                        'type' => AuthItem::TYPE_TASK,
                        'name' => 'Store.ProductBackend.Management',
                        'description' => Yii::t('', 'Manage products'),
                        'items' => [
                                'type' => AuthItem::TYPE_OPERATION,
                                'name' => 'Store.ProductBackend.Index',
                                'description' => Yii::t('', 'View product list'),
                                'type' => AuthItem::TYPE_OPERATION,
                                'name' => 'Store.ProductBackend.Create',
                                'description' => Yii::t('', 'Create product'),
                                'type' => AuthItem::TYPE_OPERATION,
                                'name' => 'Store.ProductBackend.Update',
                                'description' => Yii::t('', 'Update product'),
                                'type' => AuthItem::TYPE_OPERATION,
                                'name' => 'Store.ProductBackend.View',
                                'description' => Yii::t('', 'View product'),
                                'type' => AuthItem::TYPE_OPERATION,
                                'name' => 'Store.ProductBackend.Delete',
                                'description' => Yii::t('', 'Delete product'),
                        'type' => AuthItem::TYPE_TASK,
                        'name' => 'Store.TypeBackend.Management',
                        'description' => Yii::t('', 'Manage product types'),
                        'items' => [
                                'type' => AuthItem::TYPE_OPERATION,
                                'name' => 'Store.TypeBackend.Index',
                                'description' => Yii::t('', 'Types list'),
                                'type' => AuthItem::TYPE_OPERATION,
                                'name' => 'Store.TypeBackend.Create',
                                'description' => Yii::t('', 'Types list'),
                                'type' => AuthItem::TYPE_OPERATION,
                                'name' => 'Store.TypeBackend.Update',
                                'description' => Yii::t('', 'Update type'),
                                'type' => AuthItem::TYPE_OPERATION,
                                'name' => 'Store.TypeBackend.View',
                                'description' => Yii::t('', 'View type'),
                                'type' => AuthItem::TYPE_OPERATION,
                                'name' => 'Store.TypeBackend.Delete',
                                'description' => Yii::t('', 'Delete type'),

     * Returns default product sort attribute and direction
     * @param string $table
     * @return string
    public function getDefaultSort($table = 't')
        return $table . '.' . $this->defaultSort . ' ' . $this->defaultSortDirection;