Wrike PHP LIBRARY - Wrike API V3 & V4
**This is generic library for [Wrike]( (online project management software) REST API.**
This package contains general documentation for all features.
This package is decoupled from unnecessary dependencies and can't be used without additional HTTP Client plugin.
* For general purpose please check full configured [Wrike PHP SDK]( - **recommended for most users**.
* For Symfony Framework please check full configured [Wrike bundle]( based on this library
* For none standard purposes please check:
* this generic [Wrike PHP Library](
* [HTTP Client plugin]( based on [guzzlehttp/guzzle]( package
* [response transformer plugin]( based on [jms/serializer]( package
| Major Version | Wrike API | PHP Compatibility | Initial release | Support |
| [V3]( | V4 | PHP 7.1, PHP 7.2, TBD | October, 2018 | TBD |
| [V2]( | V4 | PHP 5.5, PHP 5.6, PHP 7.0, PHP 7.1 | October, 2018 | Support ends on October, 2019 |
| [V1]( | V3 | PHP 5.5, PHP 5.6, PHP 7.0, PHP 7.1 | February, 2018 | Support ends on February, 2019 |
Project status
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**Branch 'master'**
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Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute the
following command to download the latest stable version of this bundle:
$ composer require zibios/wrike-php-library "^3.0"
This command requires you to have Composer installed globally, as explained
in the [installation chapter](
of the Composer documentation.
To try it yourself clone the repository:
git clone
cd wrike-php-library
and install dependencies with composer:
composer install
Run PHPUnit tests:
All operations are immutable and stateless.
* Resources access methods
$api = ApiFactory::create(<PermanentToken>); // @see zibios/wrike-php-sdk
$api->attachments()->update($attachmentId, $params);
$api->attachments()->uploadForFolder($attachmentId, $params);
$api->attachments()->uploadForTask($attachmentId, $params);
$api->comments()->update($commentId, $params);
$api->comments()->createForFolder($folderId, $params);
$api->comments()->createForTask($taskId, $params);
$api->contacts()->update($contactId, $params);
$api->customFields()->update($customFieldId, $params);
$api->dependencies()->update($dependencyId, $params);
$api->dependencies()->createForTask($taskId, $params);
$api->folders()->update($folderId, $params);
$api->folders()->createForFolder($folderId, $params);
$api->folders()->copy($folderId, $params);
$api->groups()->update($groupId, $params);
$api->ids()->getAll($params); // $params required
$api->invitations()->update($invitationId, $params);
$api->tasks()->update($taskId, $params);
$api->tasks()->createForFolder($folderId, $params);
$api->timelogs()->update($timelogId, $params);
$api->timelogs()->createForTask($taskId, $params);
$api->users()->update($userId, $params);
$api->workflows()->update($workflowId, $params);
* Params normalizer
$params = $api->normalizeParams([
'foo' => 'test',
'bar' => ['test' => 'test'],
// Array
// (
// [foo] => test
// [bar] => {"test":"test"}
// )
* Basic API usage
$params = $api->normalizeParams([
'fields' => ['metadata'],
'metadata' => ['key' => 'importantMetadataKey'],
$allContacts = $api->contacts()->getAll($params);
$params = $api->normalizeParams([
'metadata' => [
'key' => 'metadataKey',
'value' => 'metadataValue',
$updatedContact = $api->contacts()->update($contactId, $params);
* Upload Attachment Request require two params: resource and name
$params = $api->normalizeParams([
'resource' => fopen(__FILE__, 'rb'),
'name' => 'name.png',
$updatedContact = $api->attachments()->uploadForFolder($folderId, $params);
$updatedContact = $api->attachments()->uploadForTask($taskId, $params);
* Download Attachment Requests returns none transformed Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface
$response = $api->attachments()->download($attachmentId);
$response = $api->attachments()->downloadPreview($attachmentId);
* Advanced API usage
* $api->recreateForNew*() - returns new Api instance
$api = ApiFactory::create(<PermanentToken>); // @see zibios/wrike-php-sdk
$newApi = $api->recreateForNewAccessToken(<PermanentToken>);
$responseTransformer = new RawResponseTransformer();
$newApi = $api->recreateForNewResponseTransformer($responseTransformer);
$apiExceptionTransformer = new RawExceptionTransformer();
$newApi = $api->recreateForNewApiExceptionTransformer($apiExceptionTransformer);
Response transformers
Response can be returned in various formats according to used response transformer
| Transformer | Response | Comment |
|:------------------------ |:-----------------------------------| --------------------------------------- |
| PsrResponseTransformer | Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface | PSR response |
| PsrBodyTransformer | Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface | PSR response body |
| StringBodyTransformer | JSON string | PSR response body casted to JSON string |
| ArrayBodyTransformer | array | PSR response body casted to array |
| ResponseModelTransformer | ResponseModelInterface | check [Response transformer plugin]( |
| ResourceModelTransformer | ResourceModelInterface | check [Response transformer plugin]( |
* RequestMethodEnum
* RequestPathFormatEnum
* ResourceMethodEnum
* ResponseFormatEnum
**namespace Zibios\WrikePhpLibrary\Enum**
* AttachmentPreviewSizeEnum
* AttachmentTypeEnum
* CustomFieldAggregationEnum
* CustomFieldCurrencyEnum
* CustomFieldInheritanceTypeEnum
* CustomFieldTypeEnum
* CustomStatusColorEnum
* DependencyRelationTypeEnum
* InvitationStatusEnum
* LegacyEntityTypeEnum
* OptionalFieldEnum
* ProjectStatusEnum
* RescheduleModeEnum
* ScopeEnum
* SubscriptionTypeEnum
* TaskDatesTypeEnum
* TaskImportanceEnum
* TaskStatusEnum
* TreeScopeEnum
* UserRoleEnum
* UserTypeEnum
* WeekDayEnum
Breaking Changes
**V2.x due to changes in Wrike API V4**
| Request | Replacement / Description |
|:---------------------------------------------------------------------- |:--------------------------------------------------- |
| $api->getAccountResource()->getAll(); | Now returns only one (current) account |
| $api->getAccountResource()->getById($accountId); | Removed |
| $api->getAccountResource()->update($accountId, $params); | $api->getAccountResource()->updateDefault($params); |
| $api->getAttachmentResource()->getAllForAccount($accountId); | $api->getAttachmentResource()->getAll(); |
| $api->getCommentResource()->getAllForAccount($accountId); | $api->getCommentResource()->getAll(); |
| $api->getContactResource()->getAllForAccount($accountId); | $api->getContactResource()->getAll(); |
| $api->getCustomFieldResource()->getAllForAccount($accountId); | $api->getCustomFieldResource()->getAll(); |
| $api->getCustomFieldResource()->createForAccount($accountId, $params); | $api->getCustomFieldResource()->create($params); |
| $api->getFolderResource()->getAllForAccount($accountId); | $api->getFolderResource()->getAll(); |
| $api->getGroupResource()->getAllForAccount($accountId); | $api->getGroupResource()->getAll(); |
| $api->getGroupResource()->createForAccount($accountId, $params); | $api->getGroupResource()->create($params); |
| $api->getInvitationResource()->getAllForAccount($accountId); | $api->getInvitationResource()->getAll(); |
| $api->getInvitationResource()->createForAccount($accountId, $params); | $api->getInvitationResource()->create($params); |
| $api->getTaskResource()->getAllForAccount($accountId); | $api->getTaskResource()->getAll(); |
| $api->getTimelogResource()->getAllForAccount($accountId); | $api->getTimelogResource()->getAll(); |
| $api->getWorkflowResource()->getAllForAccount($accountId); | $api->getWorkflowResource()->getAll(); |
| $api->getWorkflowResource()->createForAccount($accountId, $params); | $api->getWorkflowResource()->create($params); |
**V3.x due to refactoring for PHP >=7.1**
* ArrayTransformer for Client JSON response is removed, only PSR response is accepted
* Strict types for method params and responses
| Deprecated methods | New methods |
|:----------------------------------- |:-------------------------- |
| $api->getAccountResource(); | $api->account(); |
| $api->getAttachmentResource(); | $api->attachments(); |
| $api->getColorResource(); | $api->colors(); |
| $api->getCommentResource(); | $api->comments(); |
| $api->getContactResource(); | $api->contacts(); |
| $api->getCustomFieldResource(); | $api->customFields(); |
| $api->getDependencyResource(); | $api->dependencies(); |
| $api->getFolderResource(); | $api->folders(); |
| $api->getGroupResource(); | $api->groups(); |
| $api->getIdResource(); | $api->ids(); |
| $api->getInvitationResource(); | $api->invitations(); |
| $api->getTaskResource(); | $api->tasks(); |
| $api->getTimelogResource(); | $api->timelogs(); |
| $api->getTimelogCategoryResource(); | $api->timelogCategories(); |
| $api->getUserResource(); | $api->users(); |
| $api->getVersionResource(); | $api->version(); |
| $api->getWorkflowResource(); | $api->workflows(); |
Full configured [Wrike PHP SDK](
Full configured [Symfony bundle]( based on Wrike PHP SDK
[Response transformer plugin]( for Wrike PHP Library
[HTTP Client plugin]( for Wrike PHP Library
Official [Wrike API Documentation](
[PSR Naming Conventions](
Package general architecture inspired by [mpclarkson/freshdesk-php-library](
This bundle is available under the [MIT license](LICENSE).