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Commands for the HMC console.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import click
import dateutil.parser

import zhmcclient
from .zhmccli import cli
from ._helper import print_properties, print_dicts, print_list, \
    TABLE_FORMATS, hide_property, COMMAND_OPTIONS_METAVAR, click_exception, \
    get_level_str, prompt_ftp_password, convert_ec_mcl_description

@cli.group('console', options_metavar=COMMAND_OPTIONS_METAVAR)
def console_group():
    Command group for the HMC console.

    These commands always target the (one) console of the targeted HMC.

    In addition to the command-specific options shown in this help text, the
    general options (see 'zhmc --help') can also be specified right after the
    'zhmc' command name.

@console_group.command('show', options_metavar=COMMAND_OPTIONS_METAVAR)
@click.option('--all', is_flag=True, required=False,
              help='Show all properties. Default: Hide some properties in '
              'table output formats')
def console_show(cmd_ctx, **options):
    Show properties of the console of the targeted HMC.

    In table output formats, the following properties are hidden by default
    but can be shown by using the --all option:
      - ec-mcl-description
      - network-info

    In addition to the command-specific options shown in this help text, the
    general options (see 'zhmc --help') can also be specified right after the
    'zhmc' command name.
    cmd_ctx.execute_cmd(lambda: cmd_console_show(cmd_ctx, options))

@console_group.command('restart', options_metavar=COMMAND_OPTIONS_METAVAR)
@click.option('--force', '-f', is_flag=True, required=False,
              help='Perform the restart regardless of whether users are '
              'logged in to the HMC. Users in this sense are local or remote '
              'GUI users. Disconnected GUI users and users at the WS-API do '
              'not count for this.')
@click.option('--wait', '-w', is_flag=True, required=False,
              help='Wait for the HMC to become available again. Note that '
              'any session IDs have become invalid.')
@click.option('--timeout', '-T', type=int, required=False, default=60,
              help='Timeout (in seconds) when waiting for the HMC to become '
              'available again. Default: 60.')
def console_restart(cmd_ctx, **options):
    Restart the targeted HMC.

    In addition to the command-specific options shown in this help text, the
    general options (see 'zhmc --help') can also be specified right after the
    'zhmc' command name.
    cmd_ctx.execute_cmd(lambda: cmd_console_restart(cmd_ctx, options))

@console_group.command('get-audit-log', options_metavar=COMMAND_OPTIONS_METAVAR)
@click.option('--begin', type=str, required=False,
              help='Begin time for the log, in a format supported by '
              'the python-dateutil package. Default: Earliest available.')
@click.option('--end', type=str, required=False,
              help='End time for the log, in a format supported by '
              'the python-dateutil package. Default: Latest available.')
def get_audit_log(cmd_ctx, **options):
    Get the audit log of the targeted HMC.

    In addition to the command-specific options shown in this help text, the
    general options (see 'zhmc --help') can also be specified right after the
    'zhmc' command name.
    cmd_ctx.execute_cmd(lambda: cmd_get_audit_log(cmd_ctx, options))

@click.option('--begin', type=str, required=False,
              help='Begin time for the log, in a format supported by '
              'the python-dateutil package. Default: Earliest available.')
@click.option('--end', type=str, required=False,
              help='End time for the log, in a format supported by '
              'the python-dateutil package. Default: Latest available.')
def get_security_log(cmd_ctx, **options):
    Get the security log of the targeted HMC.

    In addition to the command-specific options shown in this help text, the
    general options (see 'zhmc --help') can also be specified right after the
    'zhmc' command name.
    cmd_ctx.execute_cmd(lambda: cmd_get_security_log(cmd_ctx, options))

@click.option('--name', type=str, metavar='NAME',
              help='A regular expression used to limit returned objects to '
                   'those that have a matching name field.')
def list_api_features(cmd_ctx, **options):
    Lists the Web Services API features available of the console of the
    targeted HMC.

    In addition to the command-specific options shown in this help text, the
    general options (see 'zhmc --help') can also be specified right after the
    'zhmc' command name.
        lambda: cmd_list_api_features(cmd_ctx, options))

def console_list_firmware(cmd_ctx, **options):
    Lists the firmware levels on the targeted HMC.

    The firmware levels are listed for each EC stream of the HMC as MCL levels
    for different installation states:

    * retrieved - latest MCL level that has been retrieved
    * installable-conc - latest MCL level that has been retrieved and is
      concurrently installable
    * activated - latest MCL level that has been installed and activated
    * accepted - latest MCL level that has been accepted (= cannot be removed)
    * removable-conc - latest MCL level that has been installed and activated
      and can be removed concurrently (down to latest accepted)

    The MCL levels '0' and '000' are shown as '-' which means there is no such
    level. If a particular installation state is not available, this is shown
    as 'n/a' (but this should not happen).

    In addition to the command-specific options shown in this help text, the
    general options (see 'zhmc --help') can also be specified right after the
    'zhmc' command name.
        lambda: cmd_console_list_firmware(cmd_ctx, options))

@console_group.command('upgrade', options_metavar=COMMAND_OPTIONS_METAVAR)
@click.option('--bundle-level', '-b', type=str, required=False,
              help="Name of the bundle to be installed on the HMC "
              "(e.g. 'H71'). "
              "Default: When --ftp-host is specified, all code changes on "
              "the FTP server will be installed. Otherwise, all locally "
              "available code changes will be installed.")
@click.option('--backup-location-type', type=str, required=False, default='usb',
              help="Type of backup location for the HMC backup that is "
              "performed: 'ftp': The FTP server that was used for the last "
              "console backup as defined on the 'Configure Backup Settings' "
              "user interface task in the HMC GUI., "
              "'usb': The USB storage device mounted to the HMC.")
@click.option('--accept-firmware', '-a', type=bool, required=False,
              help="Boolean indicating to accept the previous bundle level "
              "before installing the new level. Default: true")
@click.option('--ftp-host', type=str, required=False,
              help="The hostname for the FTP server from which the firmware "
              "will be retrieved. "
              "Default: When --bundle-level is specified, firmware will be "
              "retrieved from the IBM support site. Otherwise, all locally "
              "available code changes will be installed.")
@click.option('--ftp-protocol', type=click.Choice(["sftp", "ftp", "ftps"]),
              required=False, default="sftp",
              help="The protocol to connect to the FTP server, if the firmware "
              "is retrieved from an FTP server. Default: sftp.")
@click.option('--ftp-user', type=str, required=False,
              help="The username for the FTP server login, if the firmware "
              "is retrieved from an FTP server.")
@click.option('--ftp-password', type=str, required=False,
              help="The password for the FTP server login, if the firmware "
              "is retrieved from an FTP server. Specifying a hyphen '-' will "
              "prompt for the password.")
@click.option('--ftp-directory', type=str, required=False,
              help="The path name of the directory on the FTP server with the "
              "firmware files, if the firmware is retrieved from an FTP "
@click.option('--timeout', '-T', type=int, required=False, default=1200,
              help='Timeout (in seconds) when waiting for the HMC upgrade '
              'to be complete. Default: 1200.')
def console_upgrade(cmd_ctx, **options):
    Upgrade the firmware on the targeted HMC to a new bundle level.

    This is done by performing the "Console Single Step Install" operation
    which performs the following steps:

    * If `accept-firmware` is True, the firmware currently installed on the
      this HMC is accepted. Note that once firmware is accepted, it cannot be
    * A backup of the this HMC is performed to the specified backup device.
    * The new firmware for the specified bundle level is retrieved from the IBM
      support site or from an FTP server. If no bundle level is specified, but
      an FTP server, all firmware available on the FTP server is retrieved.
      If no bundle level is specified and no FTP server, the already locally
      available firmware is used and no additional firmware is retrieved.
    * The specified firmware is installed.
    * The newly installed firmware is activated, which includes rebooting this

    Note that it is not possible to downgrade the HMC firmware with this

    If the HMC firmware is already at the requested bundle level, nothing is
    changed and the command succeeds.

    For HMCs that run on an HMA that also hosts an SE (e.g. z16 and higher),
    the HMC firmware can only be upgraded if the HMA hosts an alternate SE.

    In addition to the command-specific options shown in this help text, the
    general options (see 'zhmc --help') can also be specified right after the
    'zhmc' command name.
    cmd_ctx.execute_cmd(lambda: cmd_console_upgrade(cmd_ctx, options))

def cmd_console_show(cmd_ctx, options):
    # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring

    client = zhmcclient.Client(cmd_ctx.session)
    console = client.consoles.console

    except zhmcclient.Error as exc:
        raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)

    properties = dict(console.properties)

    # Hide some long or deeply nested properties in table output formats.
    if not options['all'] and cmd_ctx.output_format in TABLE_FORMATS:
        hide_property(properties, 'ec-mcl-description')
        hide_property(properties, 'network-info')

    print_properties(cmd_ctx, properties, cmd_ctx.output_format)

def cmd_console_restart(cmd_ctx, options):
    # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring

    client = zhmcclient.Client(cmd_ctx.session)
    console = client.consoles.console

    force = options['force']
    wait = options['wait']
    timeout = options['timeout']

    if wait:
        click.echo("Restarting the HMC and waiting for its availability "
                   "(timeout: {} s)".format(timeout))
        click.echo("Restarting the HMC")
        console.restart(force=force, wait_for_available=wait,
    except zhmcclient.Error as exc:
        raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)

    if wait:
        click.echo("The HMC has restarted and is available again. Any earlier "
                   "session IDs have become invalid")
        click.echo("The HMC is currently restarting. Wait for it to be "
                   "available again before issuing any commands. Any earlier "
                   "session IDs will be invalid")

def cmd_get_audit_log(cmd_ctx, options):
    # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring

    client = zhmcclient.Client(cmd_ctx.session)
    console = client.consoles.console

    begin_time = options['begin'] or None
    if begin_time:
        begin_time = dateutil.parser.parse(begin_time)
    end_time = options['end'] or None
    if end_time:
        end_time = dateutil.parser.parse(end_time)

        log_items = console.get_audit_log(begin_time, end_time)
    except zhmcclient.Error as exc:
        raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)

    show_list = [

    ts_additions = {}
    for i, log_item in enumerate(log_items):
        hmc_ts = log_item['event-time']
        dt = zhmcclient.datetime_from_timestamp(hmc_ts)
        ts_additions[i] = str(dt)
    additions = {
        'timestamp': ts_additions,

    print_dicts(cmd_ctx, log_items, cmd_ctx.output_format,
                show_list=show_list, additions=additions, all=False)

def cmd_get_security_log(cmd_ctx, options):
    # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring

    client = zhmcclient.Client(cmd_ctx.session)
    console = client.consoles.console

    begin_time = options['begin'] or None
    if begin_time:
        begin_time = dateutil.parser.parse(begin_time)
    end_time = options['end'] or None
    if end_time:
        end_time = dateutil.parser.parse(end_time)

        log_items = console.get_security_log(begin_time, end_time)
    except zhmcclient.Error as exc:
        raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)

    show_list = [

    ts_additions = {}
    for i, log_item in enumerate(log_items):
        hmc_ts = log_item['event-time']
        dt = zhmcclient.datetime_from_timestamp(hmc_ts)
        ts_additions[i] = str(dt)
    additions = {
        'timestamp': ts_additions,

    print_dicts(cmd_ctx, log_items, cmd_ctx.output_format,
                show_list=show_list, additions=additions, all=False)

def cmd_list_api_features(cmd_ctx, options):
    # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring

    client = zhmcclient.Client(cmd_ctx.session)
    console = client.consoles.console

    name = options['name']
        features = console.list_api_features(name)
    except zhmcclient.Error as exc:
        raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)

    print_list(cmd_ctx, features, cmd_ctx.output_format)

def cmd_console_list_firmware(cmd_ctx, options):
    # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring,unused-argument

    client = zhmcclient.Client(cmd_ctx.session)
    console = client.consoles.console
    ec_mcl = console.properties['ec-mcl-description']

    firmware_list = convert_ec_mcl_description(ec_mcl)

    # define order of columns in output table
    show_list = [

    print_dicts(cmd_ctx, firmware_list, cmd_ctx.output_format,

def cmd_console_upgrade(cmd_ctx, options):
    # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring

    client = zhmcclient.Client(cmd_ctx.session)
    console = client.consoles.console

    bundle_level = options['bundle_level']
    accept_firmware = options['accept_firmware']
    backup_location_type = options['backup_location_type']
    timeout = options['timeout']

    ftp_host = options['ftp_host']
    ftp_user = options['ftp_user']
    ftp_password = options['ftp_password']
    if ftp_host and ftp_password == '-':
        ftp_password = prompt_ftp_password(cmd_ctx, ftp_host, ftp_user)

    ec_mcl = console.prop('ec-mcl-description')
    hmc_bundle_level = ec_mcl.get('bundle-level', None)
    if hmc_bundle_level is None:
        hmc_version = console.prop('version')
        raise click_exception(
            "HMC version {v} does not support firmware upgrade through "
            "the Web Services API".format(v=hmc_version),

    level_str = get_level_str(bundle_level, ftp_host)
    click.echo("Upgrading the HMC to {lvl}, and waiting for completion "
               "(timeout: {t} s)".
               format(lvl=level_str, t=timeout))

    kwargs = dict(
    if ftp_host:
        kwargs['ftp_host'] = ftp_host
        kwargs['ftp_protocol'] = options['ftp_protocol']
        kwargs['ftp_user'] = ftp_user
        kwargs['ftp_password'] = ftp_password
        kwargs['ftp_directory'] = options['ftp_directory']

    except zhmcclient.HTTPError as exc:
        if exc.http_status == 400 and exc.reason == 356:
            # HMC was already at that bundle level
            click.echo("The HMC was already at {lvl} and did not need to be "
        raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)
    except zhmcclient.Error as exc:
        raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)

    click.echo("The HMC has been upgraded to {lvl} and is available again. "
               "Any earlier session IDs have become invalid".