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#!/usr/bin/env python2
import argparse
import os
import sys
import re
import ConfigParser
import json
import hashlib

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate a volatilityrc file from a DumpIt json file')
parser.add_argument('--file', '-f', type=argparse.FileType('r'), required=True, help='Input DumpIt json file')
parser.add_argument('--force', action='store_true', help='Force overwriting existing volatilityrc file')
parser.add_argument('--skip-sha256', '-s', action='store_true', help='Skip verification of SHA256 hash')
parser.add_argument('--volatility-path', '-vp', help='Provide alternative path to volatility source code')
args = parser.parse_args()

if args.volatility_path:
    if os.path.isdir(args.volatility_path):
        sys.path = [args.volatility_path] + sys.path
        print('[!] The provided path to volatility is not a directory')

    import volatility.obj as obj
    import volatility.registry as registry
except ImportError:

input_filename = os.path.realpath(args.file.name)
dump_filename = re.sub(r'\.json$', '.dmp', input_filename)
input_file = open(input_filename, 'r')
output_filename = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(args.file.name)) + '/volatilityrc'
output_file = open(output_filename, 'w')

print('[+] Input JSON: %s' % input_filename)
print('[+] Input DMP: %s' % dump_filename)
print('[+] Output: %s' % output_filename)

data = json.load(input_file)

# Machine Info
userName = data['machineInfo']['userName']
architectureType = data['machineInfo']['architectureType']
maxPhysicalMemory = data['machineInfo']['maxPhysicalMemory']
timestamp = data['machineInfo']['timestamp']
machineName = data['machineInfo']['machineName']
numberProcessors = data['machineInfo']['numberProcessors']
if 'workgroupName' in data['machineInfo']:
    workgroupName = data['machineInfo']['workgroupName']
if 'domainName' in data['machineInfo']:
    domainName = data['machineInfo']['domainName']
machineId = data['machineInfo']['machineId']
date = data['machineInfo']['date']
# Service Info
totalAccessiblePages = data['serviceInfo']['totalAccessiblePages']
totalInaccessiblePages = data['serviceInfo']['totalInaccessiblePages']
totalPhysicalPages = data['serviceInfo']['totalPhysicalPages']
serviceVersion = data['serviceInfo']['serviceVersion']
serviceName = data['serviceInfo']['serviceName']
ntStatus = data['serviceInfo']['ntStatus']
# OS Version
majorVersion = data['osVersion']['majorVersion']
minorVersion = data['osVersion']['minorVersion']
buildNumber = data['osVersion']['buildNumber']
productType = data['osVersion']['productType']
productTypes = {1: 'Work Station', 2: 'Domain Controller', 3: 'Server'}
productString = productTypes[productType]
servicePackMajor = data['osVersion']['servicePackMajor']
servicePackMinor = data['osVersion']['servicePackMinor']
# Debug Info
pdbName = data['debugInfo']['pdbName']
pdbAge = data['debugInfo']['pdbAge']
pdbGuid = data['debugInfo']['pdbGuid']
ntosBase = data['debugInfo']['ntosBase']
regCr0 = data['debugInfo']['regCr0']
regCr3 = data['debugInfo']['regCr3']
regCr4 = data['debugInfo']['regCr4']
regNtCr3 = data['debugInfo']['regNtCr3']
# File Info
fileSize = data['fileInfo']['fileSize']
fileSizeOnDisk = os.path.getsize(dump_filename)

print("[+] Timestamp: %s" % (timestamp))
print("[+] Date of capture: %s" % (date))
print('[+] Created using: %s - %s - Status: %s' % (serviceName, serviceVersion, ntStatus))
print('[+] Architecture: %s' % architectureType)
print('[+] Number Processors: %s' % numberProcessors)
print('[+] Max Physical Memory: %s GB (%s bytes)' % (maxPhysicalMemory / (1024 * 1024 * 1024), maxPhysicalMemory))
print('[+] Pages: %s/%s' % (totalAccessiblePages, totalPhysicalPages))

if totalInaccessiblePages != 0:
    print('[!] There are %s inaccessible pages' % totalInaccessiblePages)

print('[+] Machine ID: %s' % machineId)
print('[+] OS: Windows %s.%s(SP%s.%s) (Build %s) %s' % (majorVersion, minorVersion, servicePackMajor, servicePackMinor, buildNumber, productString))
print("[+] Username: %s\\%s" % (machineName, userName))
if 'workgroupName' in locals():
    print("[+] Work Group: %s" % workgroupName)
if 'domainName' in locals():
    print("[+] Domain: %s" % domainName)

if data['machineInfo']['architectureType'] == 'x64':
    kdDebuggerData = '0x%xL' % (data['debugInfo']['kdDebuggerData'] & 0xffffffffffff)
    kdpDataBlockEncoded = '0x%xL' % (data['debugInfo']['kdpDataBlockEncoded'] & 0xffffffffffff)
    kdCopyDataBlock = '0x%xL' % (data['debugInfo']['kdCopyDataBlock'] & 0xffffffffffff)
    ntosBase = '0x%xL' % (data['debugInfo']['ntosBase'] & 0xffffffffffff)
    kdDebuggerData = '0x%xL' % (data['debugInfo']['kdDebuggerData'] & 0xffffffffffff)
    kdpDataBlockEncoded = '0x%xL' % (data['debugInfo']['kdpDataBlockEncoded'] & 0xffffffffffff)
    kdCopyDataBlock = '0x%xL' % (data['debugInfo']['kdCopyDataBlock'] & 0xffffffffffff)
    ntosBase = '0x%xL' % (data['debugInfo']['ntosBase'] & 0xffffffffffff)

print('[+] pdbName: %s' % pdbName)
print('[+] pdbAge: %s' % pdbAge)
print('[+] pdbGuid: %s' % pdbGuid)
print('[+] kdDebuggerData: %s' % kdDebuggerData)
print('[+] kdpDataBlockEncoded: %s' % kdpDataBlockEncoded)
print('[+] kdCopyDataBlock: %s' % kdCopyDataBlock)
print('[+] ntosBase: %s' % ntosBase)
print('[+] regCr0: %s' % regCr0)
print('[+] regCr3: %s' % regCr3)
print('[+] regCr4: %s' % regCr4)
print('[+] regNtCr3: %s' % regNtCr3)

if fileSizeOnDisk == fileSize:
    print("[>] File size matches the value in json file: %s bytes" % fileSizeOnDisk)
    print("[!] The filesize on disk is different from the value in the json file: Size on disk: %s, Size in json file: %s" % (fileSizeOnDisk, fileSize))

if args.skip_sha256:
    print('[!] Skipping SHA256 verification')
    sha256 = data['fileInfo']['sha256']
    print('[>] Computing SHA256 of Dumpfile')
    dump_file_hash = hashlib.sha256()
    with open(dump_filename) as dump_file:
        progress = 0
        while True:
            data = dump_file.read(65536)
            progress += 1
            sys.stdout.write("\r[>] SHA256 hashing progress: %s%%" % ((progress * 100) / (fileSize / 65536)))
            if not data:
    if dump_file_hash.hexdigest() == sha256:
        print('[>] SHA256 of Dumpfile matches the value in json file: %s' % dump_file_hash.hexdigest())
        print('[!] SHA256 of Dumpfile does not match. SHA256 from json file: %s - SHA256 of Dumpfile: %s' % (sha256, dump_file_hash.hexdigest()))

if os.path.exists(output_filename) and not args.force:
    print("[!] A file already exists for the default output filename. Aborting. either delete %s or rerun with '--force'" % output_filename)

# Volatility treats Windows 10's major/minor version as 6.4
if majorVersion == 10 and minorVersion == 0:
    majorVersion, minorVersion = 6, 4

guessed_profile = None
    print('[>] Volatility detected')
    print('[>] Searching for the best profile using architecture and kernel version - %s - %s.%s-%s' % (architectureType, majorVersion, minorVersion, buildNumber))
    profiles = registry.get_plugin_classes(obj.Profile)
    for profile_name, profile in profiles.iteritems():
        if (architectureType == 'x64' and profile._md_memory_model == '64bit') or (architectureType == 'x32' and profile._md_memory_model == '32bit'):
            if profile._md_major == majorVersion and profile._md_minor == minorVersion and hasattr(profile, '_md_build') and profile._md_build == buildNumber:
                guessed_profile = profile_name
                print('[>] Profile Found: %s' % guessed_profile)
    print('[!] Volatility not detected. Unable to guess profile')

config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
config.optionxform = str
config.set('DEFAULT', 'KDBG', kdDebuggerData)
config.set('DEFAULT', 'LOCATION', ("file://%s" % dump_filename))

if guessed_profile:
    config.set('DEFAULT', 'PROFILE', guessed_profile)

print('[>] Output file written')