

Test Coverage

A resource is the basic entity in the Representational state transfer protocol.
Every resources is associated in a one to one relation with an url. Some of the
urls may make use of parameters. The user of the API should think of a resource
in terms of the base url and not its parameters. The documentation for the
Madek API is organized in this way where every base url has its own document
that describes the returned properties and the possible request parameters. 

Lists and Pagination

Some index URLs, like `/api/media_resources` for example, return a list of some
sort where the number of contained items can be large. A single request might
then only return a fixed number of items. Further items are to retrieved by 
following the `next`-link. 

### The `next`-link

The `_links` section will contain a **`next`**-link to return further items **if
and only if** the list has not yet been exhausted. 

Note: any query parameters given to current request will be taken over to the

Remark: the state of the pagination is stored in the `page` parameter. This
parameter should be considered as an internal property of the API. 

### Default order of lists

List are always ordered. The implicit order corresponds to the `created_at` (if
available) property in ascending order. 

Common and shared properties

Some properties returned by the API are similar and im some sense equivalent
for many resources. They are identified by a common name and described here. 

### `created_at` 

Refers to the date and time when the resource was created. The value is
of **type string** and it is formated according to the [iso8601][]


### `updated_at` 

Refers to the date and time when the resource was last modified. The value is
of **type string** and it is formated according to the [iso8601][] standard.

### `id` or `name`

A identifier that uniquely distinguishes a resources among those of the same
kind. It is usually a representation of the underlying primary key in the Madek
database. The **type** is always a **string**. Most ids in Madek are 
[UUIDs][] according to the version 4 of the standard. 


As of early 2014 every id in Madek  is always a **string**. Before that it
could have been either a **string** or **integer**. So, the "old API" might have
returned mixed types.

### `content_type`

A value of **type string**. Some resources contain links to arbitrary data. The
content_type is equal to the content_type header that is send when this data is
requested. See also [media types in the w3 standard][] and [internet media type
at wikipedia][].

  [media types in the w3 standard]:
  [internet media type at wikipedia]:

### `media_type`

A value of **type string** derived from the `content_type` where the subtype is
ignored for the `video/*`, `audio/*` and `image/*` types. `text/*` and
`application/*` map to `document` and all other types to `other`. See also the
definition of `self.media_type` in the [media file model][].

The `media_type` exists primarily for filtering.

Note: It appears to me that it was unwise to name this parameter `media_type`
due to the inconsistent mapping and possible confusion with the term
`media_type` which seem to be synonym for content_type. However, it is part of
the _old_ API and the whole application and can't be easily renamed.

  [media file model]: