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REFINE: A Wymeditor Skin

This is a skin for Wymeditor that has been extracted from the open-source project, [Refinery](http://www.refinerycms.com) - I like its clean, no-frills approach to the editor, with just the bare amount of functionality there to let the average user get by.

Download the folder into your `skins` directory (Usually under the main `wymeditor` directory:
* `git clone git://github.com/joshmcarthur/wymeditor-refine.git [wymeditor_path]/skins/refine`

There are a couple of places to set the skin to use - to find them, search for `default` in jquery.wymeditor.js ('default' is the name of the - well, default skin that wymeditor uses. Replace `default` with `refine` and enjoy!

[Refinery CMS](http://www.refinerycms.com) is licensed with MIT, so I'm going to do the same.
I should also note that all design credit goes to the Refinery guys - all I've done is pulled this out of the project to use in my own things.