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package adyen

import "github.com/google/go-querystring/query"

// PaymentGateway - Adyen payment transaction logic
type PaymentGateway struct {

// authoriseType - authorise type request, @TODO: move to enums
const authoriseType = "authorise"

// directoryLookupURL - version 2 url for Directory Lookup request
const directoryLookupURL = "directory/v2"

// skipHppUrl - SkipDetails request endpoint
const skipHppURL = "skipDetails"

// authorise3DType - authorise type request, @TODO: move to enums
const authorise3DType = "authorise3d"

// AuthoriseEncrypted - Perform authorise payment in Adyen
// To perform recurring payment, AuthoriseEncrypted need to have contract specified and shopperReference
// Example:
//   &adyen.AuthoriseEncrypted{
//       Amount:           &adyen.Amount{Value: "2000", Currency: "EUR"},
//       MerchantAccount:  "merchant-account",
//       AdditionalData:   &adyen.AdditionalData{Content: r.Form.Get("adyen-encrypted-data")}, // encrypted CC data
//       ShopperReference: "unique-customer-reference",
//       Recurring:        &adyen.Recurring{Contract:adyen.RecurringPaymentRecurring}
//       Reference:        "some-merchant-reference",
//   }
// adyen.Recurring{Contract:adyen.RecurringPaymentRecurring} as one of the contracts
func (a *PaymentGateway) AuthoriseEncrypted(req *AuthoriseEncrypted) (*AuthoriseResponse, error) {
    url := a.adyenURL(PaymentService, authoriseType, PaymentAPIVersion)

    resp, err := a.execute(url, req)

    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return resp.authorize()

// Authorise - Perform authorise payment in Adyen
// Used to perform authorisation transaction without credit card data encrypted
// NOTE: Due to PCI compliance, it's not recommended to send credit card data to server
// Please use AuthoriseEncrypted instead and adyen frontend encryption library
func (a *PaymentGateway) Authorise(req *Authorise) (*AuthoriseResponse, error) {
    url := a.adyenURL(PaymentService, authoriseType, PaymentAPIVersion)

    resp, err := a.execute(url, req)

    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return resp.authorize()

// DirectoryLookup - Execute directory lookup request
// Link - https://docs.adyen.com/developers/api-reference/hosted-payment-pages-api
func (a *PaymentGateway) DirectoryLookup(req *DirectoryLookupRequest) (*DirectoryLookupResponse, error) {

    // Calculate HMAC signature to request
    err := req.CalculateSignature(a.Adyen)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    url := a.createHPPUrl(directoryLookupURL)

    v, _ := query.Values(req)
    url = url + "?" + v.Encode()

    resp, err := a.executeHpp(url, req)

    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return resp.directoryLookup()

// GetHPPRedirectURL - Generates link, so customer could be redirected
// to perform Hosted Payment Page payments
// Link - https://docs.adyen.com/developers/api-reference/hosted-payment-pages-api
func (a *PaymentGateway) GetHPPRedirectURL(req *SkipHppRequest) (string, error) {
    // Calculate HMAC signature to request
    if err := req.CalculateSignature(a.Adyen); err != nil {
        return "", err

    url := a.createHPPUrl(skipHppURL)

    v, _ := query.Values(req)
    url = url + "?" + v.Encode()

    return url, nil

// Authorise3D - Perform authorise payment in Adyen
func (a *PaymentGateway) Authorise3D(req *Authorise3D) (*AuthoriseResponse, error) {
    url := a.adyenURL(PaymentService, authorise3DType, PaymentAPIVersion)

    resp, err := a.execute(url, req)

    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return resp.authorize()