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# Contributing to Zappr

We are happy to accept your contributions to make Zappr better and more awesome! To avoid unnecessary work on either side, please stick to the following process:

1. Check if there is already [an issue]( for your concern.
2. If there is not, open a new one to start a discussion. We hate to close finished PRs!
3. If we decide your concern needs code changes, we would be happy to accept a pull request. Please consider the commit guidelines below.

In case you just want to help out and don't know where to start, [issues with "help wanted" label]( are good for first-time contributors. 

## Git Commit Guidelines

If there is already a ticket, use this number at the start of your commit message. This is [automatically checked with Zappr](!

Use [semantic commit messages](

* feat (new feature)
* fix (bug fix)
* docs (changes to documentation)
* style (formatting, missing semi colons, etc; no code change)
* refactor (refactoring production code)
* test (adding missing tests, refactoring tests; no production code change)
* chore (updating grunt tasks etc; no production code change)

**Example:** `#42 feat: This is my new feature.`