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Test Coverage
<?xml version='1.1' encoding='UTF-8'?>
  <actions />
          <description>target service</description>
          <choices class="java.util.Arrays$ArrayList">
            <a class="string-array">
  <scm class="hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM" plugin="git@4.4.5">
    <submoduleCfg class="list" />
    <extensions />
  <triggers />
      <command>#!/bin/sh -x
cd kubernetes/monitoring/test/ab
kubectl apply -f ab-${SERVICE}-job.yaml
kubectl -n monitoring wait --for=condition=complete --timeout=600s job/ab-${SERVICE}
kubectl -n monitoring describe job ab-${SERVICE}
kubectl -n monitoring logs -f $(kubectl get pods -n monitoring | awk &apos;{print $1}&apos; | grep ab-${SERVICE})
kubectl -n monitoring logs -f $(kubectl get pods -n monitoring | awk &apos;{print $1}&apos; | grep ab-${SERVICE}) &gt; ../../../../out.data
kubectl delete -f ab-${SERVICE}-job.yaml
      <configuredLocalRules />
      <command>cat &gt; apache-benchmark.p &lt;&lt; &quot;EOF&quot;
# output as png image
set terminal png

# save file to &quot;benchmark.png&quot;
set output &quot;benchmark-SERVICE-DATE.png&quot;

# graph title
set title &quot;ab -n 100 -c 10 http://k8s.3tier.webapp/quarkus/SERVICE/publish&quot;

#nicer aspect ratio for image size
set size 1,0.7

# y-axis grid
set grid y

#x-axis label
set xlabel &quot;request&quot;

#y-axis label
set ylabel &quot;response time (ms)&quot;

#plot data from &quot;out.data&quot; using column 9 with smooth sbezier lines
plot &quot;out.data&quot; using 9 smooth sbezier with lines title &quot;something&quot;</command>
      <configuredLocalRules />
      <command>sed -i -n &apos;/starttime/,$p&apos; out.data

DATE=`date &quot;+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S&quot;`
sed -i -e &quot;s/SERVICE/${SERVICE}/g&quot; apache-benchmark.p
sed -i -e &quot;s/DATE/${DATE}/g&quot; apache-benchmark.p

gnuplot apache-benchmark.p</command>
      <configuredLocalRules />
      <command>find ${WORKSPACE} -name &quot;benchmark-*.png&quot; -mtime +3 -exec rm {} \;</command>
      <configuredLocalRules />
  <publishers />
    <org.csanchez.jenkins.plugins.kubernetes.KubectlBuildWrapper plugin="kubernetes@1.27.3">