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Showing 122 of 215 total issues

Line too long (80 > 79 characters)

                    vysl += str(pocetSTRM) + '\n' + '--------------------\n' + \
Severity: Minor
Found in resources/lib/sutils.py by pep8

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Line too long (85 > 79 characters)

                            urllib.urlencode({'seriesname': name, 'language': 'cs'}))
Severity: Minor
Found in resources/lib/sutils.py by pep8

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Line too long (92 > 79 characters)

        sub = {'name': params['name'], 'refresh': params['refresh'], 'type': params['type']}
Severity: Minor
Found in resources/lib/sutils.py by pep8

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Line too long (83 > 79 characters)

                                 self.normalize_filename(params['name'])) + '.strm'
Severity: Minor
Found in resources/lib/sutils.py by pep8

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Line too long (97 > 79 characters)

                                                                          nothing, "[/COLOR]"])},
Severity: Minor
Found in resources/lib/sosac.py by pep8

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Line too long (86 > 79 characters)

                                                      "thumbnail", "file", "tvshowid",
Severity: Minor
Found in resources/lib/sutils.py by pep8

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Line too long (93 > 79 characters)

                                            '.' or c == '-' or c.isspace())]) if text else ''
Severity: Minor
Found in resources/lib/sutils.py by pep8

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Line too long (80 > 79 characters)

        title_pom = os.path.join(item_dir, self.normalize_filename(sub['name']),
Severity: Minor
Found in resources/lib/sutils.py by pep8

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Line too long (90 > 79 characters)

                (err, new) = self.add_item_to_library(title_pom, item_url, params['type'])
Severity: Minor
Found in resources/lib/sutils.py by pep8

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Line too long (93 > 79 characters)

        if not error and new_items and not ('update' in params) and not ('notify' in params):
Severity: Minor
Found in resources/lib/sutils.py by pep8

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Line too long (96 > 79 characters)

                            util.debug('"SOSAC Skipping "' + url + '" , next check in %dh"' % n)
Severity: Minor
Found in resources/lib/sutils.py by pep8

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Line too long (97 > 79 characters)

            if not xbmcvfs.exists(os.path.join(item_dir, self.normalize_filename(params['name']),
Severity: Minor
Found in resources/lib/sutils.py by pep8

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Line too long (86 > 79 characters)

                    self.showNotification(params['name'], 'Removed from subscription')
Severity: Minor
Found in resources/lib/sutils.py by pep8

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Line too long (80 > 79 characters)

                                          'disk and memory cache cleared', 1000)
Severity: Minor
Found in resources/lib/sutils.py by pep8

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Line too long (93 > 79 characters)

                                                           "en": ''.join(['[COLOR red]', naz,
Severity: Minor
Found in resources/lib/sosac.py by pep8

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Line too long (85 > 79 characters)

            mujPlayer = myPlayer.MyPlayer(itemType=pomItemType, itemDBID=pomItemDBID,
Severity: Minor
Found in resources/lib/sutils.py by pep8

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Line too long (81 > 79 characters)

                                          slovnik=pomSlovnik, titulky=pomTitulky)
Severity: Minor
Found in resources/lib/sutils.py by pep8

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Line too long (90 > 79 characters)

            "library-tvshows", xbmc.translatePath(addonPom.getSetting("library-tvshows")))
Severity: Minor
Found in resources/lib/sutils.py by pep8

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Line too long (94 > 79 characters)

            (error, new_items) = self.add_item_to_library(title_pom, item_url, params['type'])
Severity: Minor
Found in resources/lib/sutils.py by pep8

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Line too long (94 > 79 characters)

                item_url = xbmcutil._create_plugin_url(arg, 'plugin://' + self.addon_id + '/')
Severity: Minor
Found in resources/lib/sutils.py by pep8

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.