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using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace Romanization.Internal
    /// <summary>
    /// Effectively a <see cref="Regex"/> implementation of <see cref="ReplaceOperations.ReplaceWithSameCase"/>.<br />
    /// This could be implemented with a smarter case-checking algorithm (case checks are simply based on
    /// first &amp; last characters of the entire <see cref="Match"/>), but it's use here is only for small
    /// matches where this shouldn't be an issue, and so it isn't worth the implementation &amp; speed cost.<br />
    /// Substitutions should be in the format <c>blah$1blah$0blah$2</c>, and up to 10 captures are supported (0-9).<br />
    /// The input pattern is always matched with <see cref="RegexOptions.IgnoreCase"/> set.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>This was originally created to be able to handle aspirated rho (ρ) with proper casing in Greek.</remarks>
    internal class CaseAwareSub : ISub
        private readonly Regex _findRegex;
        private readonly DynamicReplacement _dynamicReplacement;
        private readonly bool _countCapturesInCasing;

        public CaseAwareSub(string pattern, string dynamicReplacement, bool countCapturesInCasing = false)
            _findRegex    = new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            _dynamicReplacement = new DynamicReplacement(dynamicReplacement);
            _countCapturesInCasing = countCapturesInCasing;

        public CaseAwareSub(string pattern, string dynamicReplacement, RegexOptions options, bool countCapturesInCasing = false)
            _findRegex    = new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | options);
            _dynamicReplacement = new DynamicReplacement(dynamicReplacement);
            _countCapturesInCasing = countCapturesInCasing;

        public string Replace(string text)
            StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(text.Length);

            bool foundMatch = false;
            int startIndex = 0;
            Match match = _findRegex.Match(text);
            while (match.Success)
                foundMatch = true;
                result.Append(text, startIndex, match.Index - startIndex);

                // Handle replacement
                DynamicReplacement.CasingMode casingMode = DynamicReplacement.CasingMode.LowerCase;
                // Start by looking for the first character not in a capture group in the match
                int searchStart = match.Index;
                int firstCharIndex = -1;
                int lastCharIndex = -1;
                if (!_countCapturesInCasing)
                    for (int i = 1; i < match.Groups.Count; i++)
                        if (match.Groups[i].Index > searchStart)
                            firstCharIndex = searchStart;
                        searchStart += match.Groups[i].Length;
                if (firstCharIndex < 0 && searchStart < match.Index + match.Length)
                    firstCharIndex = searchStart;

                // If at least one character exists in the match that isn't in a capture group,
                // search for the last character next
                if (firstCharIndex > -1)
                    searchStart = match.Index + match.Length - 1;
                    if (!_countCapturesInCasing)
                        for (int i = match.Groups.Count - 1; i >= 1; i--)
                            if (match.Groups[i].Index + match.Groups[i].Length <= searchStart)
                                lastCharIndex = searchStart;

                            searchStart -= match.Groups[i].Length;
                    if (lastCharIndex < 0 && searchStart >= match.Index)
                        lastCharIndex = searchStart;

                    // Now that the positions of the first and last characters are known, determine
                    // the casing format to use for the replacement
                    bool firstCharUpper = char.IsUpper(text[firstCharIndex]);
                    bool lastCharUpper = char.IsUpper(text[lastCharIndex]) &&
                                         (firstCharIndex != lastCharIndex ||
                                          (text.Length > match.Index + match.Length && char.IsUpper(text[match.Index + match.Length])) ||
                                          (match.Index > 0 && char.IsUpper(text[match.Index - 1])));
                    if (!firstCharUpper && !lastCharUpper)
                        casingMode = DynamicReplacement.CasingMode.LowerCase;
                    else if (firstCharUpper && lastCharUpper)
                        casingMode = DynamicReplacement.CasingMode.UpperCase;
                    else if (firstCharUpper && !lastCharUpper)
                        casingMode = DynamicReplacement.CasingMode.TitleCase;
                        casingMode = DynamicReplacement.CasingMode.ReverseTitleCase;

                // Build the substitute string and add it to the result
                    match.Groups.Values.Skip(1).Select(g => g.Value).ToArray()));

                startIndex = match.Index + match.Length;

                match = match.NextMatch();

            // Append any remaining parts of the original text
            if (startIndex < text.Length)
                result.Append(text, startIndex, text.Length - startIndex);

            return foundMatch ? result.ToString() : text;