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Test Coverage
# Issues
Issues are always very welcome. 
However, there are a couple of things you can do to make the lives of the developers much easier:

### Tell us:

* What you are doing?
  * Post a _minimal_ code sample that reproduces the issue
  * What do you expect to happen?
  * What is actually happening?
* Which NodeJS version you are using?
* Which Ecma Script version you are using?
* Which Ecma Script presets you are using?

When you post code, please use [Github flavored markdown](, 
in order to get proper syntax highlighting!

# Pull requests

We're glad to get pull request if any functionality is missing or something is buggy. 
However, there are a couple of things you can do to make life easier for the maintainers:

* Explain the issue that your PR is solving - or link to an existing issue
* Make sure that all existing tests pass
* Make sure you followed [standard coding guidelines](
* Add some tests for your new functionality or a test exhibiting the bug you are solving. Ideally all new tests should not pass _without_ your changes.
* If you are adding or changing the public API, remember to add this changes in to the docs/wiki.
* Add an entry to the [changelog](, following the [changelog rules](

### 1. Prepare your environment

You need [Node.JS]( and [npm](

### 2. Install dependencies

Run `npm install`, see an example below:

$ npm install

### 3. Run tests ###

All tests are located in the `test` folder (which contains the [Mocha]( tests).

$ npm test || test:coverage

### 4. Standard Coding Guidelines ###

Please, follow [Standard JS Coding Guidelines](

$ npx standard

and if you want to fix automatically some of your source code
$ npx standard --fix

### 5. Documentation/Wiki ###

$ git clone

And then make and commit your changes

### 6. Done ###

Just commit and send your pull request. 
Thank you for contributing.