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using Romanization.Internal;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

// ReSharper disable CheckNamespace
// ReSharper disable CommentTypo
// ReSharper disable IdentifierTypo
// ReSharper disable StringLiteralTypo
// ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming

namespace Romanization
    public static partial class Greek
        public static partial class Ancient
            /// <summary>
            /// Attic numerals were used in Ancient Greece roughly from 7th century BCE until they were replaced by
            /// standard Greek numerals in 3rd century BCE.<br />
            /// For more information, visit:<br />
            /// <a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attic_numerals'>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attic_numerals</a>
            /// for general information<br />
            /// and
            /// <a href='https://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U10140.pdf'>https://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U10140.pdf</a>
            /// for the full Unicode codepage for many of the (likely-unrenderable) Attic characters
            /// </summary>
            public sealed class AtticNumerals : INumeralParsingSystem<Units>
                // System-Specific Constants
                private readonly Dictionary<string, decimal> ValueTable = new Dictionary<string, decimal>();
                private readonly string[] DrachmaSymbols = { "𐅻", "𐅼", "𐅂", "𐅝", "𐅞", "𐅼", "𐅽", "𐅾", "𐅿", "𐆀" };
                private readonly string[] PlethraSymbols = { "𐅘" };
                private readonly string[] TalentsSymbols = { "𐅺", "𐅈", "𐅉", "𐅊", "𐅋", "𐅌", "𐅍", "𐅎" };
                private readonly string[] StatersSymbols = { "𐅏", "𐅐", "𐅑", "𐅒", "𐅓", "𐅔", "𐅕", "𐅖" };
                private readonly string[] MnasSymbols    = { "𐅳", "𐅗", "𐅴" };
                private readonly string[] YearSymbols    = { "𐅹", "𐆌" };
                private readonly string[] WeightSymbols  = { "𐆎" };
                private readonly string[] TimeSymbols    = { "𐆍" };

                private readonly Regex NumeralDetectionRegex =
                    new Regex(
                        RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                /// <summary>
                /// Instantiates a copy of the system to process romanizations.
                /// </summary>
                public AtticNumerals()
                    #region Romanization Chart

                    // Sourced from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attic_numerals and https://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U10140.pdf
                    // Comments are if there's a specific unit associated with the symbol, and names in brackets are
                    // the region(?) in which the symbol was used

                    ValueTable["𐆊"]  =             0;
                    ValueTable["𐅼"]  = (decimal) 1/6; // Drachma/Obol
                    ValueTable["𐅀"]  = (decimal) 1/4;
                    ValueTable["𐆋"]  = (decimal) 1/4;
                    ValueTable["𐅽"]  = (decimal) 2/6; // Drachma/Obol
                    ValueTable["𐅁"]  = (decimal) 1/2;
                    ValueTable["𐅵"]  = (decimal) 1/2;
                    ValueTable["𐅶"]  = (decimal) 1/2;
                    ValueTable["𐅾"]  = (decimal) 3/6; // Drachma/Obol
                    ValueTable["𐅷"] = (decimal) 2/3;
                    ValueTable["𐅿"]  = (decimal) 4/6; // Drachma/Obol
                    ValueTable["𐅸"]  = (decimal) 3/4;
                    ValueTable["𐆀"]  = (decimal) 5/6; // Drachma/Obol
                    ValueTable["Ι"]  =             1;
                    ValueTable["𐅂"]  =             1; // Drachma
                    ValueTable["𐅘"]  =             1; // Plethron
                    ValueTable["𐅙"]  =             1; // (Thespian)
                    ValueTable["𐅚"]  =             1; // (Hermionian)
                    ValueTable["𐅛"]  =             2; // (Epidaurean)
                    ValueTable["𐅜"]  =             2; // (Thespian)
                    ValueTable["𐅝"]  =             2; // Drachma (Cyrenaic)
                    ValueTable["𐅞"]  =             2; // Drachma (Epidaurean)
                    ValueTable["Π"]  =             5;
                    ValueTable["𐅈"]  =             5; // Talents
                    ValueTable["𐅏"]  =             5; // Staters
                    ValueTable["𐅟"]  =             5; // (Troezenian)
                    ValueTable["𐅳"]  =             5; // Mnas (Delphic)
                    ValueTable["Δ"]  =            10;
                    ValueTable["𐅉"]  =            10; // Talents
                    ValueTable["𐅐"]  =            10; // Staters
                    ValueTable["𐅗"]  =            10; // Mnas
                    ValueTable["𐅠"]  =            10; // (Troezenian)
                    ValueTable["𐅡"]  =            10; // (Troezenian)
                    ValueTable["𐅢"]  =            10; // (Hermionian)
                    ValueTable["𐅣"]  =            10; // (Messenian)
                    ValueTable["𐅤"]  =            10; // (Thespian)
                    ValueTable["𐅥"]  =            30; // (Thespian)
                    ValueTable["𐅄"]  =            50;
                    ValueTable["𐅊"]  =            50; // Talents
                    ValueTable["𐅑"]  =            50; // Staters
                    ValueTable["𐅦"]  =            50; // (Troezenian)
                    ValueTable["𐅧"]  =            50; // (Troezenian)
                    ValueTable["𐅨"]  =            50; // (Hermionian)
                    ValueTable["𐅩"] =            50; // (Thespian)
                    ValueTable["𐅴"]  =            50; // Mnas (Stratian)
                    ValueTable["Η"]  =           100;
                    ValueTable["𐅋"]  =           100; // Talents
                    ValueTable["𐅒"]  =           100; // Staters
                    ValueTable["𐅪"] =           100; // (Thespian)
                    ValueTable["𐅫"] =           300; // (Thespian)
                    ValueTable["𐅅"]  =           500;
                    ValueTable["𐅌"]  =           500; // Talents
                    ValueTable["𐅓"]  =           500; // Staters
                    ValueTable["𐅬"] =           500; // (Epidaurean)
                    ValueTable["𐅭"] =           500; // (Troezenian)
                    ValueTable["𐅮"] =           500; // (Thespian)
                    ValueTable["𐅯"]  =           500; // (Carystian)
                    ValueTable["𐅰"]  =           500; // (Naxian)
                    ValueTable["Χ"]  =          1000;
                    ValueTable["𐅍"]  =          1000; // Talents
                    ValueTable["𐅔"]  =          1000; // Staters
                    ValueTable["𐅱"]  =          1000; // (Thespian)
                    ValueTable["𐅆"]  =          5000;
                    ValueTable["𐅎"]  =          5000; // Talents
                    ValueTable["𐅲"]  =          5000; // (Thespian)
                    ValueTable["Μ"]  =         10000;
                    ValueTable["𐅕"]  =         10000; // Staters
                    ValueTable["𐅇"]  =         50000;
                    ValueTable["𐅖"]  =         50000; // Staters


                /// <summary>
                /// Parses the numeric value of an Attic numeral, and returns the associated unit if possible.
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="text">The numeral text to parse.</param>
                /// <returns>A numeric value representing the value of <paramref name="text"/>, with a unit if one
                /// could be found.</returns>
                public NumeralValue<Units> Process(string text)
                    text = text
                        .Replace("\u0305", "");

                    Units? unit = text.DetermineResultFromString(
                        (Units.Drachma, DrachmaSymbols),
                        (Units.Plethra, PlethraSymbols),
                        (Units.Talents, TalentsSymbols),
                        (Units.Staters, StatersSymbols),
                        (Units.Mnas,    MnasSymbols),
                        (Units.Years,   YearSymbols),
                        (Units.Weight,  WeightSymbols),
                        (Units.Time,    TimeSymbols));

                    string[] surrogatePairs = text.SplitIntoSurrogatePairs();
                    decimal totalValue = 0;
                    foreach (string surrogatePair in surrogatePairs)
                        if (ValueTable.TryGetValue(surrogatePair, out decimal value))
                            totalValue += value;

                    return new NumeralValue<Units>(totalValue, unit);

                NumeralValue INumeralParsingSystem.Process(string text)
                    => Process(text).ToUnitlessNumeralValue();

                /// <summary>
                /// Processes all Attic numerals in the text.
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="text">The text to search for numerals.</param>
                /// <param name="numeralProcessor">The function to use to transform the value from
                /// <see cref="Process(string)"/> into a string to put in the text.</param>
                /// <returns>A copy of <paramref name="text"/>, but with all detected Attic numerals processed using
                /// <paramref name="numeralProcessor"/>.</returns>
                /// <remarks>Attic numeral support is somewhat contrived, as there's no real way to distinguish them from
                /// other Greek text and so in-text detection works based on presence of Unicode overbar characters.
                /// This isn't realistically something that would be seen in practice, and the special Attic characters
                /// often don't even work with the overbar combining character. Perhaps a better solution is possible,
                /// but overbars seem to stand the highest chance of having actually been in use, so that's what it
                /// looks for.<br />
                /// If this particular function is something you need, open an issue and provide an example of what
                /// you need to romanize.<br />
                /// For general parsing of Attic numerals, check out <see cref="AtticNumerals.Process"/>.</remarks>
                public string ProcessNumeralsInText(string text, Func<NumeralValue<Units>, string> numeralProcessor)
                    text = text.LanguageWidePreparation();

                    StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(text.Length);
                    bool foundMatch = false;
                    int startIndex = 0;
                    Match match = NumeralDetectionRegex.Match(text);
                    while (match.Success)
                        foundMatch = true;
                        result.Append(text, startIndex, match.Index - startIndex);

                        // Handle replacement

                        startIndex = match.Index + match.Length;

                        match = match.NextMatch();

                    // Append any remaining parts of the original text
                    if (startIndex < text.Length)
                        result.Append(text, startIndex, text.Length - startIndex);

                    return foundMatch ? result.ToString() : text;

                string INumeralParsingSystem.ProcessNumeralsInText(string text, Func<NumeralValue, string> numeralProcessor)
                    => ProcessNumeralsInText(text, value => numeralProcessor(value.ToUnitlessNumeralValue()));