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Current library allows You to store events and dispatch them later.

## Usage  

* Implement EventStorageInterface or use MemoryEventStorage.
I suggest to use database or cache for storing events.
For example, I'll use MemoryEventStorage.  
It will store snoozed events until script stop running.

* Create event class that you want to save.
You could extend EventDispatcher Event class, but if you want to specify additional data and/or priority, extend RealEvent class.

namespace MyApp;
use EventSnoozer\RealEvent;  
class MyEvent extends RealEvent
    const NAME = 'my.event';

* Instantiate EventSnoozer class and use it for saving events.

namespace MyApp;
use EventSnoozer\EventStorage\MemoryEventStorage;
use EventSnoozer\EventSnoozer;
use MyApp\MyEvent;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher;
$eventStorage = new MemoryEventStorage();
$eventDispatcher = new EventDispatcher();
// Add listeners/subscribers for your events
$eventSnoozer = new EventSnoozer($eventDispatcher, $eventStorage);
$event = new MyEvent();
    ->setAdditionalData(array('data' => 'value'));
$eventSnoozer->snoozeEvent(MyEvent::NAME, $event, '+10 min');


* Use EventSnoozer for dispatching saved events.  
MemoryEventStorage would select events ordered by priority and runtime.  
namespace MyApp;
use EventSnoozer\EventStorage\MemoryEventStorage;
use EventSnoozer\EventSnoozer;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher;
$eventStorage = new MemoryEventStorage();
$eventDispatcher = new EventDispatcher();
// Add listeners/subscribers for your events
$eventSnoozer = new EventSnoozer($eventDispatcher, $eventStorage);
$eventSnoozer->dispatchSnoozedEvent(); // For single event
$eventSnoozer->dispatchMultipleSnoozedEvents(5); // For multiple events

I suggest to use symfony/console for creating console commands and run it in background by cronjob.