

Test Coverage

  = render "application/header"

            = _("My archive")
          %a.button{:"data-create-set" => true}
            = _("Create set")
          %a.primary-button{:href => import_path}
            = _("Import media")


        = render "application/sidebar/my_archive"


          - unless @latest_user_resources.blank?
            = render :partial => "media_resources/wrapper",
                     :locals => {:media_resources => @latest_user_resources,
                                 :title => _("Content I am responsible for"),
                                 :link => my_media_resources_path(:sort => :updated_at),
                                 :with_actions => true,
                                 :id => "latest_user_resources_block"}

          - unless @latest_user_imports.blank?
            = render :partial => "media_resources/wrapper",
                     :locals => {:media_resources => @latest_user_imports,
                                 :title => _("My latest imports"),
                                 :link => my_latest_imports_path,
                                 :item_layout => "miniature",
                                 :with_actions => true,
                                 :id => "latest_user_imports_block" }

          - unless @user_favorite_resources.blank?
            = render :partial => "media_resources/wrapper",
                     :locals => {:media_resources => @user_favorite_resources,
                                 :title => _("My favorites"),
                                 :link => my_favorites_path(:sort => :updated_at),
                                 :with_actions => true,
                                 :id => "user_favorite_resources_block" }

          - unless @user_keywords.blank?
            = render :partial => "keywords/wrapper",
                     :locals => {:keywords => @user_keywords,
                                 :title => _("My keywords"),
                                 :link => my_keywords_path,
                                 :id => "user_keywords_block" }

          - unless @user_entrusted_resources.blank?
            = render :partial => "media_resources/wrapper",
                     :locals => {:media_resources => @user_entrusted_resources,
                                 :title => _("Content entrusted to me"),
                                 :link => my_entrusted_media_resources_path(:sort => :updated_at),
                                 :item_layout => "miniature",
                                 :with_actions => true,
                                 :id => "user_entrusted_resources_block" }

          - unless @user_groups.blank?
            = render :partial => "groups/wrapper",
                     :locals => {:groups => @user_groups,
                                 :title => _("My workgroups"),
                                 :link => my_groups_path,
                                 :id => "my_groups_block"}

          - if @user_groups.blank? and @user_entrusted_resources.blank? and @user_keywords.blank? and @user_favorite_resources.blank? and @latest_user_imports.blank? and @latest_user_resources.blank? #TODO: and @user_contexts.blank?
                  = _("Welcome")
                    = _("Share your media, archive your works, explore content, develop knowledge.")
                      %a.button{:href => explore_path}
                        = _("Explore content")
                      %a.primary-button{:href => import_path}
                        = _("Import media")


          - unless
            = render :partial => "contexts/wrapper",
                     :locals => {:contexts => @user_contexts.first(3),
                                 :title => _("Vokabulare"),
                                 :link => my_contexts_path,
                                 :id => "my_contexts_block"}

= render :partial => "application/footer"