* This file is part of the zibios/wrike-php-library package.
* (c) Zbigniew Ślązak
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Zibios\WrikePhpLibrary\Enum;
* Custom Status Color Enum.
class CustomStatusColorEnum extends AbstractEnum
public const BROWN = '#795548';
public const RED = '#E91E63';
public const PURPLE = '#9C27B0';
public const INDIGO = '#673AB7';
public const DARK_BLUE = '#3F51B5';
public const BLUE = '#2196F3';
public const TURQUOISE = '#00BCD4';
public const DARK_CYAN = '#009688';
public const GREEN = '#8BC34A';
public const YELLOW_GREEN = '#CDDC39';
public const YELLOW = '#FFEB3B';
public const ORANGE = '#FF9800';
public const GRAY = '#9E9E9E';