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Test Coverage
#!/usr/bin/env bash
source tests/functional.sh

OUTPUT=$(${BIN_M2INSTALL} --force --source composer -v 2.4.2 --es-host magento2elastic7 --es-port 9207 2>error.log)
php bin/magento config:set system/backup/functionality_enabled 1

assertEqual "$([[ -f "index.php" ]])"
assertNotContains "$(cat .htaccess)" "RewriteRule .* /pub/$0 [L]" "Requests shoudnt be rewritten"
rm -f index.php

php bin/magento setup:backup --code --db

mkdir dumps
cp var/backups/* dumps/
php bin/magento --no-interaction setup:uninstall
ls -A | grep -v dumps | xargs rm -rf
cp dumps/* ./
rm -rf dumps

RESTORE_OUTPUT=$(${BIN_M2INSTALL} -f 2>error.log)

assertEqual $(ls app/etc/env.php.merchant) app/etc/env.php.merchant "Original file env.php.merchant has been created"

CURRENT="$(php bin/magento -V --no-ansi)";
EXPECTED="Magento CLI 2.4.2";
assertEqual "$EXPECTED" "$CURRENT" "Version should match"

assertNotContains "$RESTORE_OUTPUT" "Warning: A Search Engine has been switched from" "Magento 2.4.x should not switch search engine from ES to MySQL"
assertNotContains "$RESTORE_OUTPUT" "The following files are missing: index.php" "Index.php should not be downloaded"
assertContains "$RESTORE_OUTPUT" "Updating ElasticSearch Configuration magento2elastic7:9207"
assertContains "$RESTORE_OUTPUT" "To see products on storefront run: php bin/magento indexer:reindex catalogsearch_fulltext"

assertEqual "$(php bin/magento config:show web/unsecure/base_url)" "http://${CURRENT_DIR_NAME}." "Base URL for 2.4.2 and higher must include /pub/"