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"""World Bank Data climate API helper.

This is a simple climate API helper focused on ease of use and getting data for
use with Orange data mining software. For a more comprehensive APIs see wbpy or
wbdata packages.
import json
import logging
import datetime
from itertools import product

from collections import defaultdict

from simple_wbd import utils

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class ClimateDataset(object):
    """Clime API response object.

    This object is just a holder for functions to transform climate API
    response into a more user friendly structure.
    # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods

    KEYS = ["country", "type", "interval"]
    _levels_map = {key: index for key, index in enumerate(KEYS)}
    _time_key_map = {"decade": "year"}

    def __init__(self, api_responses):
        self.api_responses = api_responses
        self.rows = None
        self.columns = None

    def as_dict(self):
        """Return api responses as nested dictionary.

        Resulting dict looks like
        result = {
            alpha3-country-code: {
                data-type: {
                        interval-start: value
        data-type: "pr" for precipitation and "tas" for temperature.
        interval: decade, year, month
        interval-start: year, starting year of a decade, 0 base indexed month.
        result = defaultdict(
            lambda: defaultdict(
                lambda: defaultdict(
                    lambda: defaultdict(float))))
        for country, country_dict in self.api_responses.items():
            for type_, type_dict in country_dict.items():
                for interval, interval_dict in type_dict.items():
                    value_data = result[country][type_][interval]
                    for value in interval_dict.get("response", []):
                        time_key = self._time_key_map.get(interval, interval)
                        value_data[value[time_key]] = value["data"]
        return result

    def _gather_keys_by_level(self, data, level=0, accomulator=None):
        """Gather all keys of a nested dict grouped by levels."""
        if accomulator is None:
            accomulator = defaultdict(set)

        if not isinstance(data, dict):
            return accomulator

        for key, value in data.items():
            self._gather_keys_by_level(value, level + 1, accomulator)

        return accomulator

    def _gather_keys(data):
        countries = set()
        types = set()
        intervals = set()
        for country, c_dict in data.items():
            for type_, t_dict in c_dict.items():
                for interval, i_dict in t_dict.items():
                    for key in i_dict:
                        intervals.add((interval, key))

        return countries, types, intervals

    def _get_all_keys(self, data):
        """Gather all key values by level for the current dataset."""
        keys = self._gather_keys(data)
        return {
            "country": keys[0],
            "type": keys[1],
            "interval": keys[2],

    def _join(strings):
        if isinstance(strings, (str, int)):
            return str(strings)

        return " - ".join(str(s) for s in utils.flaten(strings))

    def _get_level_key(self, row, column, key_name):
        if key_name in self.rows:
            if key_name == "interval":
                return row[-2:]
            return row[self.rows.index(key_name)]
            if key_name == "interval":
                return column[-2:]
            return column[self.columns.index(key_name)]

    def _generate_empty_array(self, dict_):
        """Generate empty array grid.

        This array will contain first line with headers and first column with
        row descriptions. All data fields will be empty.

            List of lists.
        all_keys = self._get_all_keys(dict_)
        row_items = product(*[all_keys[row] for row in self.rows])
        row_items = sorted([utils.flaten(item) for item in row_items])
        column_items = product(*[all_keys[c] for c in self.columns])
        column_items = sorted([utils.flaten(item) for item in column_items])

        array = [[self.rows] + [col for col in column_items]]
        column_count = len(column_items) + 1
        for row in row_items:
            array.append([row] + [None] * (column_count - 1))
        return array

    def _clean_string_columns(self, array, use_dates=False, use_names=False):
        """Turn first column and row into strings."""
        map_ = utils.get_alpha3_map()
        country_column_index = -1
        if "country" in self.columns and use_names:
            country_column_index = self.columns.index("country")
        country_row_index = -1
        if "country" in self.rows and use_names:
            country_row_index = self.rows.index("country")
        for i, row in enumerate(array):
            if use_dates and row[0][0] == "year":
                row[0] = datetime.date(row[0][1], 1, 1)
                if country_row_index > -1:
                    row[0][country_row_index] = map_.get(
                row[0] = self._join(row[0])
        for i in range(1, len(array[0])):
            if country_column_index > -1:
                array[0][i][country_column_index] = map_.get(

            array[0][i] = self._join(array[0][i])
        return array

    def _generate_list(self, use_dates=False, use_names=False):
        """Generate 2D array."""
        dict_ = self.as_dict()
        array = self._generate_empty_array(dict_)

        traversal = product(range(1, len(array)), range(1, len(array[0])))
        for row, column in traversal:
            interval, interval_key = self._get_level_key(
                array[row][0], array[0][column], "interval")
            country = self._get_level_key(
                array[row][0], array[0][column], "country")
            type_ = self._get_level_key(
                array[row][0], array[0][column], "type")
            array[row][column] = dict_[country][type_][interval][interval_key]

        return self._clean_string_columns(array, use_dates, use_names)

    def as_list(self, columns=None, use_dates=False, use_names=False):
        """Get a 2D array data representation.

        Note: if your data contains same decades and years the year collisions
        will use only one value, either year 1990 or decade 1990.
        if not columns:
            self.columns = ["type", "interval"]
            self.rows = ["country"]
            self.columns = columns
            self.rows = [key for key in self.KEYS if key not in columns]

        if not set(self.columns) < set(self.KEYS):
            raise TypeError("Columns argument contains invalid data")

        return self._generate_list(use_dates, use_names)

class ClimateAPI(utils.ApiBase):
    """Request data from the World Bank Climate API."""
    # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods

        "pr": ("Precipitation (rainfall and assumed water equivalent), in "
        "tas": "Temperature, in degrees Celsius",


    _default_intervals = [

    BASE_URL = "http://climatedataapi.worldbank.org/climateweb/rest/"
    INSTRUMENTAL_QUERY = "v1/{loc_type}/cru/{data_type}/{interval}/{location}"
    MAX_BASSIN_ID = 468

    def __init__(self, dataset_class=None):
        """Initialize climate api.

            dataset_class: Optional subclass of ClimateData.
        self.progress = {
            "pages": 0,
            "current_page": 0,
        self._dataset_class = ClimateDataset

    def _get_location(self, location):
        if location.isdigit():
            if 1 <= int(location) <= self.MAX_BASSIN_ID:
                loc_type = "basin"
                raise ValueError("basin id must be between 1 and 468.")
            location = utils.to_alpha3(location)
            loc_type = "country"
        return loc_type, location

    def get_instrumental(self, locations, data_types=None, intervals=None):
        """Get historical data for temperature or precipitation.

        data_type (str): ``pr`` for precipitation, or ``tas`` for temperature.
            If None is specified, both values will be returned.
        interval (str): Either ``year``, ``month`` or ``decade``.
        locations (list[str]): A list of API location codes - basin id numbers,
            or ISO alpha-2 or alpha-3
        flat_results (bool): If false, the result will be returned as a nested
            dict, otherwise the result will be a single level dict with a
            tuple key and normal value.

            dict: Nested dict with location on the first level, data type on
                the second, interval on the third and the appropriate data.
        if not data_types:
            data_types = self.INSTRUMENTAL_TYPES
        if not intervals:
            intervals = self._default_intervals

        api_responses = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict))
        parameters = list(product(locations, data_types, intervals))
        self.progress["pages"] = len(parameters)
        self.progress["current_page"] = 0
        for location, data_type, interval in parameters:
            self.progress["current_page"] += 1
            loc_type, location = self._get_location(location)
            query = self.INSTRUMENTAL_QUERY.format(
            url = self.BASE_URL + query
            api_responses[location][data_type][interval] = {
                "url": url,
                "response": json.loads(utils.fetch(url))

        return self._dataset_class(api_responses)