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# Copyright 2016,2019 IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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Commands for CPCs.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import io
import json
import yaml
import yamlloader
import click
from tabulate import tabulate

import zhmcclient
from .zhmccli import cli
from ._helper import print_properties, print_resources, print_list, \
    options_to_properties, original_options, COMMAND_OPTIONS_METAVAR, \
    click_exception, add_options, LIST_OPTIONS, TABLE_FORMATS, hide_property, \
    required_option, abort_if_false, validate, print_dicts, get_level_str, \
    prompt_ftp_password, convert_ec_mcl_description, get_mcl_str, \

POWER_SAVING_TYPES = ['high-performance', 'low-power', 'custom']
DEFAULT_POWER_SAVING_TYPE = 'high-performance'
POWER_CAPPING_STATES = ['disabled', 'enabled', 'custom']

# Data formats of DPM configuration file
DPM_FORMATS = ['yaml', 'json']

# JSON schema for adapter mapping file
    "title": "adapter mapping file schema",
        "JSON schema that defines the structure of an adapter mapping file.",
    "type": "object",
    "additionalProperties": False,
    "required": [
    "properties": {
        "adapter-mapping": {
                "List of PCHID mappings from config file to import into CPC.",
            "type": "array",
            "items": {
                "type": "object",
                "additionalProperties": False,
                "required": [
                "properties": {
                    "old-adapter-id": {
                            "PCHID of adapter in DPM configuration file.",
                        "type": "string"
                    "new-adapter-id": {
                            "PCHID of adapter when imported into the CPC.",
                        "type": "string"

def help_dpm_file(cmd_ctx, param, value):
    # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    Click callback function for --help-dpm-file option, that displays
    help for the format of the DPM configuration file and exits.
    if not value or cmd_ctx.resilient_parsing:
Format of DPM configuration file:

The DPM configuration file contains the properties of a single CPC and all of
its child objects (such as partitions or adapters) and all of its CPC-specific
related objects (such as storage groups associated with the CPC).

The DPM configuration file is written by the 'zhmc cpc dpm-export' command
and read by the 'zhmc cpc dpm-import' command.

The DPM configuration file is in YAML or JSON format and has the structure of
the payload of the 'Import DPM Configuration' operation described in the
HMC API book, except for the following properties which are not in that file:

* 'preserve-uris' - Boolean controlling whether to preserve object URIs and IDs.

* 'preserve-wwpns' - Boolean controlling whether to preserve HBA WWPNs.

* 'adapter-mapping' - List of mappings of adapter PCHIDs between the CPC from
  which the DPM configuration was exported and the new CPC to which it is

Instead of being taken from the DPM configuration file, the
'zhmc cpc dpm-import' command sets these properties based on the
corresponding options when issuing the 'Import DPM Configuration' operation.

def help_mapping_file(cmd_ctx, param, value):
    # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    Click callback function for --help-dpm-file option, that displays
    help for the format of the adapter mapping file and exits.
    if not value or cmd_ctx.resilient_parsing:
Format of adapter mapping file:

The adapter mapping file specifies how PCHIDs of adapters in a DPM
configuration file need to be replaced when importing the DPM configuration
into a new CPC. If you do not provide a mapping for an adapter, DPM uses a
one-to-one mapping of adapters in the configuration file to adapters on the
target system.

The adapter mapping file is created manually and is read by the
'zhmc cpc dpm-import' command.

The adapter mapping file is in YAML format and has the following structure:

      - old-adapter-id:  A11  # PCHID in the DPM configuration file
        new-adapter-id: "911" # PCHID in the new system that maps to A11
      - old-adapter-id: "11c"
        new-adapter-id: "12C"
      - ... # More mappings, one for each adapter PCHID you intend to map

The values of the 'old-adapter-id' and 'new-adapter-id' properties are the
PCHID values as a hexadecimal string. Therefore, hexadecimal values that consist
only of decimal digits (like '911' in the example above) must be put into double
quotes. The characters in the hexadecimal string may be in upper or lower case.

def find_cpc(cmd_ctx, client, cpc_name):
    Find a CPC by name and return its resource object.
        cpc = client.cpcs.find(name=cpc_name)
    except zhmcclient.Error as exc:
        raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)
    return cpc

@cli.group('cpc', options_metavar=COMMAND_OPTIONS_METAVAR)
def cpc_group():
    Command group for managing CPCs.

    In addition to the command-specific options shown in this help text, the
    general options (see 'zhmc --help') can also be specified right after the
    'zhmc' command name.

@cpc_group.command('list', options_metavar=COMMAND_OPTIONS_METAVAR)
@click.option('--type', is_flag=True, required=False, hidden=True)
@click.option('--mach', is_flag=True, required=False, hidden=True)
def cpc_list(cmd_ctx, **options):
    List the CPCs managed by the HMC.

    In addition to the command-specific options shown in this help text, the
    general options (see 'zhmc --help') can also be specified right after the
    'zhmc' command name.
    cmd_ctx.execute_cmd(lambda: cmd_cpc_list(cmd_ctx, options))

@cpc_group.command('show', options_metavar=COMMAND_OPTIONS_METAVAR)
@click.argument('CPC', type=str, metavar='CPC')
@click.option('--all', is_flag=True, required=False,
              help='Show all properties. Default: Hide some properties in '
              'table output formats')
def cpc_show(cmd_ctx, cpc, **options):
    Show details of a CPC.

    In table output formats, the following properties are hidden by default
    but can be shown by using the --all option:
      - auto-start-list
      - available-features-list
      - cpc-power-saving-state
      - ec-mcl-description
      - network1-ipv6-info
      - network2-ipv6-info
      - stp-configuration

    In addition to the command-specific options shown in this help text, the
    general options (see 'zhmc --help') can also be specified right after the
    'zhmc' command name.
    cmd_ctx.execute_cmd(lambda: cmd_cpc_show(cmd_ctx, cpc, options))

@cpc_group.command('update', options_metavar=COMMAND_OPTIONS_METAVAR)
@click.argument('CPC', type=str, metavar='CPC')
@click.option('--description', type=str, required=False,
              help='The new description of the CPC. '
              '(DPM mode only).')
@click.option('--acceptable-status', type=str, required=False,
              help='The new set of acceptable operational status values, as a '
              'comma-separated list. The empty string specifies an empty list.')
@click.option('--next-activation-profile', type=str, required=False,
              help='The name of the new next reset activation profile. '
              '(not in DPM mode).')
@click.option('--processor-time-slice', type=int, required=False,
              help='The new time slice (in ms) for logical processors. '
              'A value of 0 causes the time slice to be dynamically '
              'determined by the system. A positive value causes a constant '
              'time slice to be used. '
              '(not in DPM mode).')
@click.option('--wait-ends-slice/--no-wait-ends-slice', default=None,
              help='The new setting for making logical processors lose their '
              'time slice when they enter a wait state. '
              '(not in DPM mode).')
def cpc_update(cmd_ctx, cpc, **options):
    Update the properties of a CPC.

    Only the properties will be changed for which a corresponding option is
    specified, so the default for all options is not to change properties.

    In addition to the command-specific options shown in this help text, the
    general options (see 'zhmc --help') can also be specified right after the
    'zhmc' command name.
    cmd_ctx.execute_cmd(lambda: cmd_cpc_update(cmd_ctx, cpc, options))

@cpc_group.command('set-power-save', options_metavar=COMMAND_OPTIONS_METAVAR)
@click.argument('CPC', type=str, metavar='CPC')
@click.option('--power-saving', type=click.Choice(POWER_SAVING_TYPES),
              required=False, default=DEFAULT_POWER_SAVING_TYPE,
              help='Defines the type of power saving. Default: {pd}'.
def set_power_save(cmd_ctx, cpc, **options):
    Set the power save settings of a CPC.

    In addition to the command-specific options shown in this help text, the
    general options (see 'zhmc --help') can also be specified right after the
    'zhmc' command name.
    cmd_ctx.execute_cmd(lambda: cmd_cpc_set_power_save(cmd_ctx, cpc, options))

@click.argument('CPC', type=str, metavar='CPC')
@click.option('--power-capping-state', type=click.Choice(POWER_CAPPING_STATES),
              help='Defines the state of power capping.')
@click.option('--power-cap-current', type=int, required=False,
              help='Specifies the current cap value for the CPC in watts (W). '
              'Required if power capping state is enabled.')
def set_power_capping(cmd_ctx, cpc, **options):
    Set the power capping settings of a CPC.

    In addition to the command-specific options shown in this help text, the
    general options (see 'zhmc --help') can also be specified right after the
    'zhmc' command name.
    cmd_ctx.execute_cmd(lambda: cmd_cpc_set_power_capping(cmd_ctx, cpc,

@cpc_group.command('get-em-data', options_metavar=COMMAND_OPTIONS_METAVAR)
@click.argument('CPC', type=str, metavar='CPC')
def get_em_data(cmd_ctx, cpc):
    Get all energy management data of a CPC.

    In addition to the command-specific options shown in this help text, the
    general options (see 'zhmc --help') can also be specified right after the
    'zhmc' command name.
    cmd_ctx.execute_cmd(lambda: cmd_cpc_get_em_data(cmd_ctx, cpc))

@cpc_group.command('dpm-export', options_metavar=COMMAND_OPTIONS_METAVAR)
@click.argument('CPC', type=str, metavar='CPC', required=True)
@click.option('--dpm-file', '-d', metavar='FILE', type=str, required=True,
              help='Path name of the DPM configuration file to be written.')
@click.option('--dpm-format', '-f', type=click.Choice(DPM_FORMATS),
              required=False, default=DEFAULT_DPM_FORMAT,
              help='Controls in which data format the DPM configuration file '
              'is written. Default: {d}.'.format(d=DEFAULT_DPM_FORMAT))
@click.option('--help-dpm-file', is_flag=True, is_eager=True,
              callback=help_dpm_file, expose_value=False,
              help='Show help on the format of the DPM configuration file '
              'and exit.')
@click.option('--include-unused-adapters', '-i', is_flag=True, default=False,
              help='Controls whether the full set of adapters should be '
              'returned, vs. only those that are referenced by other DPM '
              'objects that are part of the return data. Default: not included')
def dpm_export(cmd_ctx, cpc, **options):
    Export a DPM configuration from a CPC.

    The DPM configuration of the CPC is exported and written to a DPM
    configuration file (in YAML or JSON format).
    For details about the format of that file, use --help-dpm-file.

    In addition to the command-specific options shown in this help text, the
    general options (see 'zhmc --help') can also be specified right after the
    'zhmc' command name.
    cmd_ctx.execute_cmd(lambda: cmd_dpm_export(cmd_ctx, cpc, options))

@cpc_group.command('dpm-import', options_metavar=COMMAND_OPTIONS_METAVAR)
@click.argument('CPC', type=str, metavar='CPC', required=True)
@click.option('-y', '--yes', is_flag=True, callback=abort_if_false,
              help='Skip prompt to confirm import of the DPM configuration.',
              prompt='Are you sure you want to import the DPM configuration '
              'into the CPC, replacing its current DPM configuration ?')
@click.option('--dpm-file', '-d', metavar='FILE', type=str, required=True,
              help='Path name of the DPM configuration file to be used.')
@click.option('--dpm-format', '-f', type=click.Choice(DPM_FORMATS),
              required=False, default=DEFAULT_DPM_FORMAT,
              help='Controls in which data format the DPM configuration file '
              'is read. Default: {d}.'.format(d=DEFAULT_DPM_FORMAT))
@click.option('--preserve-uris', is_flag=True, required=False,
              help='Controls whether the URIs and IDs of objects in the DPM '
              'configuration file are preserved or ignored and newly '
              'generated. Default: Ignored and newly generated.')
@click.option('--preserve-wwpns', is_flag=True, required=False,
              help='Controls whether the WWPNs of HBAs in the DPM '
              'configuration file are preserved or ignored and newly '
              'generated. Default: Ignored and newly generated.')
@click.option('--mapping-file', '-m', metavar='FILE', type=str, required=False,
              help='Path name of the adapter mapping file to be used. '
              'Default: Use 1:1 adapter mapping.')
@click.option('--help-dpm-file', is_flag=True, is_eager=True,
              callback=help_dpm_file, expose_value=False,
              help='Show help on the format of the DPM configuration file '
              'and exit.')
@click.option('--help-mapping-file', is_flag=True, is_eager=True,
              callback=help_mapping_file, expose_value=False,
              help='Show help on the format of the adapter mapping file '
              'and exit.')
def dpm_import(cmd_ctx, cpc, **options):
    Import a DPM configuration into a CPC.

    The DPM configuration of the CPC is read from a DPM configuration file
    (in YAML or JSON format) and imported into the CPC, replacing the current
    DPM configuration of the CPC.
    For details about the format of that file, use --help-dpm-file.

    Optionally, an adapter mapping file (in YAML format) can be specified that
    can be used to accomodate different adapter PCHIDs (plug positions) between
    the CPC represented in the DPM configuration and the CPC targeted for the
    import. By default, the adapters are assumed to be in the same plug
    positions, i.e. the PCHIDs will be unchanged.
    For details about the format of that file, use --help-mapping-file.

    In addition to the command-specific options shown in this help text, the
    general options (see 'zhmc --help') can also be specified right after the
    'zhmc' command name.
    cmd_ctx.execute_cmd(lambda: cmd_dpm_import(cmd_ctx, cpc, options))

@cpc_group.group('autostart', options_metavar=COMMAND_OPTIONS_METAVAR)
def cpc_autostart_group():
    Command group for managing the auto-start list of a CPC (in DPM mode).

    In addition to the command-specific options shown in this help text, the
    general options (see 'zhmc --help') can also be specified right after the
    'zhmc' command name.

@cpc_autostart_group.command('show', options_metavar=COMMAND_OPTIONS_METAVAR)
@click.argument('CPC', type=str, metavar='CPC')
def cpc_autostart_show(cmd_ctx, cpc):
    Show the auto-start list of a CPC.

    In addition to the command-specific options shown in this help text, the
    general options (see 'zhmc --help') can also be specified right after the
    'zhmc' command name.
    cmd_ctx.execute_cmd(lambda: cmd_cpc_autostart_show(cmd_ctx, cpc))

@cpc_autostart_group.command('add', options_metavar=COMMAND_OPTIONS_METAVAR)
@click.argument('CPC', type=str, metavar='CPC')
@click.argument('PARTITIONS_DELAY', type=(str, int), metavar='PARTITIONS DELAY')
@click.option('--group', type=str, metavar='GROUP',
              help='Add the partition(s) as a partition group with this name. '
              'Required when adding a group.')
@click.option('--description', type=str, metavar='TEXT',
              help='Description of partition group. '
              'Default: No description.')
@click.option('--before', type=str, metavar='PARTITION_OR_GROUP',
              help='Insert the new partition or group before this '
              'partition/group. '
              'Default: Append new partition or group to the end.')
@click.option('--after', type=str, metavar='PARTITION_OR_GROUP',
              help='Insert the new partition or group after this '
              'partition/group. '
              'Default: Append new partition or group to the end.')
def cpc_autostart_add(cmd_ctx, cpc, partitions_delay, **options):
    Add a partition or group to the auto-start list of a CPC.

    A partition group exists only in context of the auto-start list; it has
    nothing to do with Group objects.

    PARTITIONS is the partition name or a comma-separated list of partition
    names in case of adding a partition group.

    DELAY is the delay afer starting this partition or group, in seconds.

    The updated auto-start list is shown.

    In addition to the command-specific options shown in this help text, the
    general options (see 'zhmc --help') can also be specified right after the
    'zhmc' command name.
        lambda: cmd_cpc_autostart_add(cmd_ctx, cpc, partitions_delay, options))

@cpc_autostart_group.command('delete', options_metavar=COMMAND_OPTIONS_METAVAR)
@click.argument('CPC', type=str, metavar='CPC')
@click.argument('PARTITION_OR_GROUP', type=str, metavar='PARTITION_OR_GROUP')
def cpc_autostart_delete(cmd_ctx, cpc, partition_or_group):
    Delete a partition or group from the auto-start list of a CPC.

    The updated auto-start list is shown.

    In addition to the command-specific options shown in this help text, the
    general options (see 'zhmc --help') can also be specified right after the
    'zhmc' command name.
        lambda: cmd_cpc_autostart_delete(cmd_ctx, cpc, partition_or_group))

@cpc_autostart_group.command('clear', options_metavar=COMMAND_OPTIONS_METAVAR)
@click.argument('CPC', type=str, metavar='CPC')
def cpc_autostart_clear(cmd_ctx, cpc):
    Clear the auto-start list of a CPC.

    In addition to the command-specific options shown in this help text, the
    general options (see 'zhmc --help') can also be specified right after the
    'zhmc' command name.
        lambda: cmd_cpc_autostart_clear(cmd_ctx, cpc))

@cpc_group.command('list-api-features', options_metavar=COMMAND_OPTIONS_METAVAR)
@click.argument('CPC', type=str, metavar='CPC')
@click.option('--name', type=str, metavar='NAME',
              help='A regular expression used to limit returned objects to '
                   'those that have a matching name field.')
def cpc_list_api_features(cmd_ctx, cpc, **options):
    List the Web Services API features available on a CPC.

    In addition to the command-specific options shown in this help text, the
    general options (see 'zhmc --help') can also be specified right after the
    'zhmc' command name.
        lambda: cmd_cpc_list_api_features(cmd_ctx, cpc, options))

@cpc_group.command('list-firmware', options_metavar=COMMAND_OPTIONS_METAVAR)
@click.argument('CPC', type=str, metavar='CPC')
def cpc_list_firmware(cmd_ctx, cpc, **options):
    List the firmware level on the Support Element (SE) of a CPC.

    The firmware levels are listed for each EC stream of the SE as MCL levels
    for different installation states:

    * retrieved - latest MCL level that has been retrieved
    * installable-conc - latest MCL level that has been retrieved and is
      concurrently installable
    * activated - latest MCL level that has been installed and activated
    * accepted - latest MCL level that has been accepted (= cannot be removed)
    * removable-conc - latest MCL level that has been installed and activated
      and can be removed concurrently (down to latest accepted)

    The MCL levels '0' and '000' are shown as '-' which means there is no such
    level. If a particular installation state is not available, this is shown
    as 'n/a' (but this should not happen).

    In addition to the command-specific options shown in this help text, the
    general options (see 'zhmc --help') can also be specified right after the
    'zhmc' command name.
        lambda: cmd_cpc_list_firmware(cmd_ctx, cpc, options))

@cpc_group.command('upgrade', options_metavar=COMMAND_OPTIONS_METAVAR)
@click.argument('CPC', type=str, metavar='CPC')
@click.option('--bundle-level', '-b', type=str, required=False,
              help="Name of the bundle to be installed on the SE "
              "(e.g. 'S71'). "
              "Default: When --ftp-host is specified, all code changes on "
              "the FTP server will be installed. Otherwise, all locally "
              "available code changes will be installed.")
@click.option('--accept-firmware', '-a', type=bool, required=False,
              help="Boolean indicating to accept the previous bundle level "
              "before installing the new level. Default: true")
@click.option('--ftp-host', type=str, required=False,
              help="The hostname for the FTP server from which the firmware "
              "will be retrieved. "
              "Default: When --bundle-level is specified, firmware will be "
              "retrieved from the IBM support site. Otherwise, all locally "
              "available code changes will be installed.")
@click.option('--ftp-protocol', type=click.Choice(["sftp", "ftp", "ftps"]),
              required=False, default="sftp",
              help="The protocol to connect to the FTP server, if the firmware "
              "is retrieved from an FTP server. Default: sftp.")
@click.option('--ftp-user', type=str, required=False,
              help="The username for the FTP server login, if the firmware "
              "is retrieved from an FTP server.")
@click.option('--ftp-password', type=str, required=False,
              help="The password for the FTP server login, if the firmware "
              "is retrieved from an FTP server. Specifying a hyphen '-' will "
              "prompt for the password.")
@click.option('--ftp-directory', type=str, required=False,
              help="The path name of the directory on the FTP server with the "
              "firmware files, if the firmware is retrieved from an FTP "
@click.option('--accept-firmware', '-a', type=bool, required=False,
              help="Boolean indicating to accept the previous bundle level "
              "before installing the new level. Default: true")
@click.option('--timeout', '-T', type=int, required=False, default=1200,
              help='Timeout (in seconds) when waiting for the SE upgrade '
              'to be complete. Default: 1200.')
def cpc_upgrade(cmd_ctx, cpc, **options):
    Upgrade the firmware in a single step on the Support Element (SE) of a CPC.

    This is done by performing the "CPC Single Step Install" operation
    which performs the following steps:

    * A backup of the target CPC is performed to its SE hard drive.
    * If `accept_firmware` is True, the firmware currently installed on the SE
      of this CPC is accepted. Note that once firmware is accepted, it cannot be
    * The new firmware for the specified bundle level is retrieved from the IBM
      support site or from an FTP server. If no bundle level is specified, but
      an FTP server, all firmware available on the FTP server is retrieved.
      If no bundle level is specified and no FTP server, the already locally
      available firmware is used and no additional firmware is retrieved.
    * The specified firmware is installed.
    * The newly installed firmware is activated, which includes rebooting the SE
      of this CPC.

    If an error occurrs when installing the upgrades for the components of
    the new bundle, any components that were successfully installed are
    rolled back.

    If an error occurs after the firmware is accepted, the firmware remains

    Note that it is not possible to downgrade the SE firmware with this

    If the SE firmware is already at the requested bundle level, nothing is
    changed and the command succeeds.

    In addition to the command-specific options shown in this help text, the
    general options (see 'zhmc --help') can also be specified right after the
    'zhmc' command name.
    cmd_ctx.execute_cmd(lambda: cmd_cpc_upgrade(cmd_ctx, cpc, options))

@click.argument('CPC', type=str, metavar='CPC')
@click.option('--bundle-level', '-b', type=str, required=False,
              help="Selects the updates to be installed to be those in a "
              "specific SE bundle (e.g. 'S71'). Disruptive updates will fail.")
@click.option('--ec-levels', '-e', type=str, required=False,
              help="Selects the updates to be installed to be specific EC "
              "levels, as a list in YAML Flow Collection style. "
              "The list items are strings of the form 'EC.MCL' where EC is "
              "the EC number of the EC stream, and MCL is the MCL number "
              "within the EC stream. "
              "Example: --ec-levels \"[P30719.015, P30730.007]\"")
@click.option('--all-concurrent', '-c', is_flag=True, required=False,
              help="Selects the updates to be installed to be all "
              "concurrent (= non-disruptive) updates that are locally "
              "available on the SE.")
@click.option('--all', '-a', is_flag=True, required=False,
              help="Selects the updates to be installed to be all updates "
              "that are locally available on the SE, including disruptive "
@click.option('--install-disruptive', is_flag=True, required=False,
              help="Install any disruptive updates that are encountered. "
              "Only allowed with --ec-levels. "
              "Default: Fail when encountering disruptive updates.")
@click.option('--timeout', '-T', type=int, required=False, default=1200,
              help='Timeout (in seconds) when waiting for the firmware '
              'installation to be complete. Default: 1200.')
def cpc_install_firmware(cmd_ctx, cpc, **options):
    Install retrieved firmware updates on the Support Element (SE) of a CPC.

    This is done by performing the "CPC Install and Activate" operation
    which performs the following steps:

    * The specified updates are installed.
    * If all updates are installed successfully, they are activated, which
      includes rebooting the SE.

    The updates to be installed must already be available on the SE; they are
    *not* automatically downloaded from the IBM support site or from an FTP

    If an error occurs when installing the updates, any updates that were
    successfully installed are rolled back.

    If --bundle-level is specified and the SE firmware is already at the
    requested bundle level, nothing is changed and the command succeeds. For
    the other options to select firmware, it is not currently possible to
    distinguish failure from no need to upgrade, so a failure is reported.


    * This operation does *not* perform a backup, an accept of previously
      activated updates, or an accept of the newly installed updates.
    * This operation does not require that previously activated updates are
      first accepted before invoking this operation.
    * It is not possible to downgrade the SE firmware with this operation.

    In addition to the command-specific options shown in this help text, the
    general options (see 'zhmc --help') can also be specified right after the
    'zhmc' command name.
        lambda: cmd_cpc_install_firmware(cmd_ctx, cpc, options))

@click.argument('CPC', type=str, metavar='CPC')
@click.option('--ec-levels', '-e', type=str, required=False,
              help="Selects the updates to be deleted to be specific EC "
              "levels, as a list in YAML Flow Collection style. "
              "The list items are strings of the form 'EC.MCL' where EC is "
              "the EC number of the EC stream, and MCL is the MCL number "
              "within the EC stream. "
              "Example: --ec-levels \"[P30719.015, P30730.007]\"")
@click.option('--all', '-a', is_flag=True, required=False,
              help="Selects the updates to be deleted to be all retrieved but "
              "uninstalled updates.")
@click.option('--timeout', '-T', type=int, required=False, default=1200,
              help='Timeout (in seconds) when waiting for the deletion of '
              'updates to be complete. Default: 1200.')
def cpc_delete_uninstalled_firmware(cmd_ctx, cpc, **options):
    Delete retrieved but uninstalled firmware updates on the Support Element
    (SE) of a CPC.

    This is done by performing the "CPC Delete Retrieved Internal Code"
    operation which performs the following steps:

    * The specified updates are deleted from the SE.


    * This operation does *not* perform a backup.
    * It is not possible to delete installed updates with this command.
    * It is not possible to downgrade the SE firmware with this command.

    In addition to the command-specific options shown in this help text, the
    general options (see 'zhmc --help') can also be specified right after the
    'zhmc' command name.
        lambda: cmd_cpc_delete_uninstalled_firmware(cmd_ctx, cpc, options))

def cmd_cpc_list(cmd_ctx, options):
    # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring

    client = zhmcclient.Client(cmd_ctx.session)

        cpcs = client.cpcs.list()
    except zhmcclient.Error as exc:
        raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)

    if options['type']:
        click.echo("The --type option is deprecated and type information "
                   "is now always shown.")
    if options['mach']:
        click.echo("The --mach option is deprecated and machine information "
                   "is now always shown.")

    show_list = [
    if not options['names_only']:
    if options['uri']:

        print_resources(cmd_ctx, cpcs, cmd_ctx.output_format, show_list,
    except zhmcclient.Error as exc:
        raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)

def cmd_cpc_show(cmd_ctx, cpc_name, options):
    # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring

    client = zhmcclient.Client(cmd_ctx.session)
    cpc = find_cpc(cmd_ctx, client, cpc_name)

    except zhmcclient.Error as exc:
        raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)

    properties = dict(cpc.properties)

    # Hide some long or deeply nested properties in table output formats.
    if not options['all'] and cmd_ctx.output_format in TABLE_FORMATS:
        hide_property(properties, 'auto-start-list')
        hide_property(properties, 'available-features-list')
        hide_property(properties, 'cpc-power-saving-state')
        hide_property(properties, 'ec-mcl-description')
        hide_property(properties, 'network1-ipv6-info')
        hide_property(properties, 'network2-ipv6-info')
        hide_property(properties, 'stp-configuration')

    print_properties(cmd_ctx, properties, cmd_ctx.output_format)

def cmd_cpc_update(cmd_ctx, cpc_name, options):
    # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring

    client = zhmcclient.Client(cmd_ctx.session)
    cpc = find_cpc(cmd_ctx, client, cpc_name)

    name_map = {
        'next-activation-profile': 'next-activation-profile-name',
        'processor-time-slice': None,
        'wait-ends-slice': None,
        'no-wait-ends-slice': None,
        'acceptable-status': None,
    org_options = original_options(options)
    properties = options_to_properties(org_options, name_map)

    time_slice = org_options['processor-time-slice']
    if time_slice is None:
        # 'processor-running-time*' properties not changed
    elif time_slice < 0:
        raise click_exception("Value for processor-time-slice option must "
                              "be >= 0", cmd_ctx.error_format)
    elif time_slice == 0:
        properties['processor-running-time-type'] = 'system-determined'
    else:  # time_slice > 0
        properties['processor-running-time-type'] = 'user-determined'
        properties['processor-running-time'] = time_slice

    if org_options['wait-ends-slice'] is not None:
        properties['does-wait-state-end-time-slice'] = \

    if org_options['acceptable-status'] is not None:
        status_list = org_options['acceptable-status'].split(',')
        status_list = [item for item in status_list if item]
        properties['acceptable-status'] = status_list

    if not properties:
        click.echo("No properties specified for updating CPC '{c}'.".

    except zhmcclient.Error as exc:
        raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)


    # Name changes are not supported for CPCs.
    click.echo("CPC '{c}' has been updated.".format(c=cpc_name))

def cmd_cpc_set_power_save(cmd_ctx, cpc_name, options):
    # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring

    client = zhmcclient.Client(cmd_ctx.session)
    cpc = find_cpc(cmd_ctx, client, cpc_name)

    org_options = original_options(options)
    power_saving = org_options['power-saving']
    click.echo("The power save settings of CPC '{c}' have been set to {s}.".
               format(c=cpc_name, s=power_saving))

def cmd_cpc_set_power_capping(cmd_ctx, cpc_name, options):
    # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring

    client = zhmcclient.Client(cmd_ctx.session)
    cpc = find_cpc(cmd_ctx, client, cpc_name)

    org_options = original_options(options)
    power_capping_state = org_options['power-capping-state']
    power_cap_current = None
    if org_options['power-cap-current']:
        power_cap_current = org_options['power-cap-current']
    cpc.set_power_capping(org_options['power-capping-state'], power_cap_current)
    click.echo("The power capping settings of CPC '{c}' have been set to {s}.".
               format(c=cpc_name, s=power_capping_state))

def cmd_cpc_get_em_data(cmd_ctx, cpc_name):
    # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring

    client = zhmcclient.Client(cmd_ctx.session)
    cpc = find_cpc(cmd_ctx, client, cpc_name)

    energy_props = cpc.get_energy_management_properties()
    print_properties(cmd_ctx, energy_props, cmd_ctx.output_format)

def cmd_dpm_export(cmd_ctx, cpc_name, options):
    # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring

    client = zhmcclient.Client(cmd_ctx.session)
    cpc = find_cpc(cmd_ctx, client, cpc_name)

    dpm_file = required_option(options, 'dpm_file')
    dpm_format = options['dpm_format']

    include_unused_adapters = options['include_unused_adapters']

    config_dict = cpc.export_dpm_configuration(include_unused_adapters)
        with io.open(dpm_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
            if dpm_format == 'yaml':
                yaml.dump(config_dict, fp, encoding=None, allow_unicode=True,
                          default_flow_style=False, indent=2,
                assert dpm_format == 'json'
                json.dump(config_dict, fp, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
    except (IOError, OSError) as exc:
        raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)

    click.echo("Exported DPM configuration of CPC '{c}' into DPM config "
               "file {f} in {ff} format.".
               format(c=cpc_name, f=dpm_file, ff=dpm_format.upper()))

def cmd_dpm_import(cmd_ctx, cpc_name, options):
    # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring

    client = zhmcclient.Client(cmd_ctx.session)
    cpc = find_cpc(cmd_ctx, client, cpc_name)

    dpm_file = required_option(options, 'dpm_file')
    dpm_format = options['dpm_format']
    mapping_file = options['mapping_file']
    preserve_uris = options['preserve_uris']
    preserve_wwpns = options['preserve_wwpns']

        with io.open(dpm_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
            if dpm_format == 'yaml':
                    config_dict = yaml.safe_load(fp)
                except (yaml.parser.ParserError, yaml.scanner.ScannerError) \
                        as exc:
                    raise click_exception(
                        "Error parsing DPM configuration file {} in YAML "
                        "format: {}".format(dpm_file, exc),
                assert dpm_format == 'json'
                    config_dict = json.load(fp)
                except ValueError as exc:
                    raise click_exception(
                        "Error parsing DPM configuration file {} in JSON "
                        "format: {}".format(dpm_file, exc),
    except (IOError, OSError) as exc:
        raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)

    if mapping_file:
            with io.open(mapping_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
                    mapping_obj = yaml.safe_load(fp)
                except (yaml.parser.ParserError, yaml.scanner.ScannerError) \
                        as exc:
                    raise click_exception(
                        "Error parsing adapter mapping file {} in YAML "
                        "format: {}".format(dpm_file, exc),
        except (IOError, OSError) as exc:
            raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)
        mapping_obj = None

    config_dict['preserve-uris'] = bool(preserve_uris)
    config_dict['preserve-wwpns'] = bool(preserve_wwpns)
    if mapping_obj:
        config_dict['adapter-mapping'] = \
            convert_adapter_mapping(cmd_ctx, mapping_obj)
        if 'adapter-mapping' in config_dict:
            del config_dict['adapter-mapping']

    result = cpc.import_dpm_configuration(config_dict)


    if result:
        click.echo("Partially imported DPM configuration from DPM config file "
                   "{f} into CPC '{c}'. The following parts were not restored:".
                   format(c=cpc_name, f=dpm_file))
            print_dicts(cmd_ctx, result['output'], cmd_ctx.output_format)
        except zhmcclient.Error as exc:
            raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)
        click.echo("Imported DPM configuration from DPM config file {f} into "
                   "CPC '{c}'.".
                   format(c=cpc_name, f=dpm_file))

def convert_adapter_mapping(cmd_ctx, mapping_obj):
    Convert the adapter mapping from the format used in the adapter mapping file
    to the format needed by the adapter-mapping property in the Import DPM
    Configuration operation.
        validate(mapping_obj, MAPPING_SCHEMA, "adapter mapping file")
    except ValueError as exc:
        raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)
    ret_mapping = []
    mapping_list = mapping_obj['adapter-mapping']
    for mapping in mapping_list:
        ret_item = {}
        ret_item['new-adapter-id'] = mapping['new-adapter-id']
        ret_item['old-adapter-id'] = mapping['old-adapter-id']
    return ret_mapping

def get_auto_start_list(cpc):
    Helper functoin that converts the 'auto-start-list' property of a CPC
    to a list suitable for the zhmcclient.Cpc.set_auto_start_list() method.

        None - if the CPC is in classic mode
        list, with items that are one of:
          - tuple(partition, post_start_delay)
          - tuple(partition_list, name, description, post_start_delay)
    auto_start_list = cpc.prop('auto-start-list', None)
    if auto_start_list is None:
        # CPC is in classic mode
        return None

    as_list = []
    for auto_start_item in auto_start_list:
        if auto_start_item['type'] == 'partition':
            # item is a partition
            uri = auto_start_item['partition-uri']
            delay = auto_start_item['post-start-delay']
            partition = cpc.partitions.resource_object(uri)
            as_item = (partition, delay)
        if auto_start_item['type'] == 'partition-group':
            # item is a partition group
            name = auto_start_item['name']
            description = auto_start_item['description']
            delay = auto_start_item['post-start-delay']
            partitions = []
            for uri in auto_start_item['partition-uris']:
                partition = cpc.partitions.resource_object(uri)
            as_item = (partitions, name, description, delay)
    return as_list

def auto_start_table_str(as_list, output_format):
    Return a string with the auto-start list table in the specified output
    headers = ['Partition/Group', 'Post start delay', 'Partitions in group',
               'Group description']
    table = []
    for as_item in as_list:
        if isinstance(as_item[0], zhmcclient.Partition):
            # item is a partition
            partition, delay = as_item
            row = [partition.name, delay]
            # item is a partition group
            partitions, name, description, delay = as_item
            partition_names = ', '.join([p.name for p in partitions])
            row = [name, delay, partition_names, description]
    table_str = tabulate(table, headers, tablefmt=output_format)
    return table_str

def cmd_cpc_autostart_show(cmd_ctx, cpc_name):
    # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring
    client = zhmcclient.Client(cmd_ctx.session)
    cpc = find_cpc(cmd_ctx, client, cpc_name)

    as_list = get_auto_start_list(cpc)

    if as_list is None:
        # The HMC WS API book documents that only CPCs in DPM mode have
        # the 'auto-start-list' property.
        click.echo("CPC '{c}' is in classic mode and has no auto-start list.".

    table_str = auto_start_table_str(as_list, cmd_ctx.output_format)

def cmd_cpc_autostart_add(cmd_ctx, cpc_name, partitions_delay, options):
    # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring
    client = zhmcclient.Client(cmd_ctx.session)
    cpc = find_cpc(cmd_ctx, client, cpc_name)
    partition_names, delay = partitions_delay

    # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel,cyclic-import
    from ._cmd_partition import find_partition

    as_list = get_auto_start_list(cpc)

    if as_list is None:
        # The HMC WS API book documents that only CPCs in DPM mode have
        # the 'auto-start-list' property.
        click.echo("CPC '{c}' is in classic mode and has no auto-start list.".

    group_name = options['group']
    if group_name:
        # A partition group is added (with one or more partitions)
        partition_names = partition_names.split(',')
        partitions = []
        for partition_name in partition_names:
            partition = find_partition(cmd_ctx, client, cpc, partition_name)
        description = options['description']
        new_as_item = (partitions, group_name, description, delay)
        # A partition is added
        partition_name = partition_names
        partition = find_partition(cmd_ctx, client, cpc, partition_name)
        new_as_item = (partition, delay)

    # TODO: Add support for --before and --after
    except zhmcclient.Error as exc:
        raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)

    table_str = auto_start_table_str(as_list, cmd_ctx.output_format)

def cmd_cpc_autostart_delete(cmd_ctx, cpc_name, partition_or_group):
    # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring
    client = zhmcclient.Client(cmd_ctx.session)
    cpc = find_cpc(cmd_ctx, client, cpc_name)

    as_list = get_auto_start_list(cpc)

    if as_list is None:
        # The HMC WS API book documents that only CPCs in DPM mode have
        # the 'auto-start-list' property.
        click.echo("CPC '{c}' is in classic mode and has no auto-start list.".

    as_item_idx = None
    for i, as_item in enumerate(as_list):
        if isinstance(as_item[0], zhmcclient.Partition):
            # item is a partition
            partition = as_item[0]
            if partition.name == partition_or_group:
                as_item_idx = i
            # item is a partition group
            name = as_item[1]
            if name == partition_or_group:
                as_item_idx = i

    if as_item_idx is None:
        raise click_exception(
            "Could not find partition or group '{p}' in CPC '{c}'.'".
            format(p=partition_or_group, c=cpc_name),

    del as_list[as_item_idx]
    except zhmcclient.Error as exc:
        raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)

    table_str = auto_start_table_str(as_list, cmd_ctx.output_format)

def cmd_cpc_autostart_clear(cmd_ctx, cpc_name):
    # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring
    client = zhmcclient.Client(cmd_ctx.session)
    cpc = find_cpc(cmd_ctx, client, cpc_name)

    as_list = []
    except zhmcclient.Error as exc:
        raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)

    click.echo("Auto-start list for CPC '{c}' has been cleared.".

def cmd_cpc_list_api_features(cmd_ctx, cpc_name, options):
    # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring

    client = zhmcclient.Client(cmd_ctx.session)
    cpc = find_cpc(cmd_ctx, client, cpc_name)

    name = options['name']
        features = cpc.list_api_features(name)
    except zhmcclient.Error as exc:
        raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)

    print_list(cmd_ctx, features, cmd_ctx.output_format)

def cmd_cpc_list_firmware(cmd_ctx, cpc_name, options):
    # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring,unused-argument

    client = zhmcclient.Client(cmd_ctx.session)
    cpc = find_cpc(cmd_ctx, client, cpc_name)
    ec_mcl = cpc.properties['ec-mcl-description']

    firmware_list = convert_ec_mcl_description(ec_mcl)

    # define order of columns in output table
    show_list = [

    print_dicts(cmd_ctx, firmware_list, cmd_ctx.output_format,

def cmd_cpc_upgrade(cmd_ctx, cpc_name, options):
    # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring

    client = zhmcclient.Client(cmd_ctx.session)
    cpc = find_cpc(cmd_ctx, client, cpc_name)
    console = client.consoles.console

    bundle_level = options['bundle_level']
    accept_firmware = options['accept_firmware']
    timeout = options['timeout']

    ftp_host = options['ftp_host']
    ftp_user = options['ftp_user']
    ftp_password = options['ftp_password']
    if ftp_host and ftp_password == '-':
        ftp_password = prompt_ftp_password(cmd_ctx, ftp_host, ftp_user)

    ec_mcl = console.prop('ec-mcl-description')
    hmc_bundle_level = ec_mcl.get('bundle-level', None)
    if hmc_bundle_level is None:
        hmc_version = console.prop('version')
        raise click_exception(
            "HMC version {v} does not support firmware upgrade through "
            "the Web Services API".format(v=hmc_version),

    level_str = get_level_str(bundle_level, ftp_host)
    click.echo("Upgrading the SE of CPC {c} to {lvl}, and waiting for "
               "completion (timeout: {t} s)".
               format(c=cpc_name, lvl=level_str, t=timeout))

    kwargs = dict(
    if ftp_host:
        kwargs['ftp_host'] = ftp_host
        kwargs['ftp_protocol'] = options['ftp_protocol']
        kwargs['ftp_user'] = ftp_user
        kwargs['ftp_password'] = ftp_password
        kwargs['ftp_directory'] = options['ftp_directory']

    except zhmcclient.HTTPError as exc:
        if exc.http_status == 400 and exc.reason == 356:
            # HMC was already at that bundle level
            click.echo("The SE of CPC {c} was already at {lvl} and did not "
                       "need to be upgraded".
                       format(c=cpc_name, lvl=level_str))
        raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)
    except zhmcclient.Error as exc:
        raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)

    click.echo("The SE of CPC {c} has been upgraded to {lvl}".
               format(c=cpc_name, lvl=level_str))

def cmd_cpc_install_firmware(cmd_ctx, cpc_name, options):
    # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring

    client = zhmcclient.Client(cmd_ctx.session)
    cpc = find_cpc(cmd_ctx, client, cpc_name)

    bundle_level = options['bundle_level']
    ec_levels = options['ec_levels']
    all_ = options['all']
    concurrent = options['all_concurrent']
    install_disruptive = options['install_disruptive']
    timeout = options['timeout']

    num_mcl_options = bool(bundle_level) + bool(ec_levels) + all_ + concurrent
    if num_mcl_options != 1:
        raise click_exception(
            "Exactly one option for specifying the firmware to be installed "
            "must be specified, but there were {}".format(num_mcl_options),

    if bundle_level and install_disruptive:
        raise click_exception(
            "--install-disruptive and --bundle-level cannot both be specified",

    if concurrent and install_disruptive:
        raise click_exception(
            "--install-disruptive and --concurrent cannot both be specified",

    if all_ and install_disruptive:
        raise click_exception(
            "--install-disruptive and --all cannot both be specified",

    if ec_levels:
        ec_levels_parm = parse_ec_levels(cmd_ctx, '--ec-levels', ec_levels)

    if all_:
        bundle_level = None
        ec_levels_parm = None
        install_disruptive = True

    if concurrent:
        bundle_level = None
        ec_levels_parm = None
        install_disruptive = False

    level_str, dis_str = get_mcl_str(
        bundle_level, ec_levels, all_, concurrent, install_disruptive)
    click.echo("Upgrading the SE of CPC {c} to {lvl}{dis}, and waiting for "
               "completion (timeout: {t} s)".
               format(c=cpc_name, lvl=level_str, dis=dis_str, t=timeout))

    kwargs = dict(
    if install_disruptive:
        kwargs['install_disruptive'] = True
    if bundle_level:
        kwargs['bundle_level'] = bundle_level
    if ec_levels:
        kwargs['ec_levels'] = ec_levels_parm

    except zhmcclient.HTTPError as exc:
        if bundle_level and exc.http_status == 500 and exc.reason == 263:
            # --bundle-level was specified, and the SE was already at the
            # requested bundle level.
            click.echo("The SE of CPC {c} was already at {lvl} and did not "
                       "need to be upgraded".
                       format(c=cpc_name, lvl=level_str))
        if ec_levels and exc.http_status == 400 and exc.reason == 379:
            # --ec-levels was specified, but we cannot distinguish failure from
            # the case where the SE was already at the requested EC levels.
            # TODO: Get EC/MCL info and figure out which case it is.
            raise click_exception(
                "The SE of CPC {c} either was already at {lvl}, or above "
                "(cannot downgrade), or the firmware is not available on the "
                "SE: HTTPError: {exc}".
                format(c=cpc_name, lvl=level_str, exc=exc),
    except zhmcclient.Error as exc:
        raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)

    click.echo("The SE of CPC {c} has been upgraded to {lvl}".
               format(c=cpc_name, lvl=level_str))

def cmd_cpc_delete_uninstalled_firmware(cmd_ctx, cpc_name, options):
    # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring

    client = zhmcclient.Client(cmd_ctx.session)
    cpc = find_cpc(cmd_ctx, client, cpc_name)

    ec_levels = options['ec_levels']
    all_ = options['all']
    timeout = options['timeout']

    num_mcl_options = bool(ec_levels) + all_
    if num_mcl_options != 1:
        raise click_exception(
            "Exactly one option for specifying the firmware to be deleted must "
            "be specified, but there were {}".format(num_mcl_options),

    if ec_levels:
        ec_levels_parm = parse_ec_levels(cmd_ctx, '--ec-levels', ec_levels)

    if all_:
        ec_levels_parm = None

    level_str, _ = get_mcl_str(None, ec_levels, all_, None, False)
    click.echo("Deleting {lvl} from the SE of CPC {c}, and waiting for "
               "completion (timeout: {t} s)".
               format(c=cpc_name, lvl=level_str, t=timeout))

    kwargs = dict(
    if ec_levels:
        kwargs['ec_levels'] = ec_levels_parm

    except zhmcclient.Error as exc:
        raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)

    level_str = level_str[0].upper() + level_str[1:]
    click.echo("{lvl} have been deleted from the SE of CPC {c}".
               format(c=cpc_name, lvl=level_str))