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package pivotaltracker

import (


// GetNotifs returns a user's current notifications
func GetNotifs(accessToken string, since ...time.Time) (*APIv5NotificationsResponse, error) {
    dateSinceFilter := time.Now().Add(-time.Hour * 24 * 365)
    if len(since) > 0 {
        dateSinceFilter = since[0]
    responseObject, requestError := request.Get(request.GetOptions{
        URL: "https://www.pivotaltracker.com/services/v5/my/notifications",
        Headers: map[string]string{
            "Content-Type":   "application/json",
            "X-TrackerToken": accessToken,
        Queries: map[string]string{
            "notification_types": ":all",
            "updated_after":      dateSinceFilter.Format(constants.PivotalTrackerAPITimeFormat),
    if requestError != nil {
        return nil, requestError
    defer responseObject.Body.Close()
    responseBody, bodyReadError := ioutil.ReadAll(responseObject.Body)
    if bodyReadError != nil {
        return nil, bodyReadError
    var response APIv5NotificationsResponse
    unmarshalError := json.Unmarshal(responseBody, &response)
    if unmarshalError != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal json: %s\n\noriginal text: %s", unmarshalError, string(responseBody))
    return &response, nil

// APIv5NotificationsResponse defines the response structure for a request made to
// the endpoint at https://www.pivotaltracker.com/services/v5/my/notifications
type APIv5NotificationsResponse []APINotification

// APINotification defines the structure for a Notification object in responses to API queries
type APINotification struct {
    Kind               string                    `json:"kind"`
    ID                 int                       `json:"id"`
    Project            APINotificationReference  `json:"project"`
    Performer          APINotificationReference  `json:"performer"`
    Message            string                    `json:"message"`
    NotificationType   string                    `json:"notification_type"`
    NewAttachmentCount int                       `json:"new_attachment_count,omitempty"`
    Action             string                    `json:"action"`
    Story              APINotificationReference  `json:"story,omitempty"`
    CreatedAt          string                    `json:"created_at"`
    UpdatedAt          string                    `json:"updated_at"`
    Epic               *APINotificationReference `json:"epic,omitempty"`
    CommentID          int                       `json:"comment_id,omitempty"`
    ReadAt             string                    `json:"read_at,omitempty"`

// APINotificationReference defines the structure for an object reference in responses to API queries
type APINotificationReference struct {
    Kind string `json:"kind"`
    ID   int    `json:"id"`
    Name string `json:"name"`