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### Simple IOC Container and DI tool for ruby.

Pinball is a library for using dependency injection within Ruby
applications. It provides a clear IOC Container that manages
dependencies between your classes.

# Features

* Stores objects, classes(as factories), blocks and singletons
* Can inject dependencies to classes and instances
* Simple DSL for configuring the container
* Stored block will be call in dependent class instance
* You can describe any context-dependent code in blocks

## Usage

### Class injection

Consider a `Service` class that has a dependency on a `Repository`. We would
like this dependency to be available to the service when it is created.

First we create a container object and declare the dependencies.

require 'pinball'

Pinball::Container.configure do
  define :repository, Repository

Then we declare the `repository` dependency in the Service class by
using the `inject` declaration.

class Service
  inject :repository

Now we can instantiate Service object and `repository` method will
be already accessible in it's constructor! In this case *repository*
method will return the instance of Repository.
**Notice:** each call of `repository` will create new instance of `Repository`.

### Object injection

Also you can inject any already existed object

require 'pinball'

Pinball::Container.configure do
  define :string, 'any pre-defined string'

In this case `string` method will return 'any pre-defined string'

### Block injection

The most powerful feature of pinball is block injection.
For example, you have `FirstService` class, that dependent on
`SecondService` class, but for instantiating `SecondService` you need
to pass `@current_user` from `FirstService` to it's constructor:

class FirstService
  inject :second_service

  def initialize(current_user)
    @current_user = current_user

class SecondService
  def initialize(current_user)
    @current_user = current_user

Simple defining of `SecondService` dependency will not work here.
So we can define dependency with a block:

Pinball::Container.configure do
  define :second_service do

This block will be executed it `FirstService` instance context where
`@current_user` will be accessible.
**Notice:** each call of `second_service` will call this block over and over again.

### Singletons

Instead of class injection, singleton injection will not create new objects every time. It will create only one and then
returns it. Perfect for stateless services and other singletons. Modifying of classes is not required.

Pinball::Container.configure do
  define_singleton :second_service, SingletonClass

### class_inject

Sometimes you need to inject dependency to class, when it must be available in
class methods. For this purpose Pinball has `class_inject` declaration:

  class Foo
    class_inject :baz


## Future plans

* Rails integration
* Dependency lifecycle managing in Rails context
* Smart caching

## Contributing

1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request

Inspired by [Encase gem](https://github.com/dsawardekar/encase "Encase gem")