

Test Coverage
The Media Archive API 

This document describes the [*Application Programming Interface*][] in the
version 2 for the [MAdeK project][]. We use the term the *Madek API*  or simply
*API* in this documentation.


The Madek API follows the principles of the [*Representational state
transfer protocol*][]. It provides truly *RESTful* HTTP with hypermedia
that uses embedded links. The *Madek API* strives to implement an
architecture known as *Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State*, or
*[HATEOAS][]* in short. More specifically, it implements the specification of the
[*JSON Hypertext Application Language*][], often abbreviated with *HAL*.

The *HAL* specification describes conventions how properties and links are
embedded in a JSON document. One of the many benefits is that the Madek API is
browsable with the embedded [Madek API Browser][]. **Browsing the API is a very
efficient and effective  method to get acquainted with the Madek API**. See
also the *API Browser* link on the top of this page.

Entry Point and Accept Header

The entry point of the API is `/api`. The appropriate and supported accept
header is `application/hal+json` for requesting properties from the API. The
returned content-type is`application/json+hal`.[^jsonhal] The content will
always conform to the HAL standard for both content types! 

    curl -I -H "Accept: application/hal+json"

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/hal+json; charset=utf-8

Some of the provided links by the API will refer to arbitrary (most likely
binary) data. The content can be the uploaded file, or a preview in form of an
image, movie or similar. The content-type will then be the appropriate for the
returned data, for example `image/jpeg`, `video/webm`, `video/mp4`, etc.

Examples in this documentation
We illustrate requests (and possibly the corresponding response) by
providing examples. We do do this by either employing the command line
tool *[cURL][]*, as seen above in [Entry Point and Accept Header][], or
by using the embedded [Madek API Browser].

  [Entry Point and Accept Header]: #entry-point-and-accept-header


[^jsonhal]: The API will respond with `application/hal+json` even if `application/json` was requested.

  [*Application Programming Interface*]:
  [*JSON Hypertext Application Language*]:
  [*Representational state transfer protocol*]:
  [MAdeK project]:
  [Madek API Browser]: