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Refill for AngularJS

Module based on [Refill]( with a set of gulp tasks specially designed to setup
quickly and develop easily your Angular app without need to generate a lot of code. It is highly configurable.
Just load it in your gulpfile.js and you are ready to go.

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* Sass + css globbing + autoprefixer
* Browserify + babel+ ngannotate
* Assets management
* Development environment
    * Webserver with livereload
    * Watching files for changes and full, fast, incremental rebuilds
    * Unit tests with karma
    * Eslint

* Production environment
    * js, css, jpg, png and svg minification
    * cache busting

* Continous integration
    * build + eslint + tests with guaranteed non-zero exit status on error

Why not just write tasks yourself?

To not repeat yourself, and to get rid of some nasty edge cases:

* tasks immune to errors resulting crashed watchers
* tasks parametrized with tasks modes
* tasks cannot run few times simultaneously after few quick changes
* in develop mode if task detect some errors it will hold execution until all errors will be corrected and then it will let the rest of dependent tasks run
* tasks in prod mode always returns non-zero exit status on error


You need:

* [nodejs](
* updated npm
* satisfy [node-gyp]( dependencies

### nodejs

If you've never used Node or npm before, you'll need to install Node.
If you use homebrew, do:

brew install node

Otherwise, you can [download]( and install it manually.

### updated npm

Update npm by running

npm update npm -g

### node-gyp dependencies

Node-gyp is used to compile native extensions to node. Refill for angular does not require node-gyp directly, but it is installed
by its dependencies. To install this dependencies properly you need to satisfy node-gyp requirements.
Go to [node-gyp github page]( and follow instructions in "You will also need to install" paragraph in README file (python etc.)


Refill for AngularJS is available through npm

npm install --save gulp refill-angular

Put this line in your gulpfile.js


This will create a set of tasks in gulp, which you will be able to use from console

Development flow

How you can use Refill gulp tasks to work with Your AngularJS project

### write code and test

Run in project root directory



./node_modules/.bin/gulp default

This task will

* clean whole output dir (dev/)
* bundle all your js with browserify and watch file changes with watchify
* bundle all your styles with sass, css globbing and autoprefix
* run eslint and rerun on any js file change
* run tests with karma and browserify and watch file changes with watchify
* copy your assets and copy any newly created asset since then
* copy Your index.html and inject styles, scripts, angular main module name into it. Redo on index.html change.
* start gulp-webserver with livereload
* open Your default web browser with proper address.

Write some code, enjoy the results

### lint your code

Run in project root directory

./node_modules/.bin/gulp lint-js

eslint will try to fix all found errors

### check everything

Run in project root directory

./node_modules/.bin/gulp ci

This task will fail if

* code isn't eslinted
* any of karma tests will fail
* build fail (sass, browserify)

You definitely should add this task to your CI server. This task can be splitted into stages.
`./node_modules/.bin/gulp ci` is an equivalent for

./node_modules/.bin/gulp ci-static-analysis
./node_modules/.bin/gulp ci-test
./node_modules/.bin/gulp ci-build

### commit :D

git commit -m 'awesome code'

Production flow

### installing

npm install

### building

./node_modules/.bin/gulp build

This task will

* clean whole output dir (dist/)
* bundle all your js with browserify and minify with uglifyjs
* bundle all your styles with sass, css globbing, autoprefix and minify with csso
* copy your assets and minify all .png/.jpg/.gif/.svg
* copy Your index.html, minify html and inject styles, scripts, angular main module name into it.
* Do cache busting

### Apache/Nginx

Point it to `./dist` directory, and configure your server to fallback to index.html if file not found (to work with router html5 mode)

Directory structure

* dist/ - build output
* dev/ - dev output


### .gitignore

You should probably add this entries in .gitignore file


### src/index.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="<%= angularMainModuleName %>" lang="en">

  <meta charset="UTF-8">

<body ng-controller="appNameController">

  <!-- inject:js -->
  <!-- endinject -->


### src/index.js

'use strict';

var angular = require('angular');

angular.module('app', [])
  .controller('appNameController', /** @ngInject */ function() {


If you get 'task not found' error from gulp, you probably should pass gulp to init

require('refill-angular').init(undefined, undefined, require('gulp'));

### options

You can pass options object to init function

require('refill-angular').init(options, outputDirsMap);

Make sure you understand [how Refill works](

#### Default options

We recommend using as much default options as possible. They are based on our experience with AngularJS and
they set up some solid structure for your project.

  assets: {
    task: require('refill-task-assets'),
    enabled: true,
    dependencies: [],
    globs: 'src/**/_assets/**',
    globsOptions: {
      base: './'
    imagemin: undefined //options for gulp-imagemin
  clean: {
    task: require('refill-task-clean')
    enabled: true,
    dependencies: []
  webserver: {
    task: require('refill-angular/src/tasks/webserver')
    enabled: true,
    dependencies: [],
    host: 'localhost'
  assemble: {
    task: require('refill-task-sequence'),
    enabled: true,
    dependencies: [],
    sequence: [
      'clean', ['inject', 'assets']
    mode: undefined
  build: {
    task: require('refill-task-sequence'),
    enabled: true,
    dependencies: [],
    sequence: [
     mode: {
       env: 'prod',
       watch: false
  ci: {
    task: require('refill-task-sequence'),
    enabled: true,
    dependencies: [],
    sequence: [
    mode: undefined
  'ci-build': {
    task: require('refill-task-sequence'),
    enabled: true,
    dependencies: [],
    sequence: [
    mode: {
      env: 'prod',
      watch: false
  'ci-static-analysis': {
    task: require('refill-task-sequence'),
    enabled: true,
    dependencies: [],
    sequence: [
    mode: {
      env: 'prod',
      watch: false
  'ci-test': {
    task: require('refill-task-sequence'),
    enabled: true,
    dependencies: [],
    sequence: [
    mode: {
      env: 'prod',
      watch: false
  css: {
    task: require('refill-angular/src/tasks/css'),
    enabled: true,
    dependencies: [],
    globs: [
    globsOptions: undefined,
    outputDirSuffix: '',
    cssGlobbing: {
      extensions: ['.sass', '.scss'],
      scssImportPath: {
        leading_underscore: false,
        filename_extension: false
    autoprefixer: {
      browsers: ['last 2 versions', 'ie 9'],
      cascade: false
    sass: undefined,
    sourcemapsInit: undefined,
    sourcemapsWrite: undefined,
    csso: undefined
  default: {
    task: require('refill-task-sequence'),
    enabled: true,
    dependencies: [],
    sequence: [
      ['clean', 'lint-js', 'test'], ['inject', 'assets'],
    mode: undefined
  inject: {
    task: require('refill-angular/src/tasks/inject'),
    enabled: true,
    dependencies: ['js', 'css'],
    globs: 'src/index.html',
    globsOptions: undefined
    injectablesGlobs: [
    injectablesGlobsOptions: {
      read: false
    headInjectablesGlobs: undefined,
    absolute: true,
    prodAngularMainModuleName: 'app',
    devAngularMainModuleName: 'appDev',
    testAngularMainModuleName: 'appTest',
    htmlmin: undefined
  js: {
    task: require('refill-task-browserify'),
    enabled: true,
    dependencies: []
  'lint-js': {
    task: require('refill-task-eslint'),
    enabled: true,
    dependencies: [],
    eslint: {
      configFile: path.join(__dirname, '.eslintrc.dist.json')
  test: {
    task: require('refill-task-karma'),
    enabled: true,
    dependencies: []

### output dirs map

You can pass output dirs map object to init function.
This object maps current environment to output dir.

require('refill-angular').init(options, outputDirsMap);

#### Default output dirs map

  prod: 'dist/',
  test: 'test/'

### mode

You can retrieve mode object from refill

var mode = require('refill-angular').mode;

This object is shared across all tasks and it define mode of operation.

Default mode

  env: 'dev',
  watch: true,
  angularMainModuleProdFallback: false

Some of the mode properties can be changed on run by environment variables

REFILL_ENV=prod REFILL_WATCH=false ./node_modules/.bin/gulp css

which is equivalent to

bamboo_REFILL_ENV=prod bamboo_REFILL_WATCH=false ./node_modules/.bin/gulp css

Some tasks overwrites mode


[<img alt="Zaklinacze Kodu" src="" width="200">](