title: Sequent - CQRS & event sourcing framework for Ruby
Sequent is an opinionated CQRS and event sourcing framework (ES) written in Ruby. This site is intended
to help you learn and develop CQRS / ES applications in Ruby (using Sequent).
Sequent **focusses** on the **domain logic** of your application. It is web framework agnostic.
You can use it with Rails, Sinatra or whatever framework you like.
**Note:** This documentation applies to the **{{site.github.source.branch}}** branch
{: .notice--warning}
## Introduction
There are several guides available:
### 1. Getting Started
New to Sequent? The [getting started guide](/docs/getting-started.html) is the place to be!
### 2. Modelling the domain
In this guide we will use the Sequent concepts and create and code a first domain model
of our blog application. Go checkout the [modelling the domain guide](/docs/modelling-the-domain.html)
for step by step tutorial to create an app from scatch.
### 3. Building a web-application
In the [building a web-application guide](/docs/building-a-web-application.html) we continue with the
application created in the modelling the domain guide and add a web interface for it using the Sinatra
web framework.
### 4. Finishing the webapplication
In the [finishing the web-application guide](/docs/finishing-the-web-application.html) we continue with
the blog application and add form validation and let the Author's add Posts.
## Rails & Sequent
The [Rails & Sequent](/docs/rails-sequent.html) guide shows how to use Sequent in a
[Rails application](
## Reference Guide
Next to the tutorials there is the [Reference Guide](/docs/concepts.html) to provide and
in-depth explanation of the several concepts (like `AggregateRoot`, `Event`, `Command` etc) used in Sequent.
## Further reading
There is a lot more information available on CQRS and event sourcing:
- [Event sourcing](
- [Lars and Bob's presentation at GOTO Amsterdam](
- [Erik's blog series](
- [Simple CQRS example by Greg Young](
- [Google](
## License
Sequent is released under the MIT License.