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Test Coverage
package main

import (

// getFlagBuildOutput provisions --output
func getFlagBuildOutput() cli.Flag {
    return cli.StringFlag{
        Name:  "output, o",
        Usage: "| where <value> is the relative path to the binary",
        Value: DefaultBuildOutput,

// getFlagCommandArguments provisions --output
func getFlagCommandArguments() cli.Flag {
    return cli.StringFlag{
        Name:  "args",
        Usage: "| where <value> is a comma delimited string containing arguments to pass to commands in the final execution group",
        Value: DefaultCommandArguments,

// getFlagCommandsDelimiter provisions --exec-delim
func getFlagCommandsDelimiter() cli.Flag {
    return cli.StringFlag{
        Name:  "exec-delim",
        Usage: "| where <value> is the delimiter for commands in an execution group",
        Value: DefaultCommandsDelimiter,

// getFlagEnvVars provisions --env
func getFlagEnvVars() cli.Flag {
    return cli.StringSliceFlag{
        Name:  "env, e",
        Usage: "| where <value> is the relative path to the binary - specify multiple of these to pass in multiple environment variables",

// getFlagExecGroups provisions --exec
func getFlagExecGroups() cli.Flag {
    return cli.StringSliceFlag{
        Name:  "exec",
        Usage: "| where <value> is a comma-delimited set of commands to run in parallel - specify multiple of these to define multiple execution groups",

// getFlagFileExtensions provisions --ext
func getFlagFileExtensions() cli.Flag {
    return cli.StringFlag{
        Name:  "exts",
        Usage: "| where <value> is a comma-delimited set of file extensions without the period (.)",
        Value: DefaultFileExtensions,

// getFlagIgnoredNames provisions --ignore
func getFlagIgnoredNames() cli.Flag {
    return cli.StringFlag{
        Name:  "ignore",
        Usage: "| where <value> is a comma-delimited set of file/directory names to not watch",
        Value: DefaultIgnoredNames,

// getFlagRate provisions --rate
func getFlagRate() cli.Flag {
    return cli.DurationFlag{
        Name:  "rate",
        Usage: "| where <value> is a duration",
        Value: DefaultRefreshRate,

// etFlagWatchDirectory provisions --watch
func getFlagWatchDirectory() cli.Flag {
    return cli.StringFlag{
        EnvVar: "watch",
        Name:   "watch",
        Usage:  "| where <value> is an absolute path to a directory to watch",
        Value:  getCurrentWorkingDirectory(),

// getFlagWorkDirectory provisions --dir
func getFlagWorkDirectory() cli.Flag {
    return cli.StringFlag{
        EnvVar: "DIR",
        Name:   "dir",
        Usage:  "| where <value> is an absolute path to a directory to use as the current working directory",
        Value:  getCurrentWorkingDirectory(),

// getFlagCommit provisions --commit
func getFlagCommit() cli.Flag {
    return cli.BoolFlag{
        EnvVar: "COMMIT",
        Name:   "commit",
        Usage:  "| set the display to only the commit hash",

// getFlagSemver provisions --semver
func getFlagSemver() cli.Flag {
    return cli.BoolFlag{
        EnvVar: "SEMVER",
        Name:   "semver",
        Usage:  "| set the display to only the semver version",

// getFlagSilent provisions --silent
func getFlagSilent() cli.Flag {
    return cli.BoolFlag{
        EnvVar: "SILENT",
        Name:   "silent, s",
        Usage:  "| silence the logs",

// getFlagVerboseLogs provisions --verbose
func getFlagVerboseLogs() cli.Flag {
    return cli.BoolFlag{
        EnvVar: "VERBOSE",
        Name:   "verbose, vv",
        Usage:  "| print verbose (debug level) logs (use for debugging)",

// getFlagSuperVerboseLogs provisions --vverbose
func getFlagSuperVerboseLogs() cli.Flag {
    return cli.BoolFlag{
        EnvVar: "VVERBOSE",
        Name:   "vverbose, vvv",
        Usage:  "| print very verbose (trace level) logs (use for development of godev itself)",