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Test Coverage
using Romanization.Internal;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

// ReSharper disable CheckNamespace
// ReSharper disable CommentTypo
// ReSharper disable IdentifierTypo
// ReSharper disable StringLiteralTypo
// ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming

namespace Romanization
    public static partial class Greek
        public static partial class Ancient
            /// <summary>
            /// Greek numerals were introduced around 3rd century BCE, replacing Attic numerals.
            /// They are still used today very occassionally.<br />
            /// For more information, visit:
            /// <a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_numerals'>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_numerals</a>
            /// </summary>
            public sealed class GreekNumerals : INumeralParsingSystem
                // System-Specific Constants
                private readonly Dictionary<char, int> ValueTable     = new Dictionary<char, int>();
                private const    char   CanonicalDoubleUpperKeraia    = '″';
                private const    char   CanonicalSingleUpperKeraia    = 'ʹ';
                private const    char   CanonicalLowerKeraia          = '͵';
                private const    char   CanonicalOverbar              = '\u0305';
                private readonly char[] UpperKeraiaDoubleReplacements = { 'ʺ', '"' };
                private readonly char[] UpperKeraiaSingleReplacements = { 'ʹ', '\'' };
                private readonly char[] LowerKeraiaReplacements       = { ',' };
                private readonly char[] OverbarChars                  = { '\u0305', '‾' };
                private const    string SigmaTauDigraph               = "ΣΤ";

                private readonly Regex OverbarBoundaryRegex = new Regex("\u0305(?!.\u0305|\u0305)", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                private readonly Regex NumeralDetectionRegex =
                    new Regex(
                        RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                /// <summary>
                /// Instantiates a copy of the system to process romanizations.
                /// </summary>
                public GreekNumerals()
                    #region Romanization Chart

                    // Sourced from:
                    // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_numerals
                    // https://www.foundalis.com/lan/grknum.htm
                    // https://www.opoudjis.net/unicode/numerals.html
                    // https://web.archive.org/web/20120302122752/http://www.tlg.uci.edu/~opoudjis//unicode/numerals.html

                    // Contains both uppercase and lowercase values, since we do case-sensitive comparisons

                    //ValueTable['∠'] = (decimal) 1/2;
                    ValueTable['Α'] =   1;
                    ValueTable['α'] =   1;
                    ValueTable['Β'] =   2;
                    ValueTable['β'] =   2;
                    ValueTable['Γ'] =   3;
                    ValueTable['γ'] =   3;
                    ValueTable['Δ'] =   4;
                    ValueTable['δ'] =   4;
                    ValueTable['Ε'] =   5;
                    ValueTable['ε'] =   5;
                    ValueTable['Ϝ'] =   6; // Digamma
                    ValueTable['ϝ'] =   6; // Digamma
                    ValueTable['Ϛ'] =   6; // Stigma (sigma-tau)
                    ValueTable['ϛ'] =   6; // Stigma (sigma-tau)
                    ValueTable['ς'] =   6; // Incorrect, but sometimes used in place of stigma
                    ValueTable['ς'] =   6; // Incorrect, but sometimes used in place of stigma
                    ValueTable['Ζ'] =   7;
                    ValueTable['ζ'] =   7;
                    ValueTable['Η'] =   8;
                    ValueTable['η'] =   8;
                    ValueTable['Θ'] =   9;
                    ValueTable['θ'] =   9;
                    ValueTable['Ι'] =  10;
                    ValueTable['ι'] =  10;
                    ValueTable['Κ'] =  20;
                    ValueTable['κ'] =  20;
                    ValueTable['Λ'] =  30;
                    ValueTable['λ'] =  30;
                    ValueTable['Μ'] =  40;
                    ValueTable['μ'] =  40;
                    ValueTable['Ν'] =  50;
                    ValueTable['ν'] =  50;
                    ValueTable['Ξ'] =  60;
                    ValueTable['ξ'] =  60;
                    ValueTable['Ο'] =  70;
                    ValueTable['ο'] =  70;
                    ValueTable['Π'] =  80;
                    ValueTable['π'] =  80;
                    ValueTable['Ϙ'] =  90;
                    ValueTable['ϙ'] =  90;
                    ValueTable['Ϟ'] =  90; // Koppa (qoppa)
                    ValueTable['ϟ'] =  90; // Koppa (qoppa)
                    ValueTable['Ρ'] = 100;
                    ValueTable['ρ'] = 100;
                    ValueTable['Σ'] = 200;
                    ValueTable['σ'] = 200;
                    ValueTable['Τ'] = 300;
                    ValueTable['τ'] = 300;
                    ValueTable['Υ'] = 400;
                    ValueTable['υ'] = 400;
                    ValueTable['Φ'] = 500;
                    ValueTable['φ'] = 500;
                    ValueTable['Χ'] = 600;
                    ValueTable['χ'] = 600;
                    ValueTable['Ψ'] = 700;
                    ValueTable['ψ'] = 700;
                    ValueTable['Ω'] = 800;
                    ValueTable['ω'] = 800;
                    ValueTable['Ͳ'] = 900;
                    ValueTable['ͳ'] = 900;
                    ValueTable['Ϡ'] = 900; // Sampi
                    ValueTable['ϡ'] = 900; // Sampi


                /// <summary>
                /// Parses the numeric value of a Greek numeral.
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="text">The numeral text to parse.</param>
                /// <returns>A numeric value representing the value of <paramref name="text"/>.</returns>
                public NumeralValue Process(string text)
                    => Process(text, null);

                /// <summary>
                /// Parses the numeric value of a Greek numeral.
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="text">The numeral text to parse.</param>
                /// <param name="textUsesOverbars">Whether or not the text is known to use overbars. This is for
                /// parsing of larger texts with multiple numerals contained within.</param>
                /// <returns>A numeric value representing the value of <paramref name="text"/>.</returns>
                internal NumeralValue Process(string text, bool? textUsesOverbars)
                    // Clean, normalize, and prepare the text
                    // TODO: This could be done much more efficiently, but this system should only ever be used for small strings so the impact shouldn't be very high
                    text = text
                        // General prep, Unicode normalization
                        // Replace common kludges with their intended meanings
                        .Replace(SigmaTauDigraph, "Ϛ")
                        .Replace('!', CanonicalSingleUpperKeraia)
                        // Replace potential alternate forms
                        .ReplaceMultipleChars(LowerKeraiaReplacements, CanonicalLowerKeraia)
                        .ReplaceMultipleChars(UpperKeraiaSingleReplacements, CanonicalSingleUpperKeraia)
                        .ReplaceMultipleChars(UpperKeraiaDoubleReplacements, CanonicalDoubleUpperKeraia)
                        .Replace('‾', CanonicalOverbar);

                    // Normalize the older usage format with overbars into the modern one using single and double keraiae
                    if (!textUsesOverbars.HasValue && text.Contains(CanonicalOverbar) || textUsesOverbars.HasValue && textUsesOverbars.Value)
                        // Convert any existing single keraia into doubles
                        text = text.Replace(CanonicalSingleUpperKeraia, CanonicalDoubleUpperKeraia);
                        // Replace overbars at boundaries between whole and fractional numbers into single keraia
                        text = OverbarBoundaryRegex.Replace(text, $"{CanonicalSingleUpperKeraia}");
                        // Remove all other overbars
                        text = text.Replace($"{CanonicalOverbar}", "");

                    decimal totalValue = 0;
                    int runningValue = 0;
                    int value;
                    for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
                        switch (text[i])
                            // Thousands (lower keraia)
                            case CanonicalLowerKeraia:
                                if (i + 1 >= text.Length || !ValueTable.TryGetValue(text[i + 1], out value))
                                runningValue += 1000 * value;
                            // Single keraia, denotes the end of a whole number in this case
                            case CanonicalSingleUpperKeraia:
                                totalValue += runningValue;
                                runningValue = 0;
                            // Special half character
                            case '∠':
                                totalValue += runningValue + (decimal) 1/2;
                                runningValue = 0;
                            // Fractions
                            case CanonicalDoubleUpperKeraia when runningValue == 0:
                            case CanonicalDoubleUpperKeraia:
                                totalValue += (decimal) 1 / runningValue;
                                runningValue = 0;

                        if (!ValueTable.TryGetValue(text[i], out value))
                        runningValue += value;

                    totalValue += runningValue;

                    return new NumeralValue(totalValue);

                /// <summary>
                /// Processes all Greek numerals in the text.
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="text">The text to search for numerals.</param>
                /// <param name="numeralProcessor">The function to use to transform the value from <see cref="Process"/>
                /// into a string to put in the text.</param>
                /// <returns></returns>
                public string ProcessNumeralsInText(string text, Func<NumeralValue, string> numeralProcessor)
                    text = text.LanguageWidePreparation();
                    bool usesOverbars = text.Any(c => OverbarChars.Contains(c));

                    StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(text.Length);
                    bool foundMatch = false;
                    int startIndex = 0;
                    Match match = NumeralDetectionRegex.Match(text);
                    while (match.Success)
                        foundMatch = true;
                        result.Append(text, startIndex, match.Index - startIndex);

                        // Handle replacement
                        result.Append(numeralProcessor(Process(match.Value, usesOverbars)));

                        startIndex = match.Index + match.Length;

                        match = match.NextMatch();

                    // Append any remaining parts of the original text
                    if (startIndex < text.Length)
                        result.Append(text, startIndex, text.Length - startIndex);

                    return foundMatch ? result.ToString() : text;