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35 mins
Test Coverage
package main

import (

// CommandDelimiter is used when demarcating boundaries between
// functions
const CommandDelimiter = "───────────────────────────────────────────"

// CommandProcessStartSymbol is the fancy symbol we use to denote
// the start of a command
const CommandProcessStartSymbol = "►"

// CommandProcessStopSymbol is the fancy symbol we use to denote
// the end of a command
const CommandProcessStopSymbol = "■"

// ICommand is the interface for the Command class
type ICommand interface {
    // runs the command
    // gets the id of the command
    GetID() string
    // get a pointer to the status channel
    GetStatus() *chan error
    // checks if the command is still running
    IsRunning() bool
    // checks if the command is valid
    IsValid() error
    // tells command to exit nicely

// InitCommand is for creating a new Command
func InitCommand(config *CommandConfig) *Command {
    commandHash := fmt.Sprintf("%x", md5.Sum([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s%v", config.Application, config.Arguments))))
    command := &Command{
        id: commandHash[:6],
    command.config = config
    command.logger = InitLogger(&LoggerConfig{
        Name:   "command",
        Format: "production",
        Level:  config.LogLevel,
        AdditionalFields: &map[string]interface{}{
            "submodule": path.Base(fmt.Sprintf("%s", config.Application)),
    return command

// CommandConfig configures Command
type CommandConfig struct {
    Application string
    Arguments   []string
    Directory   string
    Environment []string
    LogLevel    LogLevel

// Command is the atomic command to run
type Command struct {
    id         string
    signal     chan os.Signal
    status     chan error
    run        chan error
    terminated chan error
    config     *CommandConfig
    cmd        *exec.Cmd
    logger     *Logger
    started    bool
    reported   bool
    stopped    bool

// GetID returns the command's ID, used for the execution group
// to report the running command
func (command *Command) GetID() string {
    return command.id

// GetStatus returns the command's status channel for the execution
// group to know when the command has terminated
func (command *Command) GetStatus() *chan error {
    return &command.status

// IsRunning allows callers to check if the command is running,
// the logic is tied into the Run()
func (command *Command) IsRunning() bool {
    return command.started && !command.stopped

// IsValid does some sanity checks on the provided
// application before we try to run it
func (command *Command) IsValid() error {
    application := command.config.Application
    if len(application) == 0 {
        return errors.New("no application was specified")
    if path.IsAbs(application) {
        if _, err := os.Lstat(application); err != nil {
            if os.IsNotExist(err) {
                return fmt.Errorf("application at '%s' could not be found", application)
            return err
    if _, err := exec.LookPath(application); err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

// Run executes the command
func (command *Command) Run() {
    command.logger.Tracef("command[%s] is starting", command.id)
    go command.handleStart()
    go command.handleProcessLifecycle()
    select {
    case terminateCommand := <-command.terminated:

// SendInterrupt sends SIGINT to the command
func (command *Command) SendInterrupt() {
    command.logger.Tracef("SIGINT received by command %s", command.id)
    command.logger.Tracef("command[%v] status: %v/%v, msg: SIGINT >>> %v", command.id, command.started, command.terminated, &command.signal)
    command.signal <- syscall.SIGINT

func (command *Command) handleInitialisation() {
    if command.config == nil {
        panic("command.config needs to be defined before initialisation can be done")
    command.signal = make(chan os.Signal, 0)
    command.status = make(chan error, 0)
    command.run = make(chan error, 0)
    command.terminated = make(chan error, 0)
    command.started = false
    command.reported = false
    command.stopped = false
    command.cmd = exec.Command(
    command.cmd.Dir = command.config.Directory
    command.cmd.Env = command.config.Environment
    for _, envvar := range os.Environ() {
        command.cmd.Env = append(command.cmd.Env, envvar)
    // command.cmd.Env = append(command.config.Environment, "GOCACHE=on")
    command.cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
    command.cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout

// handleProcessExited handles the exit status being sent by the process
func (command *Command) handleProcessExited(status error) error {
    command.logger.Tracef("process status: %v", command.cmd.ProcessState)
    command.terminated <- status
    return nil

func (command *Command) handleProcessLifecycle() error {
    for {
        select {
        case signal := <-command.signal: // caller -> Command: shut down please
            return command.handleSignalReceived(signal)
        case cmdRunStatus := <-command.run: // process -> Command: i'm done here
            return command.handleProcessExited(cmdRunStatus)
        default: // just run

// handleProcessReporting handles the CLI reporting after a process
// has its PID reported
func (command *Command) handleProcessReporting() {
    if !command.reported {
        if command.cmd.Process != nil {
                "'%v'\n%s %s pid:%v id:%s %s",
                strings.Join(command.config.Arguments, "', '"),
            command.reported = true

// handleSignalReceived handles the signal received by the caller
func (command *Command) handleSignalReceived(signal os.Signal) error {
    command.logger.Tracef("caller sent signal %v", signal)
    command.terminated <- errors.New(signal.String())
    if err := command.cmd.Process.Signal(signal); err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

// handleStart starts the process
func (command *Command) handleStart() {
    command.started = true
    command.run <- command.cmd.Run()

// handleStopped processes the end of a command as reported
// by (*exec.Cmd).Run or (*exec.Cmd).Wait
func (command *Command) handleStopped(terminateCommand error) {
    command.logger.Tracef("command[%s] is exiting (%v)", command.id, terminateCommand)
    pid := -1
    if command.cmd.Process != nil {
        pid = command.cmd.Process.Pid
        "\n%s %s pid:%v id:%s %s",
    command.stopped = true
    command.status <- terminateCommand