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**Note on Python 2.7**\ :
The maintenance of Python 2.7 will be stopped by January 1, 2020 (see `official announcement <https://github.com/python/devguide/pull/344>`_).
To be consistent with the Python change and PyOD's dependent libraries, e.g., scikit-learn, we will
stop supporting Python 2.7 in the near future (dates are still to be decided). We encourage you to use
Python 3.5 or newer for the latest functions and bug fixes. More information can
be found at `Moving to require Python 3 <https://python3statement.org/>`_.

**Note on Python 2.7**\ :
The maintenance of Python 2.7 will be stopped by January 1, 2020 (see `official announcement <https://github.com/python/devguide/pull/344>`_)
To be consistent with the Python change and PyOD's dependent libraries, e.g., scikit-learn, we will
stop supporting Python 2.7 in the near future (dates are still to be decided). We encourage you to use
Python 3.5 or newer for the latest functions and bug fixes. More information can
be found at `Moving to require Python 3 <https://python3statement.org/>`_.

**Warning 2**\ :
Running examples needs **matplotlib**, which may throw errors in conda
virtual environment on mac OS. See reasons and solutions `mac_matplotlib <https://github.com/yzhao062/pyod/issues/6>`_.

.. image:: https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/1kupdy87etks5n3r/branch/master?svg=true
   :target: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/yzhao062/pyod/branch/master
   :alt: Build status

.. image:: https://circleci.com/gh/yzhao062/pyod.svg?style=svg
   :target: https://circleci.com/gh/yzhao062/pyod
   :alt: Circle CI

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   :target: https://join.slack.com/t/pyod/shared_invite/zt-vprc4w2q-G2XV2Iou~H84yGSvrh0f6A
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.. image:: https://pepy.tech/badge/pyod/month
   :target: https://pepy.tech/project/pyod
   :alt: Downloads

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   :target: https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/yzhao062/pyod/master
   :alt: Binder


**Build Status & Coverage & Maintainability & License**


Quick Start for Combining Outlier Scores from Various Base Detectors

Outlier detection often suffers from model instability due to its unsupervised
nature. Thus, it is recommended to combine various detector outputs, e.g., by averaging,
to improve its robustness. Detector combination is a subfield of outlier ensembles;
refer [#Aggarwal2017Outlier]_ for more information.

Four score combination mechanisms are shown in this demo:

#. **Average**: average scores of all detectors.
#. **maximization**: maximum score across all detectors.
#. **Average of Maximum (AOM)**: divide base detectors into subgroups and take the maximum score for each subgroup. The final score is the average of all subgroup scores.
#. **Maximum of Average (MOA)**: divide base detectors into subgroups and take the average score for each subgroup. The final score is the maximum of all subgroup scores.

"examples/comb_example.py" illustrates the API for combining the output of multiple base detectors
(\ `comb_example.py <https://github.com/yzhao062/pyod/blob/master/examples/comb_example.py>`_\ ,
`Jupyter Notebooks <https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/yzhao062/pyod/master>`_\ ). For Jupyter Notebooks,
please navigate to **"/notebooks/Model Combination.ipynb"**

#. Import models and generate sample data.

   .. code-block:: python

       from pyod.models.knn import KNN
       from pyod.models.combination import aom, moa, average, maximization
       from pyod.utils.data import generate_data

       X, y = generate_data(train_only=True)  # load data

#. First initialize 20 kNN outlier detectors with different k (10 to 200), and get the outlier scores.

   .. code-block:: python

       # initialize 20 base detectors for combination
       k_list = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140,
                   150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200]

       train_scores = np.zeros([X_train.shape[0], n_clf])
       test_scores = np.zeros([X_test.shape[0], n_clf])

       for i in range(n_clf):
           k = k_list[i]

           clf = KNN(n_neighbors=k, method='largest')

           train_scores[:, i] = clf.decision_scores_
           test_scores[:, i] = clf.decision_function(X_test_norm)

#. Then the output scores are standardized into zero mean and unit variance before combination.
   This step is crucial to adjust the detector outputs to the same scale.

   .. code-block:: python

       from pyod.utils.utility import standardizer
       train_scores_norm, test_scores_norm = standardizer(train_scores, test_scores)

#. Then four different combination algorithms are applied as described above.

   .. code-block:: python

       comb_by_average = average(test_scores_norm)
       comb_by_maximization = maximization(test_scores_norm)
       comb_by_aom = aom(test_scores_norm, 5) # 5 groups
       comb_by_moa = moa(test_scores_norm, 5)) # 5 groups

#. Finally, all four combination methods are evaluated with ROC and Precision @ Rank n.

   .. code-block:: bash

       Combining 20 kNN detectors
       Combination by Average ROC:0.9194, precision @ rank n:0.4531
       Combination by Maximization ROC:0.9198, precision @ rank n:0.4688
       Combination by AOM ROC:0.9257, precision @ rank n:0.4844
       Combination by MOA ROC:0.9263, precision @ rank n:0.4688

* `Quick Start for Combining Outlier Scores from Various Base Detectors <#quick-start-for-combining-outlier-scores-from-various-base-detectors>`_

* `Execute Interactive Jupyter Notebooks <https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/yzhao062/pyod/master>`_

* `Old Algorithm Benchmark <#old-algorithm-benchmark>`_


Old Algorithm Benchmark

In June 2022, we released a 36-page, the most comprehensive `anomaly detection benchmark paper <https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/yuezhao2/papers/22-preprint-adbench.pdf>`_.
The fully `open-sourced ADBench <https://github.com/Minqi824/ADBench>`_ compares 30 anomaly detection algorithms on 55 benchmark datasets.

The organization of **ADBench** is provided below:

.. image:: https://github.com/Minqi824/ADBench/blob/main/figs/ADBench.png?raw=true
   :target: https://github.com/Minqi824/ADBench/blob/main/figs/ADBench.png?raw=true
   :alt: benchmark-old

**The content below is obsolete**.

**The comparison among of implemented models** is made available below
(\ `Figure <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yzhao062/pyod/master/examples/ALL.png>`_\ ,
`compare_all_models.py <https://github.com/yzhao062/pyod/blob/master/examples/compare_all_models.py>`_\ ,
`Interactive Jupyter Notebooks <https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/yzhao062/pyod/master>`_\ ).
For Jupyter Notebooks, please navigate to **"/notebooks/Compare All Models.ipynb"**.

.. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yzhao062/pyod/master/examples/ALL.png
   :target: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yzhao062/pyod/master/examples/ALL.png
   :alt: Comparision_of_All

A benchmark is supplied for select algorithms to provide an overview of the implemented models.
In total, 17 benchmark datasets are used for comparison, which
can be downloaded at `ODDS <http://odds.cs.stonybrook.edu/#table1>`_.

For each dataset, it is first split into 60% for training and 40% for testing.
All experiments are repeated 10 times independently with random splits.
The mean of 10 trials is regarded as the final result. Three evaluation metrics
are provided:

- The area under receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve
- Precision @ rank n (P@N)
- Execution time

Check the latest `benchmark <https://pyod.readthedocs.io/en/latest/benchmark.html>`_. You could replicate this process by running
`benchmark.py <https://github.com/yzhao062/pyod/blob/master/notebooks/benchmark.py>`_.
