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using Romanization.Internal;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
using System.Globalization;

// ReSharper disable CheckNamespace
// ReSharper disable CommentTypo
// ReSharper disable IdentifierTypo
// ReSharper disable StringLiteralTypo
// ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming

namespace Romanization
    public static partial class Greek
        public static partial class Ancient
            /// <summary>
            /// The ALA-LC (American Library Association and Library of Congress) Greek romanization system.<br />
            /// Has two separate modes - one for *very* old Greek
            /// (<a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attic_numerals'>Attic numerals</a>, obelistic full-stops (⁚)),
            /// and one for more recent old Greek
            /// (<a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_numerals'>Greek numerals</a>, modern-ish punctuation). If
            /// you don't know the difference, use the more recent version.<br />
            /// For more information, visit:<br />
            /// <a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanization_of_Greek'>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanization_of_Greek</a><br />
            /// and<br />
            /// <a href='https://www.loc.gov/catdir/cpso/romanization/greek.pdf'>https://www.loc.gov/catdir/cpso/romanization/greek.pdf</a>
            /// </summary>
            /// <remarks>Attic numeral support is somewhat contrived. Check out
            /// <see cref="AtticNumerals.ProcessNumeralsInText"/> for more information.</remarks>
            public sealed class AlaLc : IMultiInOutCultureSystem
                /// <inheritdoc />
                public SystemType Type => SystemType.Transliteration;

                /// <inheritdoc />
                public CultureInfo DefaultCulture => CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("el-GR");

                /// <inheritdoc cref="OutputNumeralType"/>
                public readonly OutputNumeralType OutputNumeralType;

                /// <summary>
                /// Whether or not this system should parse as if the text is very old. In very old Greek, a different
                /// punctuation system was used and Attic numerals were used instead of newer Greek numerals.<br />
                /// While the use of this should largely depend on the text you intend to use it with, a decent
                /// rule-of-thumb is that if Attic numerals are a possibility, this should be true.
                /// </summary>
                public readonly bool VeryOld;

                // Sub-systems
                private readonly INumeralParsingSystem NumeralsSystem;

                // System-Specific Constants
                private readonly Dictionary<string, string> RomanizationTable        = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                private readonly Dictionary<string, string> DiphthongTable           = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                private readonly Dictionary<string, string> SpecificCombinationTable = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                private readonly Dictionary<string, string> PunctuationTable         = new Dictionary<string, string>();

                private readonly CaseAwareSub RhoAspiratedSub = new CaseAwareSub("(?:\\bρ|(?<=ρ)ρ(?!\\b|ρ))", "rh");

                private readonly CaseAwareSub RoughBreathingVowelSub =
                    new CaseAwareSub($"(?<=[{GreekAllVowels}]|{GreekVowelDiphthongs})\u0314", "h", true);

                /// <summary>
                /// Instantiates a copy of the system to process romanizations.
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="outputNumeralType">What kind of numeral to romanize to.<br />
                /// Greek numerals are traditionally romanized to Roman numerals, except for when in
                /// official/government documents.</param>
                /// <param name="veryOld">Whether or not this system should parse as if the text is very old. In very old
                /// Greek, a different punctuation system was used and Attic numerals were used instead.</param>
                public AlaLc(OutputNumeralType outputNumeralType = OutputNumeralType.Roman, bool veryOld = false)
                    OutputNumeralType = outputNumeralType;
                    VeryOld = veryOld;
                    NumeralsSystem = !VeryOld ? (INumeralParsingSystem) new GreekNumerals() : new AtticNumerals();

                    #region Romanization Chart

                    // Sourced from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanization_of_Greek

                    // Main characters (2021)
                    RomanizationTable["α"]       =  "a";
                    RomanizationTable["β"]       =  "b";
                    RomanizationTable["γ"]       =  "g";  // has special provisions
                    RomanizationTable["δ"]       =  "d";
                    RomanizationTable["ε"]       =  "e";
                    RomanizationTable["ζ"]       =  "z";
                    RomanizationTable["η"]       =  "ē";
                    RomanizationTable["θ"]       = "th";
                    RomanizationTable["ι"]       =  "i";
                    RomanizationTable["κ"]       =  "k";
                    RomanizationTable["λ"]       =  "l";
                    RomanizationTable["μ"]       =  "m";
                    RomanizationTable["ν"]       =  "n";
                    RomanizationTable["ξ"]       =  "x";
                    RomanizationTable["ο"]       =  "o";
                    RomanizationTable["π"]       =  "p";
                    RomanizationTable["ρ\u0314"] = "rh";
                    RomanizationTable["ρ"]       =  "r";  // has special provisions
                    RomanizationTable["σ"]       =  "s";
                    RomanizationTable["ς"]       =  "s";
                    RomanizationTable["τ"]       =  "t";
                    RomanizationTable["υ"]       =  "y";  // has special provisions
                    RomanizationTable["φ"]       = "ph";
                    RomanizationTable["χ"]       = "ch";
                    RomanizationTable["ψ"]       = "ps";
                    RomanizationTable["ω"]       =  "ō";

                    DiphthongTable["αι"] = "ae";
                    DiphthongTable["ει"] = "ei";
                    DiphthongTable["οι"] = "oi";
                    DiphthongTable["ου"] = "ou";
                    DiphthongTable["υι"] = "ui";
                    DiphthongTable["αυ"] = "au";
                    DiphthongTable["ευ"] = "eu";
                    DiphthongTable["ηυ"] = "eu";
                    DiphthongTable["υι"] = "ōu";

                    // Gamma velar stop combinations
                    SpecificCombinationTable["γγ"] = "ng";
                    SpecificCombinationTable["γκ"] = "nk";
                    SpecificCombinationTable["γξ"] = "nx";
                    SpecificCombinationTable["γχ"] = "nch";

                    // Uncommon letters
                    RomanizationTable["ϝ"] = "w"; // Digamma
                    RomanizationTable["ͷ"] = "w"; // Digamma
                    RomanizationTable["ϙ"] = "ḳ"; // Koppa
                    RomanizationTable["ϟ"] = "ḳ"; // Koppa
                    RomanizationTable["ϡ"] =  ""; // Sampi
                    RomanizationTable["ͳ"] =  ""; // Sampi
                    RomanizationTable["ϻ"] =  ""; // San
                    RomanizationTable["Ϲ"] = "s"; // Lunate sigma
                    RomanizationTable["ϲ"] = "s"; // Lunate sigma
                    RomanizationTable["ϳ"] =  ""; // Yot

                    // Punctuation
                    if (VeryOld)
                        PunctuationTable["."]      = ","; // Low dot (in ancient Greek this acted as a short breath, or comma)
                        PunctuationTable["·"]      = ";"; // Mid dot (in ancient Greek this acted as a long breath, or semicolon)
                        PunctuationTable["\u0387"] = ";"; // Distinct from above but visually the same
                        PunctuationTable["\u02D9"] = "."; // High dot (in ancient Greek this acted as a full stop)
                        PunctuationTable["\u205A"] = "."; // In ancient texts the Greek two-dot punctuation mark (looks like a colon) served as the full stop
                        PunctuationTable["\u203F"] = "-"; // Papyrological hyphen
                        PunctuationTable["\u035C"] = "-"; // Papyrological hyphen
                    PunctuationTable[";"]      = "?";
                    PunctuationTable["\u037E"] = "?"; // Distinct from above but visually the same
                    PunctuationTable["’"]      = "h"; // Sometimes used as an aspiration mark


                /// <summary>
                /// Performs ALA-LC Greek romanization on the given text.<br />
                /// Supports providing a specific <paramref name="nativeCulture"/> (as long as the
                /// country code is <c>el</c>) to romanize from, and a
                /// <paramref name="romanizedCulture"/> to romanize to.
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="text">The text to romanize.</param>
                /// <param name="nativeCulture">The culture to romanize from.</param>
                /// <param name="romanizedCulture">The culture to romanize to.</param>
                /// <returns>A romanized version of the text, leaving unrecognized characters untouched.</returns>
                /// <exception cref="IrrelevantCultureException"><paramref name="nativeCulture"/> is irrelevant to the
                /// language/region.</exception>
                public string Process(string text, CultureInfo nativeCulture, CultureInfo romanizedCulture)
                    if (nativeCulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName.ToLowerInvariant() != "el")
                        throw new IrrelevantCultureException(nativeCulture.DisplayName, nameof(nativeCulture));
                    return CulturalOperations.RunWithCulture(nativeCulture, () =>
                        text = text
                            // General preparation, normalization
                            // Remove diacritics that this system ignores
                            .WithoutChars("\u0300\u0340" + // Grave accent
                                          "\u0301\u0341" + // Acute accent
                                          "\u0313\u0343" + // Smooth breathing/koronis
                                          "\u0303\u0342" + // Tilde
                                          "\u0311" +       // Inverted breve
                                          "\u0345")        // Iota subscript

                        // Convert numerals
                        text = OutputNumeralType == OutputNumeralType.Roman
                            ? NumeralsSystem.ProcessNumeralsInText(text, value => value.Value.ToRomanNumerals())
                            : NumeralsSystem.ProcessNumeralsInText(text, value => value.Value.ToArabicNumerals(romanizedCulture));

                        // Actual romanization of text
                        return text
                            // Do special provisions
                            .ReplaceMany(RhoAspiratedSub, RoughBreathingVowelSub)
                            // Do regular character replacement

                /// <summary>
                /// Performs ALA-LC Greek romanization on the given text.<br />
                /// Supports providing a specific <paramref name="nativeCulture"/> to process with, as long as the
                /// country code is <c>el</c>.
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="text">The text to romanize.</param>
                /// <param name="nativeCulture">The culture to romanize from.</param>
                /// <returns>A romanized version of the text, leaving unrecognized characters untouched.</returns>
                /// <exception cref="IrrelevantCultureException"><paramref name="nativeCulture"/> is irrelevant to the
                /// language/region.</exception>
                public string Process(string text, CultureInfo nativeCulture)
                    => Process(text, nativeCulture, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

                /// <summary>
                /// Performs ALA-LC Greek romanization on the given text.
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="text">The text to romanize.</param>
                /// <param name="romanizedCulture">The culture to romanize to.</param>
                /// <returns>A romanized version of the text, leaving unrecognized characters untouched.</returns>
                public string ProcessToCulture(string text, CultureInfo romanizedCulture)
                    => Process(text, DefaultCulture, romanizedCulture);

                /// <summary>
                /// Performs ALA-LC Greek romanization on the given text.
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="text">The text to romanize.</param>
                /// <returns>A romanized version of the text, leaving unrecognized characters untouched.</returns>
                public string Process(string text)
                    => Process(text, DefaultCulture);