

1 wk
Test Coverage
 * Message translations.
 * This file is automatically generated by 'yiic message' command.
 * It contains the localizable messages extracted from source code.
 * You may modify this file by translating the extracted messages.
 * Each array element represents the translation (value) of a message (key).
 * If the value is empty, the message is considered as not translated.
 * Messages that no longer need translation will have their translations
 * enclosed between a pair of '@@' marks.
 * Message string can be used with plural forms format. Check i18n section
 * of the guide for details.
 * NOTE, this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
return [
    'Allowed IP' => '',
    ' The resulting interface is well integrated into the control panel of Yupe!.' => '',
    ' We are working with it =)' => '',
    ' Yupe! developed and maintained by a team of enthusiasts, you can use Yupe! and any part of it <b>absolutely for free</b>' => '',
    ' run in: {time}' => ' 运行: {time}',
    ' time: {qtime}' => ' 时间: {qtime}',
    '( You always can find another modules on {link} or {order_link} )' => '( 你可以通过链接找寻其他模块  {link} 或者 {order_link} )',
    '--choose--' => '--选择--',
    '0.5.4' => '',
    'About Yupe!' => '关于木星!',
    'About module' => '关于模块',
    'Active' => '激活',
    'Additional modules' => '附加模块',
    'Additional modules and components' => '附加模块和组件',
    'Admin Email' => '管理员电子邮件',
    'Administrator' => '管理员',
    'All' => '全部',
    'All module parameters will be deleted' => '全部的模块参数将被删除',
    'All modules' => '全部模块',
    'Any project must have About page. So it is here =)' => '',
    'Do you really want to clean assets?' => '你确定要清理资源文件么?',
    'Do you really want to clean cache and assets?' => '你确定要清理缓存和资源文件么?',
    'Do you really want to clean cache?' => '你确定要清理缓存么?',
    'Do you really want to delete module?' => '你确定要删除此模块么?',
    'Do you really want to disable module?' => '你确定要禁用此模块么?',
    'Do you really want to enable module?' => '你确定要激活模块么?',
    'Do you really want to install module?' => '你确定要安装此模块么?',
    'Do you really want to update configuration file?' => '你确定要更新配置文件么?',
    'Assets and cache cleaned successfully!' => '资源文件和缓存清理成功!',
    'Assets cleaned successfully!' => '资源文件清理成功!',
    'Author' => '作者',
    'Author:' => '作者:',
    'Cache cleaned successfully!' => '缓存清理成功!',
    'Can\'t create catalog "{dir}" for files!' => '',
    'Can\'t downgrade migrations {migration} for {module}.' => '',
    'Cancel' => '取消',
    'Chacing time (sec.)' => '更改时间(秒.)',
    'Change date' => '更改日期',
    'Change settings' => '更改设置',
    'Checking for pending migrations' => '检查未进行的数据库迁移',
    'Checking migration {class}' => '',
    'Cherepanov Anton' => '',
    'Choose backend theme' => '选择后台皮肤',
    'Choose site theme' => '选择站点皮肤',
    'Clean assets' => '清理资源文件',
    'Clean cache' => '清理缓存',
    'Clean cache and assets' => '清理缓存和资源文件',
    'Clean settings cache' => '清理配置缓存',
    'Community on github' => 'GitHub 上的讨论区',
    'Content' => '内容',
    'Control panel "{app}"' => '控制面板 "{app}"',
    'Creating table for store migration versions {table}' => '',
    'Creation date' => '创建日期',
    'Current backend theme' => '当前后台皮肤',
    'Current theme' => '当前皮肤',
    'Default backend language' => '缺省后台语言',
    'Default language' => '缺省语言',
    'Dependencies' => '依赖',
    'Dependent' => '依赖',
    'Depends on' => '依赖于',
    'Description' => '描述',
    'Development and support' => '开发和支持',
    'Directory "{dir}" is not acceptable for write!' => '',
    'Directory "{dir}" is not available for write!' => '',
    'Directory "{dir}" is not available for write! {link}' => '',
    'Disable' => '禁用',
    'Disable module first!' => '先禁用模块!',
    'Disabled' => '已禁用',
    'Docs' => '文档',
    'Donate us!' => '',
    'Downgrade migration {class}' => '',
    'Downgrade {migration} for {module}.' => '',
    'During the processing of your request an unknown error occurred =(' => '',
    'Elizarov Alexey' => '',
    'Enable' => '激活',
    'Error rescription' => '错误描述',
    'Error was found when installing: {error}' => '',
    'Error when coping old configuration file in modulesBack folder!' => '',
    'Error when deleting module DB!' => '',
    'Error when disabling module, there is no access to configuration file!' => '',
    'Error when downgrading {class} ({s} сек.)' => '',
    'Error when running {class} ({s} seconds.)' => '',
    'Error when trying to enable the module. Configuration file is corrupted or access to "config" folder is forbidden!' => '',
    'Error!' => '错误!',
    'Error. Modules which depends from this module is disabled. First please enable this modules.' => '错误!依赖的模块被禁用。请先激活依赖的模块。',
    'Error. You have enabled modules which depends for this module. Disable it first!' => '错误!你已经激活了一些依赖此模块的模块。请先禁用他们。',
    'Exit' => '退出',
    'Fast access to modules' => '快速使用模块',
    'Feedback at <a href=""></a> or {link}' => '',
    'File' => '',
    'File uploads catalog (relative to the site root)' => '',
    'First will be installed DB from module {m2} as a relation for {module}' => '',
    'Follow us =)' => '',
    'Forum' => '论坛',
    'Frontend theme' => '',
    'Go home' => '去站点主页',
    'Go to main page of control panel' => '去控制面板主页',
    'Have configuration file updates!' => '有配置文件更新!',
    'Have updates' => '有更新',
    'Have {n} DB updates!|Have {n} DB updates!|Have {n} DB updates!' => '有 {n} 个数据库更新!|有 {n} 个数据库更新!|有 {n} 个数据库更新!',
    'Help' => '帮助',
    'Home' => '主页',
    'ID' => '',
    'If you found a bug, first please look next sources:' => '',
    'Install' => '安装',
    'Installed' => '已安装',
    'Interesting resources:' => '',
    'Invalidated tags: {tags}' => '',
    'Issues on Github' => '',
    'Kucherov Anton' => '',
    'Kulikov Engeniy' => '',
    'Language "{lang}" is not found!' => '',
    'Language settings' => '语言设置',
    'Layout of backend' => '管理后台框架',
    'Lest\'s talk!' => '',
    'List of available languages (for example. ru,en,de)' => '列出可用的语言(例如。en,zh,ru)',
    'Lyzhenkov Alexander' => 'Boon Xiong',
    'Main module settings' => '主模块设置',
    'Main settings' => '主要设置',
    'Menu items order' => '菜单项排序',
    'Message sent!' => '消息已发出!',
    'Migration {class} applied for {s} seconds.' => '',
    'Migration {class} downgrated for {s} seconds.' => '',
    'Migrations was founded for module "{moduleID}"' => '',
    'Module' => '模块',
    'Module "{module} ({id})"' => '模块 "{module} ({id})"',
    'Module "{module}" was not found!' => '',
    'Module Settings' => '模块设置',
    'Module already disabled!' => '模块已经禁用!',
    'Module already enabled!' => '模块已经激活!',
    'Module disabled successfully!' => '模块禁用成功!',
    'Module doesn\'t installed!' => '模块未安装!',
    'Module enabled successfully!' => '模块激活成功!',
    'Module installed successfully!' => '模块安装成功!',
    'Module name is not set!' => '模块名称未设置!',
    'Module settings' => '模块设置',
    'Module site:' => '',
    'Module uninstalled successfully!' => '模块卸载成功!',
    'Module was not found or it\'s enabling finished' => '',
    'Module was updated their migrations!' => '',
    'Module {dm} required for install was not found' => '',
    'Module {icon} "{module}", messages: {count}' => '模块 {icon} "{module}", 消息: {count}',
    'Modules' => '模块',
    'Modules developed for "{app}"' => '"{app}" 已开发的模块',
    'More about themes' => '更多关于皮肤的信息',
    'More information and technical support you can find in our site {site}.' => '',
    'Multilanguage module' => '多语言模块',
    'New module parameters will be added' => '新模块的参数将被添加',
    'No need to downgrade migrations for {module}' => '',
    'Not installed' => '未安装',
    'Official Yupe! docs' => '',
    'Official Yupe! site' => '',
    'Official Yupe! twitter' => '',
    'Official docs' => '',
    'Official documentation' => '',
    'Official forum' => '',
    'Official site' => '官方网站',
    'Ok' => '确认',
    'On business support and development you can always <a href="" target="_blank">feedback us</a> (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>)' => '',
    'Opeykin Andrey' => '',
    'Order development and support' => '',
    'Other' => '其他',
    'Other moudle' => '其他模块',
    'Page was not found!' => '页面未找到!',
    'Parameter connectionID is wrong' => '',
    'Parameter name' => '参数名称',
    'Parameter value' => '参数值',
    'Please select receiver for this error report' => '',
    'Please type detailed information about error. How we can reproduce it? In which platform or software version you found it? Other information what can help us. Also you can propose decision of this problem.' => '',
    'Please type in short form information about error. In which module/component/widget/etc. it was found.' => '',
    'Please, disable logging (file /protected/config/db.php, parameter "enableParamLogging")!' => '请禁用日志 (文件 /protected/config/db.php, 参数 "enableParamLogging")!',
    'Please, disable profiler (file /protected/config/db.php, parameter "enableProfiling")!' => '请禁用摘要 (文件 /protected/config/db.php, 参数 "enableProfiling")!',
    'Please, enable DB caching! <br/> <a href="">More about Yii performance</a>' => '请激活数据库缓存! <br/> <a href="">更多关于 Yii 性能的信息</a>',
    'Powered by Yupe!' => '',
    'Profile' => '属性',
    'Read Yii documentation' => '阅读Yii相关文档',
    'Refresh' => '刷新',
    'Removed {count} records!' => '删除了{count}个记录!',
    'Report a bug' => '报告一个问题',
    'Report bug' => '报告问题',
    'Save "{{name}}" module settings' => '保存 "{{name}}" 模块设置',
    'Save themes settings' => '保存皮肤设置',
    'Sedov Nikolay' => '',
    'Send error report' => '发送错误报告',
    'Send message for developers' => '发送信息给开发者',
    'Send pull request for us =)' => '',
    'Send to' => '发送给',
    'Services' => '服务',
    'Setting page for this module is not available!' => '此模块的设置页面无效!',
    'Settings' => '设置',
    'Settings cache was reset successfully' => '设置缓存已经成功重置',
    'Settings file "{n}" updated successfully!' => '设置文件 "{n}" 更新成功!',
    'Settings for "{module}" saved successfully!' => '模块"{module}"的设置保存成功!',
    'Setup modules "{app}" for your needs' => '设置 "{app}" 所需要的模块',
    'Site description' => '站点描述',
    'Site keywords' => '站点关键字',
    'Site settings' => '站点设置',
    'Site title' => '站点标题',
    'Sort by:' => '排序:',
    'Sources on Github' => '',
    'Status for handler is no set!' => '状态处理器未设置!',
    'Structure' => '结构',
    'Submit an extension!' => '提交一个扩展!',
    'Support Yupe! forum' => '支持木星!论坛',
    'System' => '系统',
    'Theme' => '皮肤',
    'Theme choise' => '选择皮肤',
    'Theme is don\'t use' => '未使用皮肤',
    'Theme is not using' => '未使用皮肤',
    'Theme of backend' => '后台皮肤',
    'Theme settings' => '皮肤设置',
    'Themes' => '皮肤',
    'Themes settings saved successfully!' => '皮肤设置保存成功!',
    'There is a page for tahnks =)' => '',
    'There is an error when downloading!' => '',
    'There is an error when saving settings!' => '',
    'There is an error: {error}' => '',
    'There is en error when trying to update "{n}" file module!' => '',
    'There is no new migrations for {module}' => '',
    'There is no parameters which you cat change for this module...' => '',
    'There is no records' => '',
    'There was an error when processing the request' => '',
    'This module can\'t be disabled!' => '此模块不能禁用!',
    'This process can take much time!' => '此操作将花费较多时间!',
    'Timashov Maxim' => '',
    'Tischenko Alexander' => '',
    'Title' => '标题',
    'Turn down' => '关闭',
    'Turn up' => '打开',
    'Uninstall' => '卸载',
    'Unknown action was checked!' => '',
    'Unknown action was selected!' => '',
    'Unknown method use in system!' => '',
    'Update Yupe' => '更新木星',
    'Update by releases' => '按发布更新',
    'Update disabled' => '更新已禁用',
    'Updating DB of {module}  to latest version' => '更新{module}的数据库为最新版本',
    'User' => '用户',
    'Users' => '用户',
    'Version' => '版本',
    'Visual editor' => '可视化编辑器',
    'Visual editors catalog' => '可视化编辑器分类',
    'Visual editors settings' => '可视化编辑器设置',
    'WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU!' => '',
    'Wait please, your request in process...' => '请等待,你的请求正在处理...',
    'Web-site' => '网站',
    'Webmoney on' => '',
    'Widget "{widget}" was not found! Please enable "{module}" module!' => '',
    'Widget {widget}: Model "{model}" was not found!' => '',
    'Yii is working in debug mode, please, disable it! <br/> <a href="">More about Yii performance</a>' => 'Yii 正运行在调试模式,请禁用! <br/> <a href="">更多关于 Yii 性能</a>',
    'You have active " Install" module, you must disable it after installation! <a href="">More about Yii modules</a>' => '',
    'You have active "gii" module. You must disable it after installation! <a href="">More about Yii modules</a>' => '',
    'You must install all migration before start working with module.' => '',
    'You must select module in which error was found. If error located not in module you must choose "other" and specify component name in topic/description' => '',
    'You use Yii version' => '',
    'Yupe community!' => '木星社区!',
    'Yupe control panel!' => '木星控制面板!',
    'Yupe core!' => '木星核心模块',
    'Yupe development team!' => '木星开发团队',
    'Yupe!' => '木星!',
    'Yupe! Generator helps to create CRUD for any model.' => '木星!生成器帮助创建任何模型的CRUD程序。',
    'Yupe! Crud Generator!' => '木星! 生成器!',
    'Yupe! Module Generator!' => '',
    'This generator will help you to generate base classes for the module Yupe.' => '',
    'Yupe! developers team' => '木星!开发团队',
    'accept any kind of business and any proposals =)' => '',
    'dependent' => '依赖',
    'enabled' => '已激活',
    'disabled|disabled' => '已禁用|已禁用',
    'feedback form' => '反馈自',
    '' => '',
    'memory: {memory}' => '内存: {memory}',
    'module|module|modules' => '模块|模块|模块',
    'no' => '否',
    'official site' => '官方网站',
    'order to develop them' => '订购开发',
    'php version' => 'php 版本',
    'read on site' => '在线阅读',
    'requests: {qcount}' => '请求: {qcount}',
    '' => '',
    'use most!' => '最多使用!',
    'version' => '版本',
    'yes' => '是',
    'yupe team' => '木星团队',
    '{attribute} cannot be blank' => '{attribute} 不能为空',
    '{attribute} have illegal characters' => '{attribute} 含有无效字符',
    '{attribute} must be {value}' => '{attribute} 必须为 {value}',
    '{id}->installDB() : Requested DB installation of module {m}' => '',
    '{id}->uninstallDB() : Removing DB for {m} requested' => '',
    '{m}: Can\'t downgrade migration - {migrationName}' => '',
    '{m}: Migration was downgrade - {migrationName}' => '',
    'News list' => '新闻列表',
    'Я.Money on' => '',
    'Order development and/or support' => '订购开发或者支持',
    'Blogs' => '博客',
    'Posts' => '帖子',
    'Change module settings' => '更改模块设置',
    'Please, set images uploading directory! {link}' => '请设置图像上传目录! {link}',
    'Members' => '成员',
    'Bad request. Please don\'t use similar requests anymore!' => '',
    'Letter sent!' => '邮件已发出!',
    'There is an error occurred when try get modules from the cache. It seems that module\'s folder was deleted.' => '',
    'There is no cached settings' => '这里没有缓存设置',
    'zh' => '中文',
    'en' => '英语',
    'zh_cn' => '简体中文',
    'Record was updated!' => '',
    'Record was created!' => '',
    'Record was deleted!' => '',
    'Record was not found!' => '',
    'Delete the file' => '',
    'defaultImage' => ''