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// Package adyen is Adyen API Library for GO
package adyen

import (

const (
    // DefaultCurrency is the default currency for transactions
    DefaultCurrency = "EUR"

    // DefaultClientTimeout is the default timeout used when making
    // HTTP requests to Adyen.
    DefaultClientTimeout = time.Second * 10

    // PaymentAPIVersion - API version of current payment API
    PaymentAPIVersion = "v52"

    // RecurringAPIVersion - API version of current recurring API
    RecurringAPIVersion = "v49"

    // PaymentService is used to identify the standard payment workflow.
    PaymentService = "Payment"

    // RecurringService is used to identify the recurring payment workflow.
    RecurringService = "Recurring"

    // CheckoutAPIVersion - API version of current checkout API
    CheckoutAPIVersion = "v52"

// Adyen - base structure with configuration options
//       - Credentials instance of API creditials to connect to Adyen API
//       - Currency is a default request currency. Request data overrides this setting
//       - MerchantAccount is default merchant account to be used. Request data overrides this setting
//       - client is http client instance
// Currency and MerchantAccount should be used only to store the data and be able to use it later.
// Requests won't be automatically populated with given values
type Adyen struct {
    Credentials     apiCredentials
    Currency        string
    MerchantAccount string

    client *http.Client

// New - creates Adyen instance
// Description:
//     - env - Environment for next API calls
//     - username - API username for authentication
//     - password - API password for authentication
//     - opts - an optional collection of functions that allow you to tweak configurations.
// You can create new API user there: https://ca-test.adyen.com/ca/ca/config/users.shtml
func New(env Environment, username, password string, opts ...Option) *Adyen {
    creds := makeCredentials(env, username, password)
    return NewWithCredentials(env, creds, opts...)

// NewWithHMAC - create new Adyen instance with HPP credentials
// Use this constructor when you need to use Adyen HPP API.
// Description:
//     - env - Environment for next API calls
//     - username - API username for authentication
//     - password - API password for authentication
//     - hmac - is generated when new Skin is created in Adyen Customer Area
//     - opts - an optional collection of functions that allow you to tweak configurations.
// New skin can be created there https://ca-test.adyen.com/ca/ca/skin/skins.shtml
func NewWithHMAC(env Environment, username, password, hmac string, opts ...Option) *Adyen {
    creds := makeCredentialsWithHMAC(env, username, password, hmac)
    return NewWithCredentials(env, creds, opts...)

// NewWithCredentials - create new Adyen instance with pre-configured credentials.
// Description:
//     - env - Environment for next API calls
//     - credentials - configured apiCredentials to use when interacting with Adyen.
//     - opts - an optional collection of functions that allow you to tweak configurations.
// New skin can be created there https://ca-test.adyen.com/ca/ca/skin/skins.shtml
func NewWithCredentials(env Environment, creds apiCredentials, opts ...Option) *Adyen {
    a := Adyen{
        Credentials: creds,
        Currency:    DefaultCurrency,
        client:      &http.Client{},

    if opts != nil {
        for _, opt := range opts {

    return &a

// Option allows for custom configuration overrides.
type Option func(*Adyen)

// WithTimeout allows for a custom timeout to be provided to the underlying
// HTTP client that's used to communicate with Adyen.
func WithTimeout(d time.Duration) func(*Adyen) {
    return func(a *Adyen) {
        a.client.Timeout = d

// WithTransport allows customer HTTP transports to be provider to the Adyen
func WithTransport(transport http.RoundTripper) func(*Adyen) {
    return func(a *Adyen) {
        a.client.Transport = transport

// WithCurrency allows for custom currencies to be provided to the Adyen.
func WithCurrency(c string) func(*Adyen) {
    return func(a *Adyen) {
        a.Currency = c

// ClientURL - returns URl, that need to loaded in UI, to encrypt Credit Card information
//           - clientID - Used to load external JS files from Adyen, to encrypt client requests
func (a *Adyen) ClientURL(clientID string) string {
    return a.Credentials.Env.ClientURL(clientID)

// adyenURL returns Adyen backend URL
func (a *Adyen) adyenURL(service, requestType, apiVersion string) string {
    return a.Credentials.Env.BaseURL(service, apiVersion) + "/" + requestType + "/"

// createHPPUrl returns Adyen HPP url
func (a *Adyen) createHPPUrl(requestType string) string {
    return a.Credentials.Env.HppURL(requestType)

// checkoutURL returns the Adyen checkout URL.
func (a *Adyen) checkoutURL(requestType, apiVersion string) string {
    return a.Credentials.Env.CheckoutURL(requestType, apiVersion)

// execute request on Adyen side, transforms "requestEntity" into JSON representation
// internal method to do a request to Adyen API endpoint
// request Type: POST, request body format - JSON
func (a *Adyen) execute(url string, requestEntity interface{}) (r *Response, err error) {
    body, err := json.Marshal(requestEntity)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, url, bytes.NewBuffer(body))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
    req.SetBasicAuth(a.Credentials.Username, a.Credentials.Password)

    resp, err := a.client.Do(req)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    defer func() {
        if cerr := resp.Body.Close(); cerr != nil {
            err = cerr

    buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
    if _, err = buf.ReadFrom(resp.Body); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    r = &Response{
        Response: resp,
        Body:     buf.Bytes(),

    if err = r.handleHTTPError(); err != nil {
        return nil, err


// executeHpp - execute request without authorization to Adyen Hosted Payment API
// internal method to request Adyen HPP API via GET
func (a *Adyen) executeHpp(url string, requestEntity interface{}) (r *Response, err error) {
    req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, url, nil)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    resp, err := a.client.Do(req)

    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    defer func() {
        if cerr := resp.Body.Close(); cerr != nil {
            err = cerr

    buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
    if _, err = buf.ReadFrom(resp.Body); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    r = &Response{
        Response: resp,
        Body:     buf.Bytes(),


// Payment - returns PaymentGateway
func (a *Adyen) Payment() *PaymentGateway {
    return &PaymentGateway{a}

// Modification - returns ModificationGateway
func (a *Adyen) Modification() *ModificationGateway {
    return &ModificationGateway{a}

// Recurring - returns RecurringGateway
func (a *Adyen) Recurring() *RecurringGateway {
    return &RecurringGateway{a}

// Checkout - returns CheckoutGateway
func (a *Adyen) Checkout() *CheckoutGateway {
    return &CheckoutGateway{a}