

Test Coverage
= javascript_include_tag "upload"


  = render "application/header"


            = _("Import media")


        = render :partial => "import/stepline", :locals => {:step => 1}


            = _("Make available images, video and audio files or documents:")

                = _("You have not selected any media yet.")
                  = _("(Drag & Drop)")

            = render :partial => "import/cancel"
            %a#import-start.primary-button.large{:href => permissions_import_path, :class => ? "disabled" : ""}
              = _("Continue...")

                = _("Note")
              = _("Images (TIFF, JPEG, PNG) as well as audio and video files in popular formats are processed directly and can then be displayed.")
              = _("Bilder im CMYK-Farbraum werden nicht korrekt dargestellt. Wandeln Sie diese vor dem Import in RGB um.")
              = _("Please import no more than 200 files at a time.")
                = _("Accepted file size")
              = _("Files larger than 1.4 GB must be uploaded using an FTP dropbox.")
                %a.open_dropbox_dialog{:href => "javascript:void(0)", :style => "cursor:pointer"} 
                  = _("This is how you upload files using the FTP dropbox.")

= render :partial => "application/footer", :locals => {:clipboard => false}


  jQuery -> new App.ImportController.Upload
      dropbox_exists: #{@user_dropbox_exists.to_json}
      dropbox_info: #{@dropbox_info.to_json}
    dropboxFiles: #{@dropbox_files.to_json}
    dropboxSyncIntervalTimer: 2000
    maxFileSize: "1400mb"
    mediaEntryIncompletes: #{ json_for(@media_entry_incompletes, {:filename => true, :size => true}) }
      '#{request_forgery_protection_token}': '#{form_authenticity_token}'
      '#{request.session_options[:key]}': '#{request.session_options[:id]}'
    nextStepUrl: "#{permissions_import_path}"