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# gcloud-datastore {
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This package is installable by using `npm install --save gcloud-datastore`.

## Using the Query Manager

The idea behind the query manager is a [first-in-first-out]( stack. The query manager is essentialy a stack that holds query until they are executed. Once executed, all of the results are return in an array.

### Quick Example
Here is how the query manager works, at a very basic level.

##### Sample datastore:

*Kind*: Animal

| id/name      | species       | name  |
| -------------|:-------------:| -----:|
| 871398717813 | lion          | Simba |
| 234885878798 | tiger         | Tony  |
| 873485798374 | bear          | Baloo |

##### Code
var datastore = require('gcloud-datastore');

// Synchronous callback
datatore.addQuery(query, function(error, queryStackLength) {
        throw error;
        console.log('There is now ' + queryStackLength + ' query in the stack.');

// Asynchronous callback
datastore.runAllQueries(function(error, result) {
        throw error;

## Documentation
### datastore
 * [`addQueries`](#addallqueriesqueries) - Add an array of queries to the stack
 * [`addQuery`](#addqueryquery) - Add one query to the stack
 * [`createQuery`](#createquerynamespace-kind) - Creates and returns a query object
 * [`getAllQueries`](#getallqueries) - Get an array of all of the queries in the stack
 * [`getNextQuery`](#getnextquery) - Get the next query in the stack, based on the FIFO model
 * [`getStackLength`](#getstacklength) - Get the current length of the stack
 * [`removeAllQueries`](#removeallqueries) - Remove all of the queries from the stack
 * [`removeNextQuery`](#removenextquery) - Remove the next query in the stack, based on the FIFO model
 * [`runAllQueries`](#runallqueriescallback) - Run all of the queries in the stack
 * [`runNextQuery`](#runnextquerycallback) - Run the next in the stack
 * [`runQuery`](#runqueryquery-callback) - Run a specific query

## datastore

### addAllQueries(queries)
A function used to add an array of queries to the stack.

* `queries` - An array of query objects to be added to the stack.

The new length of the stack after the queries have been inserted.

var animalQuery = datastore.createQuery('Animal');
var movieQuery = datastore.createQuery('Movie');
var queries = [animalQuery, movieQuery];

var stackLength = datastore.addAllQueries(queries);

### addQuery(query)
A function used to add one query to the stack.

* `query` - A query object to be added to the stack.

The new length of the stack after the query has been inserted.

var animalQuery = datastore.createQuery('Animal');

var stackLength = datastore.addQuery(animalQuery);

### createQuery([namespace], kind)
A function used to create a new Query object.

This acts exactly like the createQuery method supplied by the
[gcloud-node API](

* `namespace` - An optional namespace to use for the query.
* `kind` - The kind to use for the query.

A new Query object.

var animalQuery = datastore.createQuery('Animal');

### getAllQueries()
A function used to get an array containing all of the queries currently in the stack.

An array containing all of the queries currently stored in the stack.

var queries = datastore.getAllQueries();

### getNextQuery();
A function used to get the next query to be run in the stack, based on the FIFO model.

The next query to be run in the stack.

var query = datastore.getNextQuery();

### getStackLength()
A function used to get the length of the stack.

The length of the stack.

var stackLength = datastore.getStackLength();

### removeAllQueries()
A function used to remove all of the queries from the stack. This function acts in a similar manner to the `getAllQueries` function, but empties the stack as well as retrieving all of the queries currently in the stack.

An array containing all of the queries that were removed from the stack.

var queries = datastore.removeAllQueries();

### removeNextQuery()
A function used to the next query from the stack, based on the FIFO model. This function acts in a similar manner to the `getNextQuery` function, but removes the next query from the stack as well as retrieving it.

The query object that was removed from the stack.

var query = datastore.removeNextQuery();

### runAllQueries(callback)
A function used to execute all of the queries from the stack against the Datastore.

* `callback(error, result)` - A callback that returns any errors that occured while trying to execute the queries stored in the stack or `null`, and an array individual arrays of results corresponding to each query (or null if there were errors).

datastore.runAllQueries(function(error, result) {
        // do something

### runNextQuery(callback)
A function used to execute the next query from the stack against the Datastore.

* `callback(error, result)` - A callback that returns any errors that occured while trying to execute the queries stored in the stack or `null`, 

datastore.runNextQuery(function(error, result) {
        // do something

### runQuery(query, callback)
A function used to execute the inputted query against the Datastore.

* `query` - A query object to execute.
* `callback(error, result)` - A callback that returns any errors that occured while trying to execute the queries stored in the stack or `null`, 

var query = datastore.createQuery('Animal');

datastore.runQuery(query, function(error, result) {
        // do something

## License


> Fork away!

# }