

Test Coverage
# Developer Guide

This is a *work in progress*. 
It is **far from complete**, content is added as needed.

## Data Modell

### (Individual) Contexts

* All metadata in MAdeK is contained in "contexts"
* Some are built-in ("Core", etc), some are defined by (admin) user
* Contexts that are user-defined are called **"Individual Contexts"**
    * In the UI, they are always called "Vocabulary" (in German "Vokabular")!
* **"Individual Contexts"** form a **Vocabulary**, consisting of **Keys** (i.e. "color") and **Terms** (i.e. "green")

#### Assignment

* **"Individual Contexts" (IC)** can be ***assigned to*** and ***activated on*** (Media-)`Sets`
* The assignment is inherited to it's Children `Set`s, from the *inital `Set`* down
* An assigned `Set` can be *activated* and *deactivated* for these child Sets (by User) 

#### Implementaion

aka "tricky consequences of this system that we have to take care of"

* When an IC is assigned to a `Set`, it should be *activated* for all the Children!
* ??? — When a `Set` is no longer Child of an *initial Set*, it should retain the IC (by assigning it directly)

#### Queries

(These exist all over the place right now, cleaning that up is TBD)

* `media_set.contexts`: List of all ICs *assigned* to the `Set`
    * `context.inherited`: True if the `Set` has inherited the IC (it is not the *initial Set*)
    * ``: True if the IC is *activated* for the `Set` (can only be true and is only relevant if `inherited` is also true)

* `context.media_entries`: all `MediaResources` which are contained in a Set (or it's children) for which the IC is *active*
    * `.count`: count of these `Resources`

* `context.vocabulary`: List of the `key`s in a context, containg each a list of `term`s
    * `key.alphabetical_order`: True if the `term`s in this `key` are sorted alphabetically (as opposed to manually)
    * `term.usage_count`: how many of the `context.media_entries` are using this term?
    * `.totalcount`: Highest `term.usage_count` for this `context`

## Media Files

### Images

We currently have the following image sizes (aka thumbails):

| Name        | Size  (longest Side) |
| `small`     | 100                  |
| `small_125` | 125                  |
| `medium`    | 300                  |
| `large`     | 500                  |
| `x_large`   | 768                  |
| `maximum`   | (original)           |

## Routes

- Generate a condensed routing table with following command:

    DOC='doc/' && echo '|Name|Method|Route|Controller|' > $DOC && echo '|---|---|---|---|' >> $DOC && rake routes | tail -n +2 | grep 'GET' | grep -v 'app_admin' | sed -E 's/[ ]+/|/g' | sed -E 's/$/ |/' | sed -E 's/^\|GET/| |GET/' >> $DOC

## Rails

### Error Handling

TODO: module

If something goes wrong in a controller (or view?), 
we `raise` the appropriate error class.

All error classes are defined in `ApplicationController`. 
For convenience, the classes and their names are 
based on HTTP error codes (4xx/5xx).
Look there for the complete list with some explanations.

### Hooks

TODO: @DrTom (just a very general guideline)

- when to use hooks, when not to
- more importantly: what to never do in certain hooks!
- point to good examples in repo

## Frontend

### `jQuery.fixed-table-headers`

- it is a [magic plugin]( that takes care of fixed 
  headers on tables
- it only works correctly if the table is actually visible
- our js never inits a (somehow) hidden table, so:
- if we ever `.show()` the table (or parent), 
  **we need to initialize it ourselves!**
    - reason: `jQuery` does not have an `.on('show')` event we could hook into
    - for convienice, the correct function call is attached to the DOM element, 
      use it like this:  
      // find the table
      var thetable = $('.laterTableInit');
      // call attached function with el as arg

### PDF Display

There are two ways PDFs are shown inside madek's HTML:

1. Converted to and embedded as JPG file ("preview", "thumbnail")
2. Embedded as PDF, displayed using `pdf.js` ("document")

Note that there are the usual (per-Entry) **Permissions** at play here, 
but they might be confusing: 
A User with the *"view"* Permission can only see the
JPG version. **To display the PDF itself the *"download original"* Permission is 

### `pdf.js`

To display PDFs, [Mozilla's `pdf.js` library](
is used.

There are two places in the UI where PDFs are embedded, with some notable 

- `MediaEntry#show` - `pdf.js/view` is embedded just as an image would be
    * no visible UI from `pdf.js`
    * custom control elements: page nav, "zoom" (opens `#document`)

- `MediaEntry#document` - only the `pdf.js/view` is loaded
    * full pdf.js "Viewer" including UI (toolbars, etc.)

In both cases, an `access_hash` is added to the query in order to provide 
authenticated access to the raw file.

#### Upgrading

- currently used version is years behind
- mayor improvements since then (performance, stability)
- also mayor API changes
- might be faster to almost start from scratch

##### Recommended Workflow:

- read the [overview](
- get the `#document` to work
- read [API docs and or source](
- port over custom controls in `#show`

##### Hints 

- the architecture of the library has changed, as laid out in their overview
    - for `#show`, embed the `Display` and use it's API.
    - for `#document`, embed the complete `Viewer`
    - this is mostly abstracted away anyhow in the existing js/coffee, 
      so the views shouldn't change to much.
- When including `js` and `css`, use the (new) pre-built versions.
  This affects (at least) the following sources:
    - `app/assets/javascripts/pdf.js.erb`
    - `app/assets/stylesheets/pdf-viewer.sass`
    - `app/views/media_entries/document.html.haml`
    - `app/views/media_entries/previews/document/_full_document.html.haml`

#### etc

- `#show`: better UX before pdf has loaded
    - grey background, display `.ui-preloader`
    - if pdf height/width-ratio is known, apply it to the preview area