

0 mins
Test Coverage
package main

import (

    _ ""


func main() {
    c := config.GetConfig()

    opts := db.NewDatabaseOptions(c.MongoConfig.ConnectionURI, c.MongoConfig.Database, time.Millisecond*time.Duration(c.MongoConfig.Timeout))
    mongoDB := mongo.NewMongoBackend(opts)

    err := mongoDB.Connect()
    if err != nil {

    // We need to connect to MariaDB on localhost:3306
    // to execute the query that we will move to PMB
    mariaDB, err := sql.Open("mysql", "root:qwerty@tcp(localhost:3306)/pmb?parseTime=true")
    if err != nil {
    // See "Important settings" section.
    mariaDB.SetConnMaxLifetime(time.Minute * 3)

    // Set a seed for UUID
    r := rand.NewSource(3625)
    rdr := rand.New(r)

    part1(mongoDB, mariaDB)
    part2(mongoDB, mariaDB)
    part3(mongoDB, mariaDB)

var IDmap = make(map[string]uuid.UUID)

func isMn(r rune) bool {
    return unicode.Is(unicode.Mn, r) // Mn: nonspacing marks

func part1(mongoDB db.DBackend, mariaDB *sql.DB) {
    // SELECT client.clientId, firstname, lastname, points, balance, status, A.groupId, as promotion FROM client
    // JOIN (SELECT * FROM client_group JOIN client_group_membership ON client_group.groupId = client_group_membership.clientGroupId) as A
    //     ON A.clientId = client.clientId;

    rq := `SELECT client.clientId, firstname, lastname, points, balance, status, A.groupId, as promotion FROM client
    JOIN (SELECT * FROM client_group JOIN client_group_membership ON client_group.groupId = client_group_membership.clientGroupId) as A
        ON A.clientId = client.clientId;`

    rows, err := mariaDB.Query(rq)
    if err != nil {

    t := transform.Chain(norm.NFD, transform.RemoveFunc(isMn), norm.NFC)

    for rows.Next() {
        // Put in a map
        // clientId     firstname     lastname     points     balance     status      groupId     name
        var clientId string
        var firstname string
        var lastname string
        var points int
        var balance string
        var status string
        var groupId string
        var promotion string

        err = rows.Scan(&clientId, &firstname, &lastname, &points, &balance, &status, &groupId, &promotion)
        if err != nil {

        uuid, _ := uuid.NewUUID()

        IDmap[clientId] = uuid

        bal, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.ReplaceAll(balance, ".", ""))
        pts := int64(points)

        // -- client : 0
        // -- membre ceten : 1
        // -- vip : 2
        // -- membre bar : 3
        // -- membre privilégié : 4
        // -- membre du bureau : 5

        var priceRole autogen.AccountPriceRole
        var role autogen.AccountRole

        switch status {
        case "0":
            priceRole = autogen.AccountPriceExterne
            role = autogen.AccountStudent
        case "1":
            priceRole = autogen.AccountPriceCeten
            role = autogen.AccountStudent
        case "2":
            priceRole = autogen.AccountPricePrivilegies
            role = autogen.AccountStudent
        case "3":
            priceRole = autogen.AccountPriceStaffBar
            role = autogen.AccountStudent
        case "4":
            priceRole = autogen.AccountPricePrivilegies
            role = autogen.AccountStudent
        case "5":
            priceRole = autogen.AccountPriceCoutant
            role = autogen.AccountMember

        acc := &models.Account{
            Account: autogen.Account{
                Balance:   int64(bal),
                Id:        uuid,
                Points:    pts,
                FirstName: firstname,
                LastName:  lastname,
                State:     autogen.AccountOK,
                Role:      role,
                PriceRole: priceRole,

        // Rândom RANDOM should become
        firstname, _, _ = transform.String(t, strings.ToLower(firstname))
        lastname, _, _ = transform.String(t, strings.ToLower(lastname))
        firstname = strings.ReplaceAll(firstname, " ", "-")
        lastname = strings.ReplaceAll(lastname, " ", "-")

        // Insert into mongo
        email := fmt.Sprintf("", firstname, lastname)
        h := sha256.Sum256([]byte(email))
        acc.GooglePicture = autogen.OptionalString(fmt.Sprintf("", h))

        acc.EmailAddress = email


        err = mongoDB.CreateAccount(context.Background(), acc)
        if err != nil {


var Categories = make(map[string]uuid.UUID)

func part2(mongoDB db.DBackend, mariaDB *sql.DB) {
    // SELECT, price as exte, cetenPrice as ceten, privilegePrice as vip, barMemberPrice staff, privilegePrice as privilegie, cost as bureau, product.image, stock, type,, product_type.image from product join product_type on product.type = product_type.productTypeId;

    rq := `SELECT product.hidden, product.criticalStock,, price as exte, cetenPrice as ceten, privilegePrice as vip, barMemberPrice staff, privilegePrice as privilegie, cost as bureau, menuMemberPrice as menu, product.image, stock, type, as categorie, product_type.image as image_categorie, product_type.boolean as categorie_hidden from product join product_type on product.type = product_type.productTypeId;`

    rows, err := mariaDB.Query(rq)
    if err != nil {

    for rows.Next() {
        // name     exte     ceten     vip     staff     privilegie     bureau     image     stock     type     name     image
        var hidden bool
        var criticalStock int
        var productName string
        var priceExte string
        var priceCeten string
        var priceVip string
        var priceStaff string
        var pricePrivilegie string
        var priceBureau string
        var priceMenu string
        var image []byte
        var stock int
        var type_ string
        var categorie string
        var imageCategorie []byte
        var categorieHidden bool

        if strings.Contains(productName, "OLD") {

        var err = rows.Scan(&hidden, &criticalStock, &productName, &priceExte, &priceCeten, &priceVip, &priceStaff, &pricePrivilegie, &priceBureau, &priceMenu, &image, &stock, &type_, &categorie, &imageCategorie, &categorieHidden)
        if err != nil {

        // Find categorie
        if _, ok := Categories[categorie]; !ok {
            uid := uuid.New()
            storage.SaveFile("categories/"+uid.String(), imageCategorie)
            cat := &models.Category{
                Category: autogen.Category{
                    Name:       categorie,
                    Id:         uid,
                    Position:   0,
                    PictureUri: "/categories/" + uid.String() + "/picture",
            if categorieHidden {
                system := uuid.MustParse("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")
                now := uint64(time.Now().Unix())
                cat.DeletedAt = &now
                cat.DeletedBy = &system
            mongoDB.CreateCategory(context.Background(), cat)
            Categories[categorie] = uid

        categoryId := Categories[categorie]

        cetenPrice, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.ReplaceAll(priceCeten, ".", ""))
        staffPrice, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.ReplaceAll(priceStaff, ".", ""))
        privilegiePrice, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.ReplaceAll(pricePrivilegie, ".", ""))
        bureauPrice, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.ReplaceAll(priceBureau, ".", ""))
        extePrice, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.ReplaceAll(priceExte, ".", ""))
        menuPrice, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.ReplaceAll(priceMenu, ".", ""))

        prices := autogen.ItemPrices{
            Ceten:       uint64(cetenPrice),
            StaffBar:    uint64(staffPrice),
            Privilegies: uint64(privilegiePrice),
            Coutant:     uint64(bureauPrice),
            Externe:     uint64(extePrice),
            Menu:        uint64(menuPrice),

        uid := uuid.New()
        storage.SaveFile("items/"+uid.String(), image)
        item := &models.Item{
            Item: autogen.Item{
                Id:            uid,
                CategoryId:    categoryId,
                Name:          productName,
                Prices:        prices,
                PictureUri:    "/categories/" + categoryId.String() + "/items/" + uid.String() + "/picture",
                State:         autogen.ItemBuyable,
                AmountLeft:    uint64(stock),
                OptimalAmount: uint64(criticalStock),

        if hidden {
            item.State = autogen.ItemNotBuyable

        // Save item to database
        err = mongoDB.CreateItem(context.Background(), item)
        if err != nil {


func part3(mongoDB db.DBackend, mariaDB *sql.DB) {
    rq := `SELECT client_transaction.cancelled, client_transaction.clientId, client_transaction.operator,,client_transaction.method, client_transaction.amount from client_transaction; `

    rows, err := mariaDB.Query(rq)
    if err != nil {

    for rows.Next() {
        // clientId     operator     date     method     amount
        var canceled bool
        var clientId string
        var operator string
        var date time.Time
        var method string
        var amount string

        err = rows.Scan(&canceled, &clientId, &operator, &date, &method, &amount)
        if err != nil {

        var type_ autogen.RefillType

        switch method {
        case "0":
            type_ = autogen.RefillCash
        case "1":
            type_ = autogen.RefillCheck
        case "2":
            type_ = autogen.RefillTransfer
        case "3":
            type_ = autogen.RefillCard
        case "4":
            type_ = autogen.RefillOther

        // Find account
        accountId, nok := IDmap[clientId]
        operatorId, nok2 := IDmap[operator]

        if !nok || !nok2 {
            fmt.Println("Skipped refill")

        acc, _ := mongoDB.GetAccount(context.Background(), accountId.String())
        op, _ := mongoDB.GetAccount(context.Background(), operatorId.String())

        howMuch, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.ReplaceAll(amount, ".", ""))

        refill := &models.Refill{
            Refill: autogen.Refill{
                AccountId:    accountId,
                AccountName:  acc.Name(),
                IssuedAt:     uint64(date.Unix()),
                IssuedBy:     operatorId,
                Type:         type_,
                IssuedByName: op.Name(),
                State:        autogen.Valid,
                Amount:       int64(howMuch),
                Id:           uuid.New(),


        if canceled {
            refill.Refill.State = autogen.Canceled

        err = mongoDB.CreateRefill(context.Background(), refill)
        if err != nil {