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import { RequestOptions } from "http";

 * Context object given as argument to each {@link ServiceConfig.ready} function
export interface ReadyContext {
   * Wait until the given TCP `port` (on the given `host`) is accepting connections.
   * The `port` is required.
   * The `host` defaults to "localhost".
   * Works by repeatedly trying establish a TCP connection to the given port.
  onceTcpPortUsed: (port: number | string, host?: string) => Promise<void>;

   * Wait until an expected http status is returned for the given request.
   * The `requestOptions` requires at minimum a `url` or `port` property.
   * Default `method` is `"GET"` & default `path` is `"/"`.
   * The default `expectedStatus` is `200`.
   * Works by trying the http request repeatedly.
  onceHttpOk: (
    requestOptions: { url?: string | undefined } & RequestOptions,
    expectedStatus?: number | undefined
  ) => Promise<void>;

   * Wait until a line in the console output passes custom `test`
  onceOutputLine: (test: (line: string) => boolean) => Promise<void>;

   * Wait until a certain exact `line` appears in the console output
  onceOutputLineIs: (line: string) => Promise<void>;

   * Wait until a line including `text` appears in the console output
  onceOutputLineIncludes: (text: string) => Promise<void>;

   * Wait a predetermined length of time
  onceDelay: (milliseconds: number) => Promise<void>;