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# Changelog

## 4.1.0
- The driver will non longer report `client nickname has been changed` whereas it's not the case (not supported by server query)
- Logging will now be based on the new connector event layer
- A new setting has been introduced called `query_host` which will allow to use an internal network address to execute server queries

> This new setting need to be setup manually inside `Connector > Settings` panel, since drivers does not execute any migrations scripts.
> Once the settings have been updated, do not forget to restart either `supervisor` service or `seat-worker` container, depending on your setup.

## 4.0.0
- Switch to an universal SeAT Connector layout : `warlof/seat-connector`
- A data conversion is available with `php artisan seat-connector:convert:teamspeak`
- In case you're encountering issue, please open a new ticket [here](https://github.com/warlof/seat-connector/issues)
- In case you have some trouble with the early 4.x generation, you can stick to previous 3.x using `composer require warlof/seat-teamspeak:^3.1`

## 3.0.9
- Address two issues related to stale Teamspeak Client ID

## 3.0.6
- Address an issue which was preventing user to get their access the first time they click on the `click to find your and register` button

## 3.0.5
- Increase jobs priority
- Add user mapping information
- Address an issue which was preventing old known server groups to be removed while the command `teamspeak:group:sync` was call

## 3.0.4
- Address an issue which was generating an empty address on the `join the server` button
- Address an issue which was thrown when an user doesn't have either a main character or a corporation set

## 3.0.3
- Address issues related to nickname already in use triggered by the query user
- Address an issue which was preventing user with revoked token to be kick
- Address an issue which was preventing user without `teamspeak.view` permission to see the menu entry
- Refactor jobs
- Refactor connector link

Be certain you're putting your SeAT server address into your Teamspeak query whitelist in order to avoid any issues.

> **/ ! \ Warning**
> Due to modification applied on settings level, you may need to setup your teamspeak again.
> It should be handled by migration, so take a look into settings.
> **/ ! \ Warning**
> Commands has been updated.
> - `teamspeak:groups:update` is now `teamspeak:group:sync`
> - `teamspeak:users:invite` is now `teamspeak:user:policy`
> - `teamspeak:users:kick` has been removed

## 3.0.1
- Fix service registration process.

## 3.0.0
- Initial release of teamspeak connector for SeAT 3.x

## 2.0.0-RC1
- Release candidate is available. Thanks to [@denngarr](https://github.com/dysath)