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# Copyright 2021 IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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Commands for HMC user management.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

import click
from click_option_group import optgroup

import zhmcclient
from .zhmccli import cli
from ._helper import print_properties, print_resources, abort_if_false, \
    options_to_properties, original_options, COMMAND_OPTIONS_METAVAR, \
    click_exception, add_options, LIST_OPTIONS, ObjectByUriCache, \

def find_user(cmd_ctx, console, user_name):
    Find a user by name and return its resource object.
        user = console.users.find(name=user_name)
    except zhmcclient.Error as exc:
        raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)
    return user

@cli.group('user', options_metavar=COMMAND_OPTIONS_METAVAR)
def user_group():
    Command group for managing HMC users.

    In addition to the command-specific options shown in this help text, the
    general options (see 'zhmc --help') can also be specified right after the
    'zhmc' command name.

@user_group.command('list', options_metavar=COMMAND_OPTIONS_METAVAR)
@click.option('--permissions', is_flag=True, required=False,
              help='Show additional properties for user permissions and roles.')
@click.option('--status', is_flag=True, required=False,
              help='Show additional properties for user status.')
def user_list(cmd_ctx, **options):
    List the HMC users.

    In addition to the command-specific options shown in this help text, the
    general options (see 'zhmc --help') can also be specified right after the
    'zhmc' command name.
    cmd_ctx.execute_cmd(lambda: cmd_user_list(cmd_ctx, options))

@user_group.command('show', options_metavar=COMMAND_OPTIONS_METAVAR)
@click.argument('USER', type=str, metavar='USER')
def user_show(cmd_ctx, user):
    Show the details of an HMC user.

    The following properties are shown in addition to those returned by the HMC:

      - 'parent-name' - Name of the parent Console.
      - 'user-role-names' - Names of the User Roles referenced by
        'user-role-uris' (index-correlated).
      - 'password-rule-name' - Name of the Password Rule referenced by
      - 'user-pattern-name' - Name of the User Pattern referenced by
        'user-pattern-uri', if present (for pattern-based users)
      - 'user-template-name' - Name of the User Template referenced by
        'user-template-uri', if present (for pattern-based users)
      - 'default-group-name' - Name of the Group referenced by
      - 'ldap-server-definition-name' - Name of the LDAP Server Definition
        referenced by 'ldap-server-definition-uri'.
      - 'primary-mfa-server-definition-name' - Name of the MFA Server Definition
        referenced by 'primary-mfa-server-definition-uri', if present (since
        HMC 2.15.0).
      - 'backup-mfa-server-definition-name' - Name of the MFA Server Definition
        referenced by 'backup-mfa-server-definition-uri', if present (since
        HMC 2.15.0).

    In addition to the command-specific options shown in this help text, the
    general options (see 'zhmc --help') can also be specified right after the
    'zhmc' command name.
    cmd_ctx.execute_cmd(lambda: cmd_user_show(cmd_ctx, user))

@user_group.command('password', options_metavar=COMMAND_OPTIONS_METAVAR)
@click.argument('USER', type=str, metavar='USER')
def user_password(cmd_ctx, user):
    Set a new password for an HMC user.

    The new password is prompted for.

    In addition to the command-specific options shown in this help text, the
    general options (see 'zhmc --help') can also be specified right after the
    'zhmc' command name.
    cmd_ctx.execute_cmd(lambda: cmd_user_password(cmd_ctx, user))

@user_group.command('create', options_metavar=COMMAND_OPTIONS_METAVAR)
@optgroup.group('General options')
@optgroup.option('--name', type=str, required=True,
                 help='The name of the new user.')
@optgroup.option('--like', type=str, required=False,
                 help='The name of a like user. The properties of the like '
                 'user will be used as defaults for the new user, except for '
                 'the following properties: name, password, description, '
                 'email-address, mfa-userid, mfa-userid-override. These '
                 'defaults can be overridden using options.')
@optgroup.option('--type', type=click.Choice(['standard', 'template']),
                 required=False, default='standard',
                 help='The type of the new user. '
                 'Default: standard')
@optgroup.option('--description', type=str, required=False,
                 help='The description of the new user.')
@optgroup.option('--email-address', type=str, required=False,
                 help='The email address of the new user, or the empty string '
                 'to set no email address. '
                 'Requires HMC 2.14.0 or later. '
                 'Default: No email address')
@optgroup.option('--disabled', type=bool, required=False,
                 help='The disabled state of the new user. '
                 'Default: False')
@optgroup.group('Authentication related options')
@optgroup.option('--authentication-type', type=click.Choice(['local', 'ldap']),
                 required=False, default='local',
                 help='The authentication type of the new user. '
                 'Default: local')
@optgroup.option('--password-rule', type=str, required=False,
                 help='The name of the password rule of the new user. '
                 'Only valid and required with authentication type "local".')
@optgroup.option('--password', type=str, required=False,
                 help='The logon password for the new user. '
                 'Only valid and required with authentication type "local".')
@optgroup.option('--force-password-change', type=bool, required=False,
                 help='The force-password-change state of the new user. '
                 'Only valid with authentication type "local". '
                 'Default: False')
@optgroup.option('--min-pw-change-time', type=int, required=False,
                 help='The minimum password change time in minutes for the new '
                 'user. This is the minimum amount of time that must pass '
                 'between changes to the user\'s password. '
                 '0 indicates no minimum time. '
                 'Only valid with authentication type "local". '
                 'Default: 0')
@optgroup.option('--ldap-server-definition', type=str, required=False,
                 help='The name of the LDAP server definition of the new user, '
                 'or the empty string to set no LDAP server definition. '
                 'Only valid and required with authentication type "ldap".')
@optgroup.option('--userid-on-ldap-server', type=str, required=False,
                 help='The userid on the LDAP server. '
                 'Only valid with authentication type "ldap".')
@optgroup.option('--mfa-type', required=False,
                 type=click.Choice(['hmc-totp', 'mfa-server', '']),
                 help='The MFA type of the new user, or the empty string for '
                 'no MFA. '
                 'Requires HMC 2.15.0 or later. '
                 'Default: No MFA')
@optgroup.option('--primary-mfa-server-definition', type=str, required=False,
                 help='The name of the MFA Server Definition for the primary '
                 'MFA server used to authenticate the new user, or the empty '
                 'string to set no such server. '
                 'Only valid for MFA type "mfa-server". '
                 'Requires HMC 2.15.0 or later. '
                 'Default: No such server')
@optgroup.option('--backup-mfa-server-definition', type=str, required=False,
                 help='The name of the MFA Server Definition for the backup '
                 'MFA server used to authenticate the new user, or the empty '
                 'string to set no such server. '
                 'Only valid for MFA type "mfa-server". '
                 'Requires HMC 2.15.0 or later. '
                 'Default: No such server')
@optgroup.option('--mfa-policy', type=str, required=False,
                 help='The name of the MFA policy for the new user, or the '
                 'empty string to set no MFA policy. This is for example a '
                 'RACF policy. The MFA policy applies to the user when an MFA '
                 'server authenticates the user. It must identify a policy '
                 'whose only MFA factor is the RSA SecurID factor. '
                 'Only valid for MFA type "mfa-server". '
                 'Requires HMC 2.15.0 or later. '
                 'Default: No MFA policy')
@optgroup.option('--mfa-userid', type=str, required=False,
                 help='The name of the MFA user ID for the new user, or the '
                 'empty string to set no MFA user ID. This is a user ID, such '
                 'as a RACF user ID, that identifies this user to the MFA '
                 'server that authenticates the user. '
                 'Only valid for MFA type "mfa-server" and user type not '
                 '"template". '
                 'Requires HMC 2.15.0 or later. '
                 'Default: No MFA user ID')
@optgroup.option('--mfa-userid-override', type=str, required=False,
                 help='The name of the LDAP attribute that contains the MFA '
                 'user ID that overrides the mfa-userid during authentication, '
                 'or the empty string to set no userid override via LDAP '
                 'attribute. Only valid for MFA type "mfa-server" and user '
                 'type "template". Requires HMC 2.15.0 or later. '
                 'Default: No userid override')
@optgroup.group('Session related options')
@optgroup.option('--session-timeout', type=int, required=False,
                 help='The session timeout in minutes for the new user. '
                 'This is the amount of time for which a user\'s UI session '
                 'can run before being prompted for identity verification. '
                 '0 indicates no timeout. '
                 'Default: 0')
@optgroup.option('--verify-timeout', type=int, required=False,
                 help='The verification timeout in minutes for the new user. '
                 'This is the amount of time allowed for the user to re-enter '
                 'their password when being prompted due to a session timeout. '
                 '0 indicates no timeout. '
                 'Default: 15')
@optgroup.option('--idle-timeout', type=int, required=False,
                 help='The idle timeout in minutes for the new user. '
                 'This is the amount of time the user\'s UI session can be '
                 'idle before it is disconnected. '
                 '0 indicates no timeout. '
                 'Default: 0')
@optgroup.option('--inactivity-timeout', type=int, required=False,
                 help='The inactivity timeout in days for the new user. '
                 'This is the maximum number of consecutive days of with no '
                 'login before the user is disabled. '
                 '0 indicates no inactivity timeout. '
                 'Default: 0')
@optgroup.option('--max-failed-logins', type=int, required=False,
                 help='The maximum number of consecutive failed login attempts '
                 'for the new user. When exceeding this maximum, the user '
                 'will be temporarily disabled for the amount of time '
                 'specified in the "disable-delay" property. '
                 '0 indicates that the user is never disabled due to failed '
                 'login attempts. '
                 'Default: 3')
@optgroup.option('--disable-delay', type=int, required=False,
                 help='The disable-delay time in minutes for the new user. '
                 'This is the amount of time the user will be temporarily '
                 'disabled after exceeding the maximum number of failed login '
                 'attempts. '
                 '0 indicates that the user is not disabled for any period of '
                 'time after reaching the maximum number of invalid login '
                 'attempts. '
                 'Default: 1')
@optgroup.group('Disruptive action related options')
@optgroup.option('--disruptive-pw-required', type=bool, required=False,
                 help='The indicator whether the new user\'s password is '
                 'required to perform disruptive actions through the UI. '
                 'Default: True')
@optgroup.option('--disruptive-text-required', type=bool, required=False,
                 help='The indicator whether text input is required to '
                 'perform disruptive actions through the UI. '
                 'Default: False')
@optgroup.group('Permission related options')
@optgroup.option('--allow-remote-access', type=bool, required=False,
                 help='The indicator whether the new user is allowed to access '
                 'the HMC through its remote web server interface. '
                 'Default: False')
@optgroup.option('--allow-management-interfaces', type=bool, required=False,
                 help='The indicator whether the new user is allowed access to '
                 'management interfaces. This includes access to the '
                 'Web Services APIs. '
                 'Default: False')
@optgroup.option('--max-web-services-api-sessions', type=int, required=False,
                 help='The maximum number of simultaneous Web Services API '
                 'sessions the new user is permitted to have. '
                 'Default: 100')
@optgroup.option('--web-services-api-session-idle-timeout', type=int,
                 help='The idle timeout in minutes for Web Services API '
                 'sessions created by the new user. This is the amount of time '
                 'a Web Services API session can be idle before it is '
                 'terminated. Default: 360')
def user_create(cmd_ctx, **options):
    Create an HMC user.

    In addition to the command-specific options shown in this help text, the
    general options (see 'zhmc --help') can also be specified right after the
    'zhmc' command name.
    cmd_ctx.execute_cmd(lambda: cmd_user_create(cmd_ctx, options))

@user_group.command('update', options_metavar=COMMAND_OPTIONS_METAVAR)
@click.argument('USER', type=str, metavar='USER')
@optgroup.group('General options')
@optgroup.option('--description', type=str, required=False,
                 help='The new description of the user.')
@optgroup.option('--email-address', type=str, required=False,
                 help='The new email address of the user or the empty string '
                 'to set no email address. '
                 'Requires HMC 2.14.0 or later.')
@optgroup.option('--disabled', type=bool, required=False,
                 help='The new disabled state of the user.')
@optgroup.option('--default-group', type=str, required=False,
                 help='The name of the new default group of the user, or the '
                 'empty string to set no default group. '
                 'Managed objects created by the user automatically become '
                 'members of its default group, if set.')
@optgroup.group('Authentication related options')
@optgroup.option('--authentication-type', type=click.Choice(['local', 'ldap']),
                 help='The new authentication type of the user.')
@optgroup.option('--password-rule', type=str, required=False,
                 help='The name of the new password rule of the user. '
                 'Only valid with authentication type "local".')
@optgroup.option('--password', type=str, required=False,
                 help='The new logon password for the user.')
@optgroup.option('--force-password-change', type=bool, required=False,
                 help='The new force-password-change state of the user. '
                 'Only valid with authentication type "local".')
@optgroup.option('--min-pw-change-time', type=int, required=False,
                 help='The new minimum password change time in minutes for the '
                 'user. This is the minimum amount of time that must pass '
                 'between changes to the user\'s password. '
                 '0 indicates no minimum time. '
                 'Only valid with authentication type "local".')
@optgroup.option('--ldap-server-definition', type=str, required=False,
                 help='The name of the new LDAP server definition of the user, '
                 'or the empty string to set no LDAP server definition. '
                 'Only valid with authentication type "ldap".')
@optgroup.option('--userid-on-ldap-server', type=str, required=False,
                 help='The new userid on the LDAP server. '
                 'Only valid with authentication type "ldap".')
@optgroup.option('--mfa-type', required=False,
                 type=click.Choice(['hmc-totp', 'mfa-server', '']),
                 help='The new MFA type of the user, or the empty string for '
                 'no MFA. '
                 'Requires HMC 2.15.0 or later.')
@optgroup.option('--force-shared-secret-key-change', type=bool, required=False,
                 help='The new indicator whether the user is required to '
                 'establish a new shared secret key during the next logon. The '
                 'shared secret key is used to calculate the user\'s current '
                 'TOTP multi-factor authentication code. '
                 'Requires HMC 2.14.0 or later.')
@optgroup.option('--primary-mfa-server-definition', type=str, required=False,
                 help='The name of the new MFA Server Definition for the '
                 'primary MFA server used to authenticate the user, or the '
                 'empty string to set no such server. '
                 'Only valid for MFA type "mfa-server". '
                 'Requires HMC 2.15.0 or later.')
@optgroup.option('--backup-mfa-server-definition', type=str, required=False,
                 help='The name of the new MFA Server Definition for the '
                 'backup MFA server used to authenticate the user, or the '
                 'empty string to set no such server. '
                 'Only valid for MFA type "mfa-server". '
                 'Requires HMC 2.15.0 or later.')
@optgroup.option('--mfa-policy', type=str, required=False,
                 help='The name of the new MFA policy for the user, or the '
                 'empty string to set no MFA policy. This is for example a '
                 'RACF policy. The MFA policy applies to the user when an MFA '
                 'server authenticates the user. It must identify a policy '
                 'whose only MFA factor is the RSA SecurID factor. '
                 'Only valid for MFA type "mfa-server". '
                 'Requires HMC 2.15.0 or later.')
@optgroup.option('--mfa-userid', type=str, required=False,
                 help='The name of the new MFA user ID for the user, or the '
                 'empty string to set no MFA user ID. This is a user ID, such '
                 'as a RACF user ID, that identifies this user to the MFA '
                 'server that authenticates the user. '
                 'Only valid for MFA type "mfa-server" and user type not '
                 '"template". '
                 'Requires HMC 2.15.0 or later.')
@optgroup.option('--mfa-userid-override', type=str, required=False,
                 help='The name of the new LDAP attribute that contains the '
                 'MFA user ID that overrides the mfa-userid during '
                 'authentication, or the empty string to set no userid '
                 'override via LDAP attribute. Only valid for MFA type '
                 '"mfa-server" and user type "template". Requires HMC 2.15.0 '
                 'or later.')
@optgroup.group('Session related options')
@optgroup.option('--session-timeout', type=int, required=False,
                 help='The new session timeout in minutes for the user. '
                 'This is the amount of time for which a user\'s UI session '
                 'can run before being prompted for identity verification. '
                 '0 indicates no timeout.')
@optgroup.option('--verify-timeout', type=int, required=False,
                 help='The new verification timeout in minutes for the user. '
                 'This is the amount of time allowed for the user to re-enter '
                 'their password when being prompted due to a session timeout. '
                 '0 indicates no timeout.')
@optgroup.option('--idle-timeout', type=int, required=False,
                 help='The new idle timeout in minutes for the user. '
                 'This is the amount of time the user\'s UI session can be '
                 'idle before it is disconnected. '
                 '0 indicates no timeout.')
@optgroup.option('--inactivity-timeout', type=int, required=False,
                 help='The new inactivity timeout in days for the user. '
                 'This is the maximum number of consecutive days of with no '
                 'login before the user is disabled. '
                 '0 indicates no inactivity timeout.')
@optgroup.option('--max-failed-logins', type=int, required=False,
                 help='The new maximum number of consecutive failed login '
                 'attempts for the user. When exceeding this maximum, the user '
                 'will be temporarily disabled for the amount of time '
                 'specified in the "disable-delay" property. '
                 '0 indicates that the user is never disabled due to failed '
                 'login attempts.')
@optgroup.option('--disable-delay', type=int, required=False,
                 help='The new disable-delay time in minutes for the user. '
                 'This is the amount of time the user will be temporarily '
                 'disabled after exceeding the maximum number of failed login '
                 'attempts. '
                 '0 indicates that the user is not disabled for any period of '
                 'time after reaching the maximum number of invalid login '
@optgroup.group('Disruptive action related options')
@optgroup.option('--disruptive-pw-required', type=bool, required=False,
                 help='The new indicator whether the user\'s password is '
                 'required to perform disruptive actions through the UI.')
@optgroup.option('--disruptive-text-required', type=bool, required=False,
                 help='The new indicator whether text input is required to '
                 'perform disruptive actions through the UI.')
@optgroup.group('Permission related options')
@optgroup.option('--allow-remote-access', type=bool, required=False,
                 help='The new indicator whether the user is allowed to access '
                 'the HMC through its remote web server interface.')
@optgroup.option('--allow-management-interfaces', type=bool, required=False,
                 help='The new indicator whether the user is allowed access to '
                 'management interfaces. This includes access to the '
                 'Web Services APIs.')
@optgroup.option('--max-web-services-api-sessions', type=int, required=False,
                 help='The new maximum number of simultaneous Web Services API '
                 'sessions the user is permitted to have.')
@optgroup.option('--web-services-api-session-idle-timeout', type=int,
                 help='The new idle timeout in minutes for Web Services API '
                 'sessions created by the user. This is the amount of time a '
                 'Web Services API session can be idle before it is '
def user_update(cmd_ctx, user, **options):
    Update the properties of an HMC user.

    Note that HMC users cannot be renamed.

    Only the properties will be changed for which a corresponding option is
    specified, so the default for all options is not to change properties.

    In addition to the command-specific options shown in this help text, the
    general options (see 'zhmc --help') can also be specified right after the
    'zhmc' command name.
    cmd_ctx.execute_cmd(lambda: cmd_user_update(cmd_ctx, user, options))

@user_group.command('delete', options_metavar=COMMAND_OPTIONS_METAVAR)
@click.argument('USER', type=str, metavar='USER')
@click.option('-y', '--yes', is_flag=True, callback=abort_if_false,
              help='Skip prompt to confirm deletion of the user.',
              prompt='Are you sure you want to delete this user ?')
def user_delete(cmd_ctx, user):
    Delete an HMC user.

    In addition to the command-specific options shown in this help text, the
    general options (see 'zhmc --help') can also be specified right after the
    'zhmc' command name.
    cmd_ctx.execute_cmd(lambda: cmd_user_delete(cmd_ctx, user))

@user_group.command('add-role', options_metavar=COMMAND_OPTIONS_METAVAR)
@click.argument('USER', type=str, metavar='USER')
@click.argument('USER_ROLE', type=str, metavar='USER_ROLE')
def user_add_role(cmd_ctx, user, user_role):
    Add a user role to a user.

    In addition to the command-specific options shown in this help text, the
    general options (see 'zhmc --help') can also be specified right after the
    'zhmc' command name.
    cmd_ctx.execute_cmd(lambda: cmd_user_add_role(cmd_ctx, user, user_role))

@user_group.command('remove-role', options_metavar=COMMAND_OPTIONS_METAVAR)
@click.argument('USER', type=str, metavar='USER')
@click.argument('USER_ROLE', type=str, metavar='USER_ROLE')
def user_remove_role(cmd_ctx, user, user_role):
    Remove a user role from a user.

    In addition to the command-specific options shown in this help text, the
    general options (see 'zhmc --help') can also be specified right after the
    'zhmc' command name.
    cmd_ctx.execute_cmd(lambda: cmd_user_remove_role(cmd_ctx, user, user_role))

def cmd_user_list(cmd_ctx, options):
    # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring

    client = zhmcclient.Client(cmd_ctx.session)
    console = client.consoles.console

    show_list = [
    if not options['names_only']:
    if options['uri']:
    if options['permissions']:
            'roles',  # addition
    if options['status']:
            'password-rule',  # addition

    additions = {}
    additions['roles'] = {}
    additions['password-rule'] = {}

        users = console.users.list(full_properties=False)
    except zhmcclient.Error as exc:
        raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)

    obj_cache = None

    if options['permissions']:
        if obj_cache is None:
            obj_cache = ObjectByUriCache(cmd_ctx, client)
        for user in users:
            role_names = [obj_cache.user_role_by_uri(role_uri).name
                          for role_uri in user.get_property('user-roles')]
            additions['roles'][user.uri] = role_names

    if options['status']:
        if obj_cache is None:
            obj_cache = ObjectByUriCache(cmd_ctx, client)
        for user in users:
            rule_uri = user.get_property('password-rule-uri')
            if rule_uri:
                rule_name = obj_cache.password_rule_by_uri(rule_uri).name
                additions['password-rule'][user.uri] = rule_name
                additions['password-rule'][user.uri] = None

        print_resources(cmd_ctx, users, cmd_ctx.output_format, show_list,
                        additions, all=options['all'])
    except zhmcclient.Error as exc:
        raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)

def cmd_user_show(cmd_ctx, user_name):
    # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring

    client = zhmcclient.Client(cmd_ctx.session)
    console = client.consoles.console
    user = find_user(cmd_ctx, console, user_name)

    except zhmcclient.Error as exc:
        raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)

    properties = dict(user.properties)

    # Add artificial property 'parent-name'
    properties['parent-name'] = console.name

    obj_cache = ObjectByUriCache(cmd_ctx, client)

    # Add artificial property 'user-role-names'
    role_names = [obj_cache.user_role_by_uri(role_uri).name
                  for role_uri in user.properties['user-roles']]
    properties['user-role-names'] = role_names

    # Add artificial property 'password-rule-name'
    rule_uri = user.properties['password-rule-uri']
    if rule_uri:
        # Authentication type is local
        rule_name = obj_cache.password_rule_by_uri(rule_uri).name
        properties['password-rule-name'] = rule_name
        # Authentication type is LDAP
        properties['password-rule-name'] = None

    # Add artificial property 'user-pattern-name'
        upat_uri = user.get_property('user-pattern-uri')
    except KeyError:
        # User is pattern-based
        upat_props = client.session.get(upat_uri)
        properties['user-pattern-name'] = upat_props['name']

    # Add artificial property 'user-template-name'
        utemp_uri = user.get_property('user-template-uri')
    except KeyError:
        # User is pattern-based
        utemp_props = client.session.get(utemp_uri)
        properties['user-template-name'] = utemp_props['name']

    # Add artificial property 'default-group-name'
    defgrp_uri = user.get_property('default-group-uri')
    if defgrp_uri:
        # User has a default group
        defgrp_props = client.session.get(defgrp_uri)
        properties['default-group-name'] = defgrp_props['name']
        # User has no default group
        properties['default-group-name'] = None

    # Add artificial property 'ldap-server-definition-name'
    lsd_uri = user.get_property('ldap-server-definition-uri')
    if lsd_uri:
        # User authentication type is LDAP
        lsd_props = client.session.get(lsd_uri)
        properties['ldap-server-definition-name'] = lsd_props['name']
        # User authentication type is local
        properties['ldap-server-definition-name'] = None

    # Add artificial property 'primary-mfa-server-definition-name'
        pmsd_uri = user.get_property('primary-mfa-server-definition-uri')
    except KeyError:
        # Property was introduced in HMC 2.15.0
        if pmsd_uri:
            # User's mfa-types includes mfa-server
            pmsd_props = client.session.get(pmsd_uri)
            properties['primary-mfa-server-definition-name'] = \
            # User's mfa-types does not include mfa-server
            properties['primary-mfa-server-definition-name'] = None

    # Add artificial property 'backup-mfa-server-definition-name'
        bmsd_uri = user.get_property('backup-mfa-server-definition-uri')
    except KeyError:
        # Property was introduced in HMC 2.15.0
        if bmsd_uri:
            # User's mfa-types includes mfa-server
            bmsd_props = client.session.get(bmsd_uri)
            properties['backup-mfa-server-definition-name'] = \
            # User's mfa-types does not include mfa-server
            properties['backup-mfa-server-definition-name'] = None

    print_properties(cmd_ctx, properties, cmd_ctx.output_format)

def cmd_user_password(cmd_ctx, user_name):
    # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring

    client = zhmcclient.Client(cmd_ctx.session)
    console = client.consoles.console
    user = find_user(cmd_ctx, console, user_name)

    password = click.prompt(
        "Enter new password for user '{u}' (at HMC {h})".
        format(u=user_name, h=cmd_ctx.session.host),
        hide_input=True, confirmation_prompt=True, type=str, err=True)

    properties = {'password': password}
    except zhmcclient.Error as exc:
        raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)

    click.echo("Password of user '{u}' has been updated.".format(u=user_name))

def cmd_user_create(cmd_ctx, options):
    # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring

    client = zhmcclient.Client(cmd_ctx.session)
    console = client.consoles.console

    org_options = original_options(options)

    name_map = {
        'like': None,
        'password-rule': None,
        'ldap-server-definition': None,
        'primary-mfa-server-definition': None,
        'backup-mfa-server-definition': None,
        'mfa-type': None,

    # Set up user properties from like user, if specified

    like_props = {}
    if org_options['like']:
            like_user = console.users.find_by_name(org_options['like'])
        except zhmcclient.Error as exc:
            raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)

        def _update(props, obj, name):
            Update props if the obj has a property with the name.

            The purpose of this is to copy only User properties that actually
            exist on the version of the targeted HMC. For example, the
            MFA-related properties were added in HMC version 2.15.0.
                value = obj.get_property(name)
            except KeyError:
            props[name] = value

        # The following properties are taken from the like user. These are
        # the properties that do not contain anything about the identity of the
        # user. The following identifying properties are not used:
        # - name
        # - password
        # - description
        # - email-address
        # - mfa-userid
        # - mfa-userid-override
        like_props = {}
        _update(like_props, like_user, 'type')
        _update(like_props, like_user, 'disabled')
        _update(like_props, like_user, 'authentication-type')
        _update(like_props, like_user, 'password-rule-uri')
        _update(like_props, like_user, 'force-password-change')
        if like_user.get_property('authentication-type') == 'ldap':
            # Specifying those for non-LDAP users fails
            _update(like_props, like_user, 'ldap-server-definition-uri')
            _update(like_props, like_user, 'userid-on-ldap-server')
        _update(like_props, like_user, 'session-timeout')
        _update(like_props, like_user, 'verify-timeout')
        _update(like_props, like_user, 'idle-timeout')
        if like_user.get_property('authentication-type') == 'local':
            _update(like_props, like_user, 'min-pw-change-time')
        _update(like_props, like_user, 'max-failed-logins')
        _update(like_props, like_user, 'disable-delay')
        _update(like_props, like_user, 'inactivity-timeout')
        _update(like_props, like_user, 'disruptive-pw-required')
        _update(like_props, like_user, 'disruptive-text-required')
        _update(like_props, like_user, 'allow-remote-access')
        _update(like_props, like_user, 'allow-management-interfaces')
        _update(like_props, like_user, 'max-web-services-api-sessions')
        _update(like_props, like_user, 'web-services-api-session-idle-timeout')
        _update(like_props, like_user, 'multi-factor-authentication-required')
        if like_user.get_property('multi-factor-authentication-required'):
            # Specifying those for non-MFA users fails
            _update(like_props, like_user, 'mfa-types')
            _update(like_props, like_user, 'primary-mfa-server-definition-uri')
            _update(like_props, like_user, 'backup-mfa-server-definition-uri')
            _update(like_props, like_user, 'mfa-policy')

    # Determine user properties from options

    option_props = options_to_properties(org_options, name_map)

    if org_options['password-rule'] in (None, ''):
        pass  # omit -> HMC sets to default
            rule = console.password_rules.find_by_name(
        except zhmcclient.Error as exc:
            raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)
        option_props['password-rule-uri'] = rule.uri

    if org_options['ldap-server-definition'] in (None, ''):
        pass  # omit -> HMC sets to default
            ldap_def = console.ldap_server_definitions.find_by_name(
        except zhmcclient.Error as exc:
            raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)
        option_props['ldap-server-definition-uri'] = ldap_def.uri

    if org_options['primary-mfa-server-definition'] in (None, ''):
        pass  # omit -> HMC sets to default
        raise NotImplementedError
        # TODO: Implement zhmcclient.MfaServerDefinition
        # try:
        #     mfa_def = console.mfa_server_definitions.find_by_name(
        #         org_options['primary-mfa-server-definition'])
        # except zhmcclient.Error as exc:
        #     raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)
        # option_props['primary-mfa-server-definition-uri'] = mfa_def.uri

    if org_options['backup-mfa-server-definition'] in (None, ''):
        pass  # omit -> HMC sets to default
        raise NotImplementedError
        # TODO: Implement zhmcclient.MfaServerDefinition
        # try:
        #     mfa_def = console.mfa_server_definitions.find_by_name(
        #         org_options['backup-mfa-server-definition'])
        # except zhmcclient.Error as exc:
        #     raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)
        # option_props['backup-mfa-server-definition-uri'] = mfa_def.uri

    if client.version_info() >= API_VERSION_HMC_2_15_0:
        if org_options['mfa-type'] in (None, ''):
            # 'mfa-types' remains unset in this case
            option_props['multi-factor-authentication-required'] = False
        elif org_options['mfa-type'] == 'hmc-totp':
            option_props['mfa-types'] = ['hmc-totp']
            option_props['multi-factor-authentication-required'] = True
            assert org_options['mfa-type'] == 'mfa-server'
            option_props['mfa-types'] = ['mfa-server']

        if org_options['mfa-policy'] == '':
            option_props['mfa-policy'] = None

        if org_options['mfa-userid'] == '':
            option_props['mfa-userid'] = None

        if org_options['mfa-userid-override'] == '':
            option_props['mfa-userid-override'] = None
        if org_options['mfa-type'] is not None \
                or org_options['mfa-policy'] is not None \
                or org_options['mfa-userid'] is not None \
                or org_options['mfa-userid-override'] is not None:
            raise click_exception(
                "Use of the MFA-related options --mfa-type, --mfa-policy, "
                "--mfa-userid, --mfa-userid-override require "
                "HMC version 2.15.0 or later.",

    if client.version_info() >= API_VERSION_HMC_2_14_0:
        if org_options['email-address'] == '':
            option_props['email-address'] = None
        if org_options['email-address'] is not None:
            raise click_exception(
                "Use of the --email-address option requires "
                "HMC version 2.14.0 or later.",

    properties = like_props

        new_user = console.users.create(properties)
    except zhmcclient.Error as exc:
        raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)

    click.echo("New user '{u}' has been created.".

def cmd_user_update(cmd_ctx, user_name, options):
    # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring

    client = zhmcclient.Client(cmd_ctx.session)
    console = client.consoles.console
    user = find_user(cmd_ctx, console, user_name)

    org_options = original_options(options)

    name_map = {
        'password-rule': None,
        'default-group': None,
        'ldap-server-definition': None,
        'primary-mfa-server-definition': None,
        'backup-mfa-server-definition': None,
        'mfa-type': None,

    properties = options_to_properties(org_options, name_map)

    if org_options['password-rule'] is None:
        pass  # omit -> no change
    elif org_options['password-rule'] == '':
        properties['password-rule-uri'] = None
            rule = console.password_rules.find_by_name(
        except zhmcclient.Error as exc:
            raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)
        properties['password-rule-uri'] = rule.uri

    if org_options['default-group'] is None:
        pass  # omit -> no change
    elif org_options['default-group'] == '':
        properties['default-group-uri'] = None
        raise NotImplementedError
        # TODO: Implement zhmcclient.Group
        # try:
        #     group = client.groups.find_by_name(
        #         org_options['default-group'])
        # except zhmcclient.Error as exc:
        #     raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)
        # properties['default-group-uri'] = group.uri

    if org_options['ldap-server-definition'] is None:
        pass  # omit -> no change
    elif org_options['ldap-server-definition'] == '':
        properties['ldap-server-definition-uri'] = None
            ldap_def = console.ldap_server_definitions.find_by_name(
        except zhmcclient.Error as exc:
            raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)
        properties['ldap-server-definition-uri'] = ldap_def.uri

    if org_options['primary-mfa-server-definition'] is None:
        pass  # omit -> no change
    elif org_options['primary-mfa-server-definition'] == '':
        properties['primary-mfa-server-definition-uri'] = None
        raise NotImplementedError
        # TODO: Implement zhmcclient.MfaServerDefinition
        # try:
        #     mfa_def = console.mfa_server_definitions.find_by_name(
        #         org_options['primary-mfa-server-definition'])
        # except zhmcclient.Error as exc:
        #     raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)
        # properties['primary-mfa-server-definition-uri'] = mfa_def.uri

    if org_options['backup-mfa-server-definition'] is None:
        pass  # omit -> no change
    elif org_options['backup-mfa-server-definition'] == '':
        properties['backup-mfa-server-definition-uri'] = None
        raise NotImplementedError
        # TODO: Implement zhmcclient.MfaServerDefinition
        # try:
        #     mfa_def = console.mfa_server_definitions.find_by_name(
        #         org_options['backup-mfa-server-definition'])
        # except zhmcclient.Error as exc:
        #     raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)
        # properties['backup-mfa-server-definition-uri'] = mfa_def.uri

    if client.version_info() >= API_VERSION_HMC_2_15_0:
        if org_options['mfa-type'] is None:
            pass  # omit -> no change
        elif org_options['mfa-type'] == '':
            # 'mfa-types' remains unset in this case
            properties['multi-factor-authentication-required'] = False
        elif org_options['mfa-type'] == 'hmc-totp':
            properties['mfa-types'] = ['hmc-totp']
            properties['multi-factor-authentication-required'] = True
            assert org_options['mfa-type'] == 'mfa-server'
            properties['mfa-types'] = ['mfa-server']

        if org_options['mfa-policy'] == '':
            properties['mfa-policy'] = None

        if org_options['mfa-userid'] == '':
            properties['mfa-userid'] = None

        if org_options['mfa-userid-override'] == '':
            properties['mfa-userid-override'] = None
        if org_options['mfa-type'] is not None \
                or org_options['mfa-policy'] is not None \
                or org_options['mfa-userid'] is not None \
                or org_options['mfa-userid-override'] is not None:
            raise click_exception(
                "Use of the MFA-related options --mfa-type, --mfa-policy, "
                "--mfa-userid, --mfa-userid-override require "
                "HMC version 2.15.0 or later.",

    if client.version_info() >= API_VERSION_HMC_2_14_0:
        if org_options['email-address'] == '':
            properties['email-address'] = None
        if org_options['email-address'] is not None:
            raise click_exception(
                "Use of the --email-address option requires "
                "HMC version 2.14.0 or later.",

    if client.version_info() < API_VERSION_HMC_2_14_0 \
            and org_options['force-shared-secret-key-change'] is not None:
        raise click_exception(
            "Use of the --force-shared-secret-key-change option requires "
            "HMC version 2.14.0 or later.",

    if not properties:
        click.echo("No properties specified for updating user '{u}'.".

    except zhmcclient.Error as exc:
        raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)

    click.echo("User '{u}' has been updated.".format(u=user_name))

def cmd_user_delete(cmd_ctx, user_name):
    # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring

    client = zhmcclient.Client(cmd_ctx.session)
    console = client.consoles.console
    user = find_user(cmd_ctx, console, user_name)

    except zhmcclient.Error as exc:
        raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)

    click.echo("User '{u}' has been deleted.".format(u=user_name))

def cmd_user_add_role(cmd_ctx, user_name, user_role_name):
    # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring

    # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel,cyclic-import
    from ._cmd_user_role import find_user_role

    client = zhmcclient.Client(cmd_ctx.session)
    console = client.consoles.console
    user = find_user(cmd_ctx, console, user_name)
    user_role = find_user_role(cmd_ctx, console, user_role_name)

    except zhmcclient.Error as exc:
        raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)

    click.echo("User role '{r}' has been added to user '{u}'.".
               format(r=user_role_name, u=user_name))

def cmd_user_remove_role(cmd_ctx, user_name, user_role_name):
    # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring

    # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel,cyclic-import
    from ._cmd_user_role import find_user_role

    client = zhmcclient.Client(cmd_ctx.session)
    console = client.consoles.console
    user = find_user(cmd_ctx, console, user_name)
    user_role = find_user_role(cmd_ctx, console, user_role_name)

    except zhmcclient.Error as exc:
        raise click_exception(exc, cmd_ctx.error_format)

    click.echo("User role '{r}' has been removed from user '{u}'.".
               format(r=user_role_name, u=user_name))